God here
ask me any scientific question Veeky Forums
God here
What is the ordered pair which has the best question to ask you as its first element and the answer to this question as its second?
Why there is not snowboard halls everywhere having enought solar energy to get it cool?
Wtf is Mochizuki-sensei talking about?
why do i hate myself?
Not even Allah knows the answer to this one.
can you make an unmovable rock then move it?
Why did you give men a g-spot in their asshole?
why do you keep constantly fucking up my life instead of just giving me what I want?
I didn't even ask for too much you asshole
Why? For the glory of Satan of course.
The question you just asked.
Prove or give a counter-example of the following statement:
In three space dimensions and time, given an initial velocity field, there exists a vector velocity and a scalar pressure field, which are both smooth and globally defined, that solve the Navier–Stokes equations.
Why did you make Jesus die on the cross?
Nice question here, but what's the ordering?
(not OP here)
So that three days later he could be ressurected.
Is time quantized?
Is space quantized?
Is the Riemann Hypothesis true?
But what's the point of him being tortured to death just so he can come back a couple days later?
He became a martyr. This led to the infestation of Roman Empire by the christian sects, which led to it's downfall, and ushered a new era of religious oppression for the past 2000 years.
Is there a way to circumvent the universal speed limit so we can have FTL travel?
Please say yes.
Well I say yes, but that is only if you don't stop or travel to exactly the same spot you travelled from.
You can go at infinite speed so long as the endpoint is the start point.
Very well, then I would like the TOP 100 questions on pastebin in the above specified format.
For starters maybe put the second best pair in a post.
I really like the Mass Effect take on this. Apparently they use darkmatter/energy to create a zero mass field. It's used for everything. In guns, for example, you don't use gunpowder. The field surrounds the bullet and propels it at a extremely large speed. They propel spaceships over large distances simply by putting the field around it and pushing it towards another point in space. Since it's masseless it can travel very fast.
Yes, yes, I know. It's Sci-Fi. It's still nice to think about FTL, since our laws forbid it.
How do magnets work?
They don't. Magnets are the work of the devil.