my TI-30X II S is giving me the wrong answer.
wolfram gives the correct answer:
0.5cos(8(pi/12)) = -0.25
my calculator gives an answer:
0.5*cos(8*(pi/12)) = 0.499
whats wrong with my calcalator? :(
my TI-30X II S is giving me the wrong answer.
wolfram gives the correct answer:
0.5cos(8(pi/12)) = -0.25
my calculator gives an answer:
0.5*cos(8*(pi/12)) = 0.499
whats wrong with my calcalator? :(
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Why the fuck are you using that piece of shit just go buy a TI-84 you fucktard.
Radians or degrees
wolfram is so RAD, you DEGenerate
lots of classes forbid graphing calculators
let me guess... you didn't put it into radian mode
you dense son of a bitch
I swear you bastards will never learn
just fucking end my life
sorry i never used radians in biology classes is not my faulot
ty this fixed my calcualtor
Degrees are like the imperial measurements.
Outdated and in need of being scrapped.
We should just teach in radians to kids and not even mention degrees
Come on user a 5 year old can remember to leave a calculator in radian mode, you probably study civil engineering you forgetful faggot.
Imperial is shit, but, it is convenient to have a integer number to describe a right and straight angle.
Having to tell someone I need some fraction of a radian instead of 60 degrees. Teaching it is one thing but its too impractical to be used for laymen.
You could talk about 1/6 circle, laymen deal with 1/2" 1/4" 1/8" 1/16" etc. just fine.
Maybe. The problem would be once we get to more complex (relatively) fractions. I don't doubt that carpenters and construction works wouldn't be able to make the switch but we've tried it before and its too ingrained in our infrastructure designers to try now.
There's your problem
There's nothing wrong with imperial, metric is just as arbitrary.
>laymen deal with 1/2" 1/4" 1/8" 1/16" etc. just fine
>More than half of the participants in the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. "Why," they asked, "should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald's? You're overcharging us." Honestly. People thought a third of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound. After all, three is less than four!
Why would you use degrees in biology?
Also, rads is the default angle mode on calculators.
ALWAYS check the mode before calculating anything relating angles.
how do i know which one to use?
The last time I ever had to use a graphing calculator was calculus, pretty much forbidden and useless once you're out of like Calc II.
If you see [math]\pi[/math] anywhere in a trig function, I'm 100% sure you're supposed to be using radians.
>milligallons to a gallon
>buying a graphic calculator
>any year
>buying IT
wtf are you doing,
There's nothing magical about SI that lets you use prefixes or stops you from using them in Imperial
stupid fatties seen at mcdonalds. news at 11
the answer is -0.
You're using degrees when you want radians.
what why?
This has got to be the worst damage control I've ever seen
When will Americans start using non-retard units in general?
Still waiting for an argument why imperial is bad and metric is "non-retarded"
because they want to teach you to do math not to push buttons
they want intelligent students not cell phone texters
>Look at this beautiful pen and paper that mankind has developed over the centuries!
>We don't want you using it though, you can use this stone tablet and carve letters into it
There is only one base unit for each dimension.
E.g. kilograms is for mass, metre is for length, joules is for energy, etc.
This is not true for imperial units.
E.g. feet is for length, but yards is as well
And the size for the size of each unit is the same. You can tell the size based on the prefixes, which are constant throughout all units
E.g. miilimetre = 10^-3 metres
micrometer = 10^-6 metres
milligram = 10^-3 grams
microgram = 10^-6 grams
This is not the same from imperial units
E.g. 12 inches in a foot
3 feet in a yard
1760 yards in a mile
What the hell is that about?
But I do admit that kilograms should not be the SI unit for mass since it has a prefix. They should just make gram the SI unit for mass, it changes practically nothing. However, it's the only inconsistency in the metric system
>There is only one base unit for each dimension.
1 Tonne is 1,000 Kilograms
10,000 Gauss in 1 Tesla
100,000 Dynes in 1 Newton
10,000,000 Ergs in a Joule
10 Barye for the Pascale
1 Biot gets you 10 Ampere
2997924580 Franklin in a Coulomb
You were saying something about not having stupid extra named units?
Those units are not used on a day-to-day basis like yards and feet are. Yes, those metric units exist, but so does a smoot. You won't find those units you named outside technical fields. Even then, you probably wouldn't find them since you need to use SI units for formulas to work out.
1 Sthène is 1000 N
1 Pièze is 1,000 Pa
1 bar is 100,000 Pa
1 hyl aka metric slug aka mug aka TME is 9.80665 N
1 quintal is 100 kg
1 poncelet is 980.665 W
1 horsepower is 735.49875 W
Metric has it's baggage too
I thought it was second min hour day month year for metric
Tonne, Gauss, dyne, erg, bar, horsepower are used quite a lot.
>little endian
absolutely disgusting
Makes more sense than starting with the biggest one first.
>I care way more about all the times it was 05 seconds past the minute than whether it was 2016.
Guass, dyne, erg and bar originate from the CGS system of units. Tonne is just a shorthand way of saying megagram. Science does that a lot for some reason. Like how scientists call cyclohexane benzene. Also pic related
YMD=2016-08-14 or 2016-8-14
DMY=14.08.2016 or 14.8.2016
No, that's 1,3,5-cyclohexene.
>Also pic related
There's also an imperial ton. So what?