Just because it's social taboo to you, doesn't mean it won't fascinate anyone. There is loads of untapped potential to poo, but only a few want to touch the subject at hand because of our natural repulse toward it.

gardfiel always beat lasagans

There is so much important research and tests that can be done with poo. Too much or too little of certain molecules could point to a metabolic or dietary problem. Hell, one of the guys I used to work with was trying to make an assay for colon cancer by looking at what bacteria grows on cancerous polyps.

Somebody has to do it you fucking retard.

I am grateful for the people studying scatology. They are doing work that needs to be done that can't be done by just anyone.

Pajeet is that you?

What is free market the thread
If someone's doing it does not mean someone's liking it, most times its just the money or career opportunities
And as someone pointed out, there is money to be made in shit studies

>but only a few want to touch the subject at hand


>untapped pootential


What kind of sick fuck chooses to become a pediatric gynecologist?

I just discovered what I want to do with my life.


i kinda want to say thats not a thing.

but im not googleing it to find out

>being a moralfag on Veeky Forums
come on, it's 2016

You're googling job sites right?

A woman?

Allow me to answer that... in song.

>How the hell do people end up in this field?
I don't understand the objection. It would be slightly embarassing to admit that your job has anything to do with feces, but it's also obviously a major aspect of biology.

Furthermore, it's also one of the richest and most readily-available sources of information. To study an animal's feces, you don't need to disturb the animal in any way, or keep up with its movements.

Whatever you can learn from droppings, tracks, shed fur, and similar traces, you want to learn from those things so you don't have to kill, capture, or keep up with the live animal.

If you think about biology as an observational science rather than information in textbooks to study, it becomes rather obvious how this would become an area people would specialize in.

>what kind of person sits down thinks about all the different fields of biology and decides 'yes, the most interesting part of biology
That's not how specialization works. Inclination comes into it, but when you're on a team, or you want to be on a team, you try to provide value to the team. An unfilled role is an opportunity to make yourself useful.

The guy who can answer questions about feces is going to get called a lot by other biologists.

ye, but i mean thats a lot of lasagnanns

not for him.
