Why don't we clone people like Einstein and Perelman?
Why don't we clone people like Einstein and Perelman?
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Because intelligence is 100% environmental. Anybody can be Perelman or Einstein or von Neumann they just aren't working hard enough.
Well sure, but just in case?
Its pretty dumb to believe it's 100% environmental especially considering intelligence has been show to be 60% to 80% heritable.
not true
intelligence is 100% hard wrok
lel you're not on von Neumann's level because you aren't working hard enough lel
Okay super enthusiastic high school guidance counselor.
Von Neumann and Einstein spent 10,000 hours studying
How many hours did you spend?
Why not just improve education and the economy so that the next big genius doesn't end up becoming a construction worker or getting killed by a gang?
Michael phelps spent 10,000 hours swimming how many hours did you spend?
Protip: even if you spent 100000 hours swimming he'd still swim wayyy better than you!
If all it took was 10,000 hours to reach Einstein's level you'd see a lot more Einsteins
You know that Phelps loses sometimes, right?
He lost to an Asian kid just the other day
Because the people in power want to stay in power and if we allow people to pursue things they can do, they will rise up to the power of rich people.
What's your point? There's something separating him from the average person and it's clearly not only the amount of time he spent in the pool.
Same with von Neumann or einstein.
It is the amount of time he spent in the pool though
I seriously HOPE you don't believe that
>Einstein and Von Neumann studied therefore intelligence is completely environmental
That's not evidence. You are showing one example where michael Phelps was not the best swimmer in the world. Eventually, someone is going to have better genes than him or more practice, but it points to people having better genes because people would try to be better than phelps, and they have only beaten him in his age. You didn't prove anything.
If it's genetic, then explain why didn't he win anything in 2004?
>he didn't win in 2004 therefore it's proof his height and massively long limbs played no role in his other victories
Nigga what do you hear yourself now?
>Protip: even if you spent 100000 hours swimming he'd still swim wayyy better than you!
Prove it
Swimming makes you taller if you do it since child, so does basketball
If we're going that far, we would never bother making humans as flawed as Einstein.
What room does a manufactured population have for imperfections?
Well he competes with other people who already spent tens of thousands of hours swimming just like him and still btfos them. So there's that.
top kek the only thing that makes you tall is your genes and your nutrition gtfo
he spent more hours, thus he wins
that's why despite his "superior genes" (according to you) he didn't win anything in 2004
Youre wrong
You're very detached from reality if you think all the average person has to do to break Olympic fucking records is out in the same amount of time training for them.
Also phelps won plenty of gold in 2004 idk wtf you're talking about honestly
> there's seriously a nature vs nurture thread on Veeky Forums
> its full of black and white fallacies
Then 2000
Whatever his first Olympics were, he didn't win anything despite his superior genes, because he had to compete with people who trained much more than him
He was 15 at his first olympics and placed 5th. 9 months later he was setting world records.
Also still holds many age group records that stand from when he was young.
this thread is fucking gay as shit, it's literally highschoolers and undergrads arguing. wouldn't be surprised if there was a grad student or two.
Because they're not chickens or flowers.
He was 17
>intelligence has been show to be 60% to 80% heritable.
Try 10%.
My parents are extremely dumb but I'm smart.
Phelps was 15 at his first Olympics in 2000
And how do you know that they're dumb? Respect your parents kid.
sure, honey
>le 10000 hours meme.
>10,000 hours meme.
>Hard work won't make me succeed!
Are you afraid of failure, little boy?
You can't even be in good shape and you are trying to be a greek in the modern ages. Pitiful.
That really depends on how you define intelligence. IQ seems to have a degree of heritability, but that amount has been debated for some time.
As for why we don't clone these people, what would be the point? Even if IQ is heritable, becoming a scientists is 100% environmental. There is no guarantee that these clones would do anything with their lives other than what average people do.
Because we're not very good at cloning currently.
Because 'ethics' fags.
Because funding.
Because roody-poos.