Are the most the people here students or working?
Are the most the people here students or working?
The average age of people on Veeky Forums is 21 or 22, so I'd assume on Veeky Forums it's students. Certainly feels like it.
imma student in high school
I am a student and working.
Did you just assume my life position? Let me remind you, it is 2016.
Working, female, mid career and quite successful.
Why did you do this.
Why did you have to tell us you are a girl.
God fucking damn it we had a discussion that lasted all fucking night about this shit.
Will people ever fucking learn?
Nobody gives a fuck about if you have a vagina or not. Please don't tell us. Please shut the fuck up. Don't. Don't. Literally don't. Please.
Fuck fuck fuck. God damn fuck fuck in the fucking fuck.
Back to /cgl/ please.
cool wat do you do?
Please don't give her attention you fucking cuck.
i like girls
Then go get girls irl for fucks sake. Veeky Forums is not a cuck board and I am not going to let it turn into one. So many great ones have fallen because of cuckolding and I'm not letting that shit happen again.
>nobody gives a shit if you have a vagina or not
But that's falls and the reason why pointing out the female gender draws attention (and desires in lonely guys)
Why do you want attention from lonely guys on the internet?
Fucking hell just go back to /cgl/. You know you belong there. You can go there and talk about your pussy all night long girl.
Why not both? Step it up nerd
i have a gf, i still like talking to girls
A cuck with a girlfriend?
Fuck I cannot imagine how that shit even goes down. Anyways, at least try to talk to girls in non-anonymous sites.
Sshh.. the grown ups are talking.
You do realize she's been ignoring you right?
Women don't like cucks.
man you have problems
Graduated with a BA in Math minor in Comp Sci Magna Cum Laude and am currently working as a programmer. Not too satisfied so I'm looking at other options. Upside is I have total financial security and whatever debt I had is gone. Graduated 8 months ago.
Junior in uni
He has a girlfriend that he can't touch without written permission and he's not allowed to have sex with her but only watch her in bed with other guys. Ofcourse all her expenses are paid by him.
So yeah, he does have a "girlfriend" ;)
Gtfo /r9k/ faggots
The sad thing is that believe it or not, /r9k/ is and was the first cuck board.