Is there anything in existence that there is actually a googolplex of?
Is there anything in existence that there is actually a googolplex of?
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something something quantum states I guess.
Sub atomic particles. Electrons maybe, quarks have a better chance.
Dark matter sounds plausible, but I'm not redpilled enough to say for sure.
By the way, how big is a zero? That pic is retarded unless it tells me how large each zero is.
It would fit in the universe though
Since the universe is actually 10^1220 bigger than the "known universe" (aka what we can see at this arbitrary moment in time because it has been able to travel the distance at light speed given enough time and taking into account the expansion of the universe)
planck length
Wiki is your friend:
I was thinking about some form of measurement, but I felt it was a copout.
I prefer the idea of a more tangible thing
>I prefer the idea of a more tangible thing
There are about 10^80 atoms in the *observable* universe.
But since we don't know how much larger the actual universe is, there *might* be a googolplex of atoms in the whole universe.
Seems unlikely, but there's no way to actually judge the likelyhood I know of.
That's why I went for electrons and quarks, there's more of them than atoms.
my IQ
We don't know how large the universe is. It literally could be infinite. We only know about the "known" universe. For instance, that "big bang" theory may only just involve out local section of the universe. The universe may be so large that there are many "big bangs" all over it, just too far away for us to ever know about. It may look like rain drops on a windshield, if you looked at it as a 2D plane only it occurs 3D across all axis.
That number is the amount of times I banged your gf/wife/daughter/beloved pet
Permutations of all possible quark configurations in the known universe in every Planck second for a graham number of years in both temporal directions
>babbies still impressed by the size of natural numbers
>numbers above 10^200 are existant
But isn't universe infinite?
>not understanding what you just read
functions from a set of size googol to a set of size ten
>But isn't universe infinite?
You tell me.
Google doesn't have a clear answer, so I guess it's unknowable.
What is "Number of sexual partners your whore of a mom has had for $1,000, Alex".
*Why* /must you/ spEAK _like this?_
He wants to place emphasis on certain words
Your mom's mass