Why do psychedelics always eventually lead me to the conclusion that I am everyone? As in, everyone is part of the same universal consciousness and we are all just different manifestations of it, in living organism form?
Every time it leads to this and once my mind makes the realization a shock of fear literally goes through my body and I double check whether I'm having a heart attack
Anyone else. Please tell me someone else has felt this before
Same thing happens to me Everything seems to be connected
Luis Reyes
Psychedelics are a drug that give you delusions when your on them. You believe that they're more than just a delusion, because that's what a delusion is.
Xavier Thomas
I know it's a delusion, but why do people talk so much about getting this specific delusion? This one.
Levi Butler
Probably it interferes with the parts of your brain chemistry which create your sense of self. I am no neurochemist nor did I do drugs, but that sounds plausible to me and I am sure someone is more informed about this than me.
Jose Walker
cause we were all connected and shieett senpai
Dominic Ramirez
why does f a m convert to senpai lololol
Liam Allen
Hmm yes probably, maybe it's extreme dissociation
Juan Torres
Philosophically, this is not any less reality which you experience every day.
Robert Russell
Because that is the underlying truth of the matter. We are all all of existence.
Jackson Rodriguez
What does that mean
Carson Rodriguez
Ive been taking LSD since I was 13 and I have lost count of how many times I have taken it in my life and I have never gotten any thoughts like that even on high dose trips. It just doesn't make sense to me. It is so much more realistic, reasonable, and probable, that consciousness is just something that exists as a spectrum for all organisms and is something that happened to evolve in us, probably along side our capacity for language.
Grayson Stewart
Why do people talk so much about seeing scary images when they are alone in the dark? Why so specifically scary? Are you trying to imply through your question that because its so common around other people that it has to be true? Well then ghosts and demons have to be true as well then.
Christian Jenkins
Thanks I needed to hear this. I've been worrying that's all because these feelings are SO weird (to me) and SO outside of normal imagination that the memory really sticks with me
I'd be willing to wager that this is extremely important to the sense of ego dissolution caused by psychadelics
Caleb Evans
Just you trying to make sense of what you feel without your ego. You become indistinguishable from everyone else, which commonly leads to you leaping to the unified consciousness idea. There is no meaningful evidence for this, it's just a state of mind that is easily misinterpreted.
Aaron Roberts
So I experienced ego death from weed alone?
Luke Ross
Meditation alone can be enough to get into that state.
Adrian Hill
weed is a weak psychedelic I believe. Did you actually have trouble telling yourself apart from other people/the environment? I haven't heard of that happening on weed, but then again I don't have a lot of personal experience with it
Matthew Hill
No it was just a delusion though it wasn't even really an experience. It was more like a hallucination that only my mind exists, and anything outside my range of vision and hearing right now literally does not exist unless I go and observe it
Elijah Mitchell
I think that sounds more like dissociation. I feel like that when I get really focused on a video game or when I meditate.
Jack Stewart
HOLY SHIT I just read someone else on reddit describe EXACTLY what I experienced
What he said:
I felt as though i had been reincarnated, but this wasn't the first time. It went deeper. Somehow i came to the conclusion that i have actually, at some point, lived everyone's life and that is because life as we know it wasn't real, it was just a thought in my head and i was in fact, God. I was upset by this because i had never felt more alone in my life, because everyone i had ever met, known or spoken to was just a fragment of myself living another life. I felt as though each time I have lived my purpose was to answer a question by the end of my life, but i was not able to answer this question as i didn't know what the question was. Eventually i started to believe that other people were really who they claimed to be and came back to reality.
Omfg this is terrifying please tell me it's not true.
Aiden Rodriguez
that what's not true?
Ian Stewart
Oh God this cannot be true. Please fucking tell me it isn't:
The fact that so many ppl go through this exact same process, including the lonelyness of realizing everyone is you, makes me think there has to be something to it. I still believe it, but I cant let go of my atrachment to my family so Im also in denial at the same time. In other words I feel its true but cant emotionally accept the implications fully. Its also brought me to the conclusion that all of this is exactly what an eternal being would do to cope with eternal solitude (creating the illusion of "others" and self inducing amnesia). Even my step-brother has experienced this and its hit him much harder than myself.
Carter Sanchez
"""""The only way to relate what I "experienced" in human language was that I broke through the veil of ego, and witnessed what seemed to be a "movie" of humanity from the third person perspective. I saw battles from what looked like a medieval time period, and had "thoughts," which were not "my" thoughts, narrating my experience. I perceived how everything was illusory; everyone/thing was a reflection of me, and I one of them. This was the moment when I realized "I" was "god," and let me tell you something...This was probably the most painful and agonizing experience of my entire life. The realization that nothing is real...and that you/I are literally all alone, creating this twisted drama, broke my spirit and will. It was perhaps the epitome of a solipsistic nightmare realized.""""""
Am I going insane. This isn't true is it. This is just complete fucking nonsense. Just delusions of a bad trip. Tell me this isn't true.
Aiden Edwards
I mean you can come up with a story to support most things. I assume you're tripping on lsd, so go with the flow or whatever, don't let the veil of anxiety make you feel bad about anything.
Michael White
check this place out if you want some other druggies to talk to chat.tripsit.me/
If you want my opinion (only tried shrooms at lower doses btw) it's that those sorts of visions are something to behold and appreciate, but it doesn't give you any power. It's your mind telling a story, and the drug also makes you more apt to believe it I guess.
When i smoke a lot of good weed i get the opposite, i feel like i am nothing but a set of neurons working together, I begin to look at things more objectively and I get to the conclusion that the reality we perceive is only a mixture of our senses being interpreted by our brain. With this the concept of self falls apart, I think that this is close to the truth but it has ruined my normal life. I have stopped doing weed since then
Caleb King
Do you get over it eventually?
What do you mean it ruined your normal life? I want my normal life back
Ian Sanders
fuck bro youre so deep
Zachary Lewis
Thank you I needed to read this post lol honestly
Carson Edwards
38.... fucked with a lot of psychedelics.. and here's my 2 cents...
psychedelic drugs can let you know that our individual conditioning gives us a sense of separation and therefore, identity. Seeing that identity is just a construct is a very powerful experience. The problem is that our every day conditioned mind is a result of millions of years of evolution and more recently, human socialization . These are powerful forces that we fall back into when we return to our everyday mentality. The return is so complete that we no longer experience the unity of consciousness, we just try to remember it because deep down we know that we have seen something very real and profound. It is so different that we have to ask "was that even fucking real?!!" yes it was , but just knowing that does not allow you to access that state. I know that my sex drive is an evolutionary construct, but I'll still be horny tomorrow, no matter how I feel about it. Its the same thing. To remain in a state of non ego is more difficult than completely transcending sex drive, and its a tricky path I'm not remotely qualified to comment on. To even begin, you would really have to want to abandon your identity. Thats the first question.. do you?.... really?... REALLY???..... and thats just the start
Asher Watson
Not having an ego in the sense of basic identity is pretty impossible if you want to be a functional human being. I think ego death/dissolution is a lot better in occasional bursts to shock you a bit and keep your daily sober mind reflective on that state of mind.
Landon Reyes
exactly... really acheiving that state would be the end game... letting go of everything that you currently use to make sense of life.... I don't want/ am not ready for this... how do I know? I'm still here... if I was really ready to stop being me, I wouldn't be me
Ryder Foster
I don't think I want enlightenment
And I think true enlightenment is realizing that you don't want it because the answers may scare you and it's not a risk worth taking
Elijah Brown
An expansive and well rounded perspective isn't something you can get over night, and there are many ways of getting to the same-ish place mentally.
Thomas Watson
the "risk" is your life as your know it... and its not a risk... its a surefire loss.I think tt comes down to simple choice.. true enough.. it just may be an ignorant notion to reduce this issue to an all or nothing scenario
Chase Murphy
Maybe it was a little bit exaggerated, I can live normally but there is always this feeling that the self doesn't exists etc. Sometimes more sometimes less
Aiden Nelson
>2016 >Not wanting enlightenment >Falling for the ego's easiest trick ISHYGDDT
Reading this thread getting some flashbacks senpai. Same experience but tell me it matters anyway.
There was a thread on Veeky Forums a while ago that dealt with similar issue. Apparently they did studies on psychedelics and mapped areas of the brain it affected. I can't recall the areas but psychedelics inhibbited nueortransmitters in areas associated with sense of self.
Point being that any loss of self you may feel and the assoicated thoughts, are at least on some level due to the you brain not being able to find itself.
Anyway you might as well start meditation. Like thats where all the real shit about self discovery is found.
There is book, can't remember details, but this hippi dude goes to a monastery for a retreat after a bit he starts talking to a monk about all these trippy experiecnes he had on acid. The monk just looked at him and said something like, that is such a small thing, that is just the beginning or something. Was a biography or something.
So! OP! IF what you are experiencing has any truth then you are freaked out cause you don't know what you are experiencing cause there is so much more at play than you realise.
hope this helps your psychedelic crisis OP, have a good day/night :)
Justin Foster
Why are you morons on Veeky Forums?
Samuel Taylor
Hey you're ruining their safe space.
Gavin Perry
>sci discusses psychedelics fairly often but no talk of the mathematical aspect of the experience I guess you guys aren't autistic enough after all. Psychedelia at its best is YOU becoming an exotic manifold.
Connor Sanders
It's you becoming retarded on drugs, there's nothing rational to discuss about what you claim to be an irrational experience
Christian Thompson
>tfw you have had the exact same experiences as these anons ITT scary how similiar it was hello me(s)
Easton Bennett
Because your short and long term memory is getting blocked while you on your trip which ultimately leads to egodeah and you lose your identity. And this results in you thinking/believeing you are part of one big entity, e.g. if you are tripping with a friend you might think you are one person/he is the personification of thoughts youself made up.
Because of the shock/fear feeling: Maybe you are not ready to get completely lost in the psychedelic (at least at the doses you are taking) so maybe have an anchor with you, like a piece of board where it is written that you are on a substance and still one person and not having a heart attack
Hunter Young
I can relate to this
John Ramirez
He's a very pure man. I doubt he even consumes caffeine. Don't shill him in this meme degeneracy thread.
Nathaniel Davis
got you senpai, I had the same feeling, felt alone, overcome with the terrors of the world (why is there war if we are one | in one conciousness) What really terrified me was, that even I, in form of God (not GOD himself, but a godly form of my self) will have the power to change everything that I observe, be it as god or as being. This sense of power quickly overwhelmed me, I went to my mother & to see some of my closest friends. I had a sense of togetherness, a feeling of your self being reflected in another being. My mother made me understand love, in a sense of a bond that people connect with. After this I was no longer terrified, but accepted that I am not my godly version, but strongly bonded to it. Understanding how to look at the aspects of being & god is like watching a flickering flame in a dark room. think abt it.
Also, guessing that I have a godly form made reinvented the idea of being alone & being together. But thats kinda hard to describe.
You should get something that is an epitaph for your self, a necklace or some toy that you really liked.
be well my friend
[spoiler] also, this could also be your brain just spazzin out, so don't think abt it to much... [/spoiler]
Hunter Price
I know right? I dropped a shit ton of acid. you can't realize the glorious blinding light of existence without crying.
Jordan Baker
This realization doesn't have to be "bad". Technically, it can be neither good nor bad. Just equal parts of both. A will has the power to be much stronger once you know that a will doesn't hold true power. You can do anything once you realize you don't have to do anything. I find it fun and tormenting, the realization of one-ness. It's cool hearing other people talk about this though
Parker Williams
>tell me this isn't true Your ego is gripping your meat suit so tightly dude. it doesn't want to accept it. But the truth is, there's no reason to accept it or deny it.
Hudson Cook
What? There's nothing to discuss about an experience where you become an interesting surface? There's plenty to discuss about that, don't be silly. Lots of mathematicians would value such an experience.
Josiah Nelson
>falling for the ego's simplest trick Speak the truth user. You know the thing that you take information to and it tells you how it feels, then "you" act upon the information. That choice, of enlightenment or not, is literally asking the ego if it wants to kill itself. Your brain will throw chemicals at your conciousness because that's been evolutionarily safer. you're just reacting to the fear that your brain is projecting into the part of your brain that is "you".
Charles Rivera
A chemical that kicks the model making machine that is the brain into active thinking and feeling? I don't see how you don't think the effects of physical phenomena on the conciousness are fucking amazing. It's like playing with a complex quantum computer that's taken billions of years to develope. & you get to experience it.
Nicholas Thomas
This thread is really embarassing
Robert Hughes
Tyler Bailey
I had that feeling from weed before. A completely dissociation from everything.
Pretty rad desu.
One moment I'm getting ready for bed, the next. Bam. I'm entranced by everything in the room. Reminded me of Huxley in doors of perception.
Brandon Wood
I get these thoughts on DXM rather than LSD.
Nolan Ortiz
On weed I felt all my friends as branches on a tree, in the 4D sense; everyone's branches are connected at some point. Those of friends wind closely around each other, and you've probably crossed the path of everyone in your city.
For some reason I found the thought that we're all people, peopling around, was hilarious - because we all are different, yet are committing the same act by being a person. I can't really convey it in words, it was so bizarre, and there's no way I could feel like that daily and function.
Asher Reyes
They amplify feelings of empathy, which is why you feel connected with everyone and everything.
David Ortiz
protip: the sense of self is an illusion. everything is energy or matter and one, every separation is an illusion.
don't worry my friend. go out, meet with friends, go to work and let some time pass. after a while everything will be back to normal. and please don't do drugs if you are not ready for these crazy experiences.
Carson Fisher
the difference is that you turned inside while he turned outside.
Alexander Martin
no qualia cannot be explained via materialism therefore qualia proves that there is a soul if there is a soul there can be self and identity
Carson Cruz
matter and energy are the same thing as consciousness. everything you see, feel, smell, hear, i.e. experience is a part of yourself / consciousness. you are everything you experience and at the same time there is no you, at least not a separate self.
Tyler Peterson
>Proves that there's a soul Kek
Cameron Reed
Leo Moore
In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experientially and experimentally. When the limits are determined, it is found that they are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits. The body imposes definite limits.
Benjamin Kelly
>he cannot believe the only possible explanation because of cognitive dissonance
did you read my post or is this just bait?
John Collins
Thomas Ward
>qualia cannot be explained via materialism
Yes, actually it can.
Blake Gutierrez
I thought I was a giant penis
Jackson Sullivan
Carter Parker
Because you are a stupid dope-smoking teenager.
Hudson Baker
When really fucking altered, your brain dumbs down a lot and you end up having the ego death that everyone keeps throwing around. In that state of dumb and disconnected, it isn't hard to trace back logic steps of "im in the universe" to "im part of the universe" to "the universe is me" to "I am the universe and everything in the universe is me" to "we are all the universe". See how that works? If you really want to delve deep into psychedelic research, try looking up some documentaries on LSD or DMT, but honestly they will mostly just lead to a bunch of woo-woo bullshit. Still kind of interesting though.
Logan Collins
There is a part of your brain/circuit that starts to function around month 6, with which psychedelics interfere. This brain function tells you where you end and the universe begins.
Head on over to 420chan.org, y'all would get along quite nicely.
Parker Robinson
The nervous system, forward feedback loops, enumerative combinatorics creating unique emergent properties, etc.
You don't need a soul to have a self and an identity.
Kayden Stewart
You aren't me.
Mason Barnes
Anthony Williams
that doesn't explain qualia at all
Wyatt Morris
That is the perceptual illusion caused by your complete ignorance of the nervous system, feedback, and emergence.
Brandon Harris
you can't - nor has anyone ever been able to - explain it using these terms because its simply not possible but you cannot accept that because it conflicts with inner notion of how the world works
Jace Davis
>inner notion of how the world works You are the one with the notion that qualia is somehow separate from the emergent feedback loops created by the material nervous system without even presenting any specific problem or giving any evidence of qualia expressed outside of something with a nervous system.
Ryan Mitchell
I've had a very similar experience actually. Except I also thought that since I'd had this realisation this iteration of the universe had reached its end and it would start from the beginning again, repeating in an endless loop. Needless to say the universe didn't stop so I figure I was mistaken in my beliefs. A strange experience to be sure. Fucking shrooms.
Liam Hughes
Better question, how does that jpg pic work?
Evan Green
Stationary contrast that mimics shadow projection from light sources in a single frame image can create the illusion of motion due to the human brain's motion detection techniques.
Parker Turner
absolutely user
you said you wanted to see everything
everything isnt always comforting
but yes, absolutely
Jack Hughes
>everyone is part of the same universal consciousness and we are all just different manifestations of it
Make sure you never watch End of Evangelion while on drugs. You might end up killing yourself.
Ian Rivera
how could a machine see red as red, instead of a specific value on a color spectrum? you parroting "emergent feedback loops" and other bullshit won't change the fact that it's impossible.
Jaxon Hernandez
You still can't use the god of the gaps(or the soul of the gaps if you will) to prove a soul or something similar exists. Just because we don't know how our neural mechanisms lead to consciousness doesn't mean a soul is behind it.
Asher Sullivan
>watch End of Evangelion while on drugs. That actually sounds kinda fun
Cooper Cox
>how could a machine see red as red, instead of a specific value on a color spectrum? Are you implying that you see red as red and not just as a specific value on a colour spectrum? Because you don't.
Christopher Powell
Not him, but I did this but played it 2x faster. It was indeed fun as hell.
Nicholas Flores
jesus fucking christ if you dont want to believe it fine there is literally no NO NONE possible materialist explanation AT ALL you know why? because its IMPOSSIBLE and it is COMPLETELY incompatible with materialism
but keep on believing you're a cool rational guy because you know what "god of gaps" is