tell me everything u now about the "planet X"
Planet x
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It's not a planet.
i need something more especific bro
Which one?
Isnt it supposed to be a superearth with something like 10X earth mass?
Would it be fair to describe any body orbiting the sun but outside of the kuiper belt as a 'cuck planet'?
Some of them might have been cucked out of their original orbits, but some are just lonely and never were much closer to the sun.
Either way, lets go with it
It is a hypothetical planet observationally motivated by the orbital behaviors of a group of kuiperbelt objects. Some scientist think it would be in a very high and eccentric orbit with a period of roughly 18000years. It would also propably be a planet of the type "superearth", which seems to be very common among other systems, but is missing in our solar system
What are your thoughts on pulses caused supposedly by neutron stars rotating at 716 times per second ?
Yeah it's almost like that guy knows fuck all, huh?
I thought I missed something
>using u for you
Are you a 50-year-old trying to text?
Ok i just youtubed this shit and everyone keeps saying its approaching and going to hit us?
Why would a huge planet be doing that? Why wouldn't it be on a very far out orbit?
Why cant we see it with telescopes yet we can see stars and shit from galaxies away?
You fell for the bizarre conspiracy theory meme that dates back to 1920 and doesn't even have to do with the new discovered/predicted planet.
That youtube directed you to the conspiracy theory part of youtube indicates something about the types of videos it knows you watch.
Because that people have schizophrenia.
They think planet X is "Nibirus/Nemesis/howyoucallthatshit" by just looking at pictures with lens flares.
Are you sure you didnt just see a tinfoil-hatter video about "nibiru" or "nemesis" or how they call it?
I am pretty sure Planet X is meant to refer to this
lol i'm watching one now and theirs a dude in a suit talking about this shit
comedy gold hahahaha i'm gunna become a ufo researcher all i need is a cheap suit
And also, some people used this theory just to make money with bait titles how "OMG, NIBIRUS IS GONNA SMASH THE EARTH IN NEXT MONTH/WEEK/YEAR, SHARE THIS PLEASE.
So, this is why planet x is not taken with respect.
i'm watching one of these meme vids and they are saying its going to orbit close to earth or some shit and fuck it up gravity and shit
Ive found planet x. Its right over there
We are not talking about this shit, m8
nice one ;) this meme will be useful against the /x/tard manchildren tinfoilers
>21 posts and this is the only one actually answering OP
I fucking this board sometimes
We don't even have one image about this planet,
we need more time to study the orbit of this "object" before defining how it is.
>"Now we can go and find this planet and make the solar system have nine planets once again."
I want this printed on a cap.
Make The Solarsystem An Ennealogie Again
Youre talking about a 9th planet. Theres way more than a few nameless planet like objects orbiting way the fuck outside our solar system. When you say "planet x" you are referring to the conspiracy theory planet.
So we could stand on it?
>nameless planet like objects
But there's one hypothetical big object, like mentioned, and it's not /x/ Nibiru faggotry
Well, when some astronomers actively looking for it, call it planet X, I thought I could too. But this thread showed me, that conspiracy bullshit is more popular than actual articles in science journals
Well, if their hypothesis is true, it would have a solid surface, yes
"superearth" is a classification only based on the mass of the planet
>My anus