Just watched the new Kurzgesagt video. How have I never heard of this before? What do you guys think, how big of a deal is CRISPR?
Just watched the new Kurzgesagt video. How have I never heard of this before? What do you guys think...
Genetic engineering will be restricted to only preventing diseases.
west will hold back research because muh feels muh equality
china will push it, prove that it's great and the west will accept it
t. knower
I can see that happening. Would be nice to get a few extra years of life out of it tho.
Genetically build the skin and hair of robots. Perfect humanoid slaves and also great sexbots.
The future is looking great.
yeah lad too bad sexbots will be instantly banned
We will be the last generation of humans to die of old age.
CRISPR/CAS-9 is a pretty big deal, provided it doesn't get banned.
Our previous methods of gene editing were very expensive, this is much less expensive. The best part is this type of gene modification alters the germline, so if you have a defective gene and get it fixed prior to having children, you will not pass on the shitty gene(this is why a lot of people are vehemently against it).
This kind of technology could really do some interesting things to our lifespans. We could selectively give the immunity benefits of neanderthal genes to people that lack them for instance. There are also a few tricks that could be done to extend our life, I think the previous estimate was around 50 years, but more recent stuff is only saying 20.
are you sure it's gonna take them that long?
>yeah lad too bad sexbots will be instantly banned
Why? I could see lolibots being banned but why ban a Mary Ann or Ginger Sexbot?
>aging will be cured one year after your death
>you were born just in time to watch the emergence of living forever
better try and stay healthy so you make it
People with no knowledge thinks Gene editing is playing Good, or its cool
People with Some Knowledge about the subject, is scared about gene monotony, such a technology could cause.
The biggest danger isn't slight gene editing to remove minor flaws in heritage.
Its those genes being similar, so you end up with a % of of a population sharing the same genes. It do not have to be % of global population, but % of continental populations is enough.
For those who will end up with similar genes: That portion of the population is wound-able to diseases, diseases that advantage of said genetically monotone.
The same fear is sorta there for designer babies. And cloning in agriculture. Once 5-10% of a herd is clones of the same individual, the risk of diseases for those clones can become massive.
There is a problem with playing god
when humans try to fuck with nature, even simple things like redirecting rivers, they end up causing tones of unintentional problems. Human society can't be trusted with keeping recessions from happening, how can you trust it with gene editing?
Because I'd like to live forever
Yeah, no shit
huh, I thought the worst thing that could come from gene editing was eugenics but there has a point
>For those who will end up with similar genes: That portion of the population is wound-able to diseases, diseases that advantage of said genetically monotone.
This would be true of lesser organisms that would need genetic diversity to survive cataclysmic epidemics, but not true for humans with advanced medical technology at hand and the intelligence to use it effectively to cure diseases.
So let's not do anything ever.
I want to be immortal
I want to retain all of my memories and create new ones
I want to learn everything there is to learn
and I don't want to be a fucking robot.
Wouldn't the genetic monotony fade away after multiple generations of traditional breeding?
what's wrong with being a robot or living in a computer?
If that CRISPR stuff is as easy to use as it seems at also means, that just as easy as it can cure illnesses coused by bugs in DNA, it can CREATE something new, something really dangerous.
But it will happen either way, "bad guys" will do it, becouse we have the technology. So "good guys" should not be scared to use CRISPR to an advantage. If it will be genetic war, we need weapons of defence.
Is there a reason why we couldnt just mix up the gene pool while enhancing us? There are probably a big amount of edits you could make to give someone a larger brain with more neurons and better connectivity. If we mix these up we should retain a pretty broad spectrum of genes.
Just because some bad shit happens doesn't mean it isn't worth it.
Take for example climate change. If you had a time machine and could go back in time and convince everyone that the industrial revolution and automobiles where a bad thing. We would be in a much shitter world currently because of it.
Those things enabled massive scientific advances and technological progress.
Most people would be working in agriculture. Much more food would be wasted since transportation and refrigeration wouldn't exist or would be limited. Medical support would be worse off since their would be less doctors and medical research.
We probably wouldn't be able to sustain the population which would lead to instability, wars and so on.
In the long term we might have even ended up with much worse climate change too.
Currently people have invented wind turbines, solar panels and electric cars. And people working on advancing all that and new better stuff. That would't have happened without the infrastructure in place and freeing up more people from manual labour for science careers.
The whole 'gene pool' argument is stupid.
The technology specifically allows us to genes.
If the gene pool becomes a problem we can edit the genes back in.
If there is some super virus, we could probably edit it out of existence.
But it's not like we will be turning people into identical clones. And viruses aren't likely to specifically attack the kinds of genetic changes we would be making.
>ctrl f "Gattaca"
>0 results in thread or mention in video
Come on guys. You seem to be missing a big point. Babies born by normal fucking, at least in the short term, will be at a severe disadvantage compared to designer babies.
You will have the 0.001% babies having all the genetic properties to dominate the olympics while those who can't afford million dollar babies would still be born with Huntington's disease and shit.
Designer babies are the biggest social divider that could happen in this century, and everyone is ignoring it because "Muh perfect immortal babies!!!"
>tfw I live in a time where there is a distinct possibility for me to live forever
You've never heard of CRISPR/Cas9 before? baka
It's been the biggest story in science for the past 4 years.
Anyways, it's the final step in biological modification. As of right now, we have all the technology we need to create any biological system.
This is probably the biggest 'deal' of the 21st century, and to think it was first discovered by a guy working on fucking yogurt....
Anyways, if you think that's cool, check out Cas9 mediated Gene Drives. Literally, you can go out right now, and insert "user was here" into every mouse in the world with 5 minutes in your garage and a couple of hundred dollars.
I'm pretty sure someone's set up a couple of gene drives already *wink*
So this is basically a fuck-up like with antibiotics making some bacteria even more dangerous than before? We end up in an endless cycle where we have to keep changing genes in order to accommodate against evolved bacteria/disease?
Sorry, I don't know much about the subject, but do you think on the long term it would be better for humanity or worse?
So many dumb posts. I had to check if I was on Veeky Forums or /pol/
Go back to /x/
unless of course, CRISPR becomes a human right.
>government subsidises poor people germ line genetic modification because it could literally make them better people
>rich people pay
Currently, the creator of the CRISPR/Cas9 system has put a moratorium on the use of her system in humans. Of course, this isn't enforced by law, but I imagine that the scientific community will uphold her request until we have more knowledge on the process, or it is banned by law.
everything possible is natural, everything is playing god
You dont know that lad.
Maybe after 200 years of youth everything becomes repetitive. You'll probably need more gene and mental mods to keep a level of sanity.
At some point its not even *you* that wants to extend his life anymore. Just some program.
You'll probably cease to exist. Replaced by an immortal bastardization of you that only shares some memories.
China has all ready done some experimentation on people(unless they are lying, which they do publish lies in scientific journals)
An american firm added around 20 years of telomeres onto an employees leukocytes, and have been monitoring her(I think this was in the news in april, I don't remember all the details)
>he thinks living forever means u cant die
living forever only in the sense that cells wont naturally degrade by shortened telomere ends
you could still die from trauma and lethal injection
people who die are dead jim
>implying the government won't subsidize designer babies if it doesn't ban them
If a government isn't morally opposed to it, it will see the clear advantages to itself to boost its average IQ, resistance to disease, etc. The government already shells out lots for much less effective public welfare measures and spends lots on parenthood.
Maybe in the west but China, Taiwan and Korea will use it to enhance intelligence and other attributes.
God is a myth - how do you play as a character from a myth - you would have to do magic, or irrational shit - while science is pragmatic and rational.
Because that's some program, not me. Good for it, I suppose, but it does ME no good.
and? Ignorance is bliss, do you obsess over the fact your conscious was different 10 years ago?
Thats not the point.
Its an existential dilemma about what defines "you". Today you have probably more in common with your friends than you do with the person you were as a toddler.
That former you died long ago and the "you" now is different than the you 10 seconds ago. Did that existence also die?
When you're on mind altering drugs the thought process you make isn't the same as if you're sober.
200 years from now the past you will be dead, but it would be more than just simply "growing up" and development. You'd be augmented artificially, probably just to stop yourself from suicide.
Do you honestly think that once you've seen everything youll want to continue existing? Just to see the cycles repeat... on and on... No, I'm pretty positive you'll be bored out of your mind. So will everyone else whose accepted immortality, and theres no way the government will allow any of you to kill yourselves.
Or maybe they do. Maybe this is just another solution to the fermi's paradox.
Religion: Holding back humanity since the dawn of civilization
has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with muh everyone is born equal muh genetics is literally fascism
Easy fix
Memory wipes every 200 years or so, now everything is fresh again
>immortality sets in
>spend 20 years getting a phd in chemisty, physics, math, and biology.
>the government wants to mindwipe you.
unintended consequences much?
It's up to you if you want a mindwipe
>people change as they get older
yeah thats something everyone deals with, its not like there wouldnt be other people also doing this that you could relate to
and again you could always choose to end your life if you wished to not exist anymore
also who are you to say Id be bored, with new and developing technologies and continued space exploration theres plenty of things to do and continue learning
the only way youd be bored is if you limit yourself and dont try new things
>implying China will share
Jesus fuck.
As a grad student who regularly uses CRISPR for knockout cell lines, ya'll have some ridiculous and grandiose ideas in here.
>ctrl+f "eugenics"
Rev up those jews
>genetic war
U wot m1911
If you're gonna wreck someone's DNA for the purpose of killing them why not just blast them with gamma or feed them U238
Tell us about the reality of CRISPR.
Not him:
There is a lot of stuff that is going on and in a few main areas.
Sequencing is important to all of this. AKA the ability to read information. Sequencing continues to get cheaper and more available which leads to the need for huge databases of genetic information along with "results" information. For example, a database of 100,000 medical patient's genetics along with whether or not they have schizophrenia is important to figure out genetic causes through parsing techniques like machine learning.
So basically there are huge things like Personalized medicine initiatives all over the world to build these databases. There are also private companies who have done things like facial feature prediction using genetics, or eduyears, or height.
Basically we need to reveal more and more important genes for different diseases or features to begin to edit them for improved humans. Simply having the ability to write genetics isn't enough and the experiments would take a very long time.
Next, CRISPR may not even be the best technology for this type of stuff. Creating a from scratch synthetic DNA might be better if you are making something like a human embryo. That or editing it at earlier stages such as the stem cells that become sperm/eggs.
Another possibility is recursive reproduction methods.
AKA (letters denote different people)
Reproduce with Sperm A and Egg B to create Sperm AB
Reproduce with Sperm C and Egg D to create Sperm CD
Reproduce with ABCD
etc for multiple generations with various genetic sources to arbitrarily create whatever genetic makeup you want.
>Be you.
>Worried about human error.
>Get scared about human/genetic engineering.
>Think we'll fuck up and go extinct (probably)
"oh shit nigga, we can improve our intelligence and rational thinking 100x"
>All the above worries are now solved.
>Nature can go fuck herself, we are Kings on Earth now.
Genetically engineered monstergirls.
religion makes the "playing god" meme
They are going to use the "it's eugenics and eugenics is bad line." It won't stop China from gaining higher ground and the degenerate west will fall because of it.
all i can say is the infight and drama on who created it is pretty spectacular.
The production values for this video are off the charts.