What is the science behind shitposting? This is not even a troll. I just want to understand the mechanisms that undergoes through a person minds when shitposting on Veeky Forums.
What happens at the brains that makes people do ironic, baity, sarcastic posts? Is it related to pleasure and attention seekism?
What is the science behind shitposting? This is not even a troll...
Eliciting an emotional response from people is entertaining, thats it
How can people even be sure about it? I can pretend to be mad and not even be.
What are the underlying psychological mechanisms that makes shitposting manifests?
it's just funny to say stupid shit with no repercussions
lol trump niggers sjw school shooting sharpie in pooper jews
Release some dopamine for me
I want to fuck that wyvern.
My understanding of "shitposting" seems to be different than yours. As I understand it, shitposters expect the audience to also be in on the joke.
If the audience isn't, then the post is just vanilla troll bait. The joy there is schadenfreude. You've tricked someone into thinking you were sincere, and you laugh at their misunderstanding.
In shitposting, the humor is derived from the "subversion of expectation" typical of *any* joke. We expect words/jpegs/content to be used in XYZ way, and when the deviation from that script is clever in some way, we laugh. The reader knows that the author doesn't *really* think Hillary is a reptilian (or whatever the fuck the post is), and this manipulation of what might otherwise be a sincere expression is interpreted with a wink.
This subversion is my general theory of humor, but I don't know how to reconcile it with (1) pure vanilla antagonistic trolling or (2) reposting the same god damn meme over and over. The latter is purely based on the expected. Why is it funny? Why do I still laugh when I see that goddamn cat?? Idk.
also this def isn't my original idea. google it if you want a better explanation. It's possible it only explains a subset of the space of all possible keks, but it works in most cases of what I personally find funny. As a disclaimer, I think Family Guy, South Park, and American Dad are dumb as hell so my sense of humor might differ from yours.
I thought shitposting was just an umbrella term for... bad posts. But mostly stuff that doesn't contribute to the conversation.
Like "I lol'd", or "OP is a figgitty faggoty foo."
It's possible. I spend more time on tumblr than on Veeky Forums. The term might be used differently in these communities.
(also disclaimer tumblr isn't all bad. there's some absolute fucking garbage idiots there, sure. but there are good corners)
internet tourette's, that's what it's like for me
Consistent and compounding disappointment alongside an expectation of a complete lack of possible return on investment.
It's easy, it's fun, and it gets you something out of an otherwise useless system full of useless individuals. Veeky Forums is like a gambling addiction for me, so a degeneration into shitposting allows a half measure to just leaving outright.
>I'm only pretending to be mad!
That's how I know you're mad
This poster is correct.
I'm very good at putting on a completely hollow front of aggression, because I have a near limitless wellspring of irritation, rage, and misery to selectively draw from.
If you're actually good at faking emotional / logical states, chances are you have a basis you're drawing from. Very few actors brute force their emotions around.
... chemical imbalance in the taint area... and the brain
And if you aren't mad, insisting that you are will invariably also make you mad
so that guideline about posting
that many forums have about posting
"make sure to put some thought into your post"
doesn't apply to the shitposter
the shitposter is a slave to their baser instincts.
His racict views are an impulse when he sees something he doesn't like, or reads something he feels is trivial.
then when you shit post for so long you realize how trivial everything is and shitpost about everything. Then the feedback loop beats the message that everything is shit, and you're just having fun into your head.
then you get bored of shitposting, and decided to up your game and start posting kek's, and jej's.
its not sci but read the tiny book "On Bullshit"
you'll get the idea.
It's like you peeled back the Internet and peered right into my soul.
I've never felt this kind of connection with someone before. I love you, user.
Veeky Forums isn't even sci.
\left\{\sum_{k \in F} r^k : F \subset \mathbb{Z}\right\} = \left[0, \frac{r}{1-r}\right]
When on Veeky Forums you think you're posting something good you're dead fucking wrong unless you've humiliated all of your opponents into submission. Literally the only way to get anyone to listen to you around here is by being the biggest shitposter in the room. Only at that point can anyone evaluate whether or not your post was valid to begin with. You force your opponent to be embarrassed at unexpected turns and become self referential and that's when you call them a "faggot from Reddit" and switch threads.
It's basically just showing more or less creative reactance against all that conformity within the given context of Veeky Forums. It's the good old "sticking it to the Man". Now fuck off faggot.
There are many reasons
>attempts at being funny
Just that. Bad jokes and memes.
Saying something stupid or purposefully offensive to get an unexpected, amusing or interesting response from the targets.
>people being dumb
Yes, often people are just fucking dumb and say stupid uninformed shit. Other people often mistake this as troll bait and the poster might even play it off as "I was merely pretending to be retarded" afterwards.
>be newfag
>want approval and sense of belonging
>don't know how to get respect
>post something intentionally stupid and observe reactions without danger to self-image
>be shit
Some is attention seekism by young people, some is professionals wanting to reinforce misconceptions or change behaviour in individuals. But you can't really say that without destroying the purpose of it.
>As a disclaimer, I think Family Guy, South Park, and American Dad are dumb as hell so my sense of humor might differ from yours.
So does everybody. Something can be dumb and still be funny user.