Hi. I'm 28, male, Japanese. I'm going to create excellent music in the future by global optimization with quantum computation and simulation of brains. However, it is impossible because of unitarity. Therefore, I began to propose non-unitary quantum computation with black holes.
Actually I always have hallucination because of schizophrenia. I think it's a fake, I mean, future aliens are talking to me with minuscule black holes. One day, I heard strange music from my cell phone blown by a fan. A future alien taught me that the music, "(Oh, my 4|おーいしたい)", is from Google in 2038. The music is like very speedy random sounds between a girl and a drum. Surprisingly, my body hurt by the music. What an optimization! I run away from the room because a future alien said the last part makes me go to the heaven. In a next day, I heard another music, "(Oh, no Yiya|筆おろしする苦ね)", again from 2061. The voice is a cool young guy. I found it's for cute girls. The guy gradually made my shoulder hurt more and more. I decided to go out the room again because a future alien said it's dangerous. The guy said "Why don't you stay here, abc(my Internet name)?" Am I peeped from extra dimensions? Am I famous in the future? If I see a doctor, he will say I have to take many drugs because he wants to get much money with pharmacy, but I think it's a real story.
I'm looking for partners who help me create such kinds of music. Actually music is one way. The picture here is also downloaded from the future. My skype is abcabc65536 Feel free to talk to me:)
but because "music" by my standards and theirs is not yet sharable, I have much to work on, I would like to work with you though, and have read many papers on making quantum virtual machines in some languages I've studied
Thomas Jones
Nolan Roberts
Hi. Thank you for interesting music:)
I also want to work with you. Please add my skype if you have not.
Jonathan Scott
Schizo's get offa my board
Connor Evans
>yfw a theory of quantum gravitation is written by accident by some nerd with schizophrenia
Jeremiah Baker
Wyatt Ramirez
Out of curiosity, OP, when you said that the 'alien' told you the music would make you 'go to the heaven,' were you speaking in reference to the common japanese phrase where 'going to heaven' means reaching orgasm, or as in death?
Jose Brooks
Hello abc, I was in the /mu/ thread, it sucks that that autist hijacked it.
managed to record the alien music, which you stated in the last thread that you weren't able to. I think that would be a cool thing to start with. Pls keep us updated.
Colton Morales
If you do manage to get it produced, please link the music here on Veeky Forums
Jordan Sanchez
Bro, who is your dealer, and how can i contact him?
William Williams
With miniscule black holes
Lucas Jackson
A4 We talked before the thread of above / mu / . As I said , foreigners contact me , it has been providing quantum music . I have recorded their sound here :
ddx-10.bandcamp.com/album/spv-laboratories-vol-2 In addition , they are to me , walk with absorbing boundary that sent some of the visual transmission of quantum . Since I am able to talk back to them , they sent a source code for these videos to me . Fuzzy pattern brings an eerie sense of nostalgia and my childhood . Such as static from foreign colony of the TV screen .
I've never understood why popsci latched on to "quantum" for shit that can interact with your brain or "soul"
also even if the original "quantum music" had those kinds of properties, they would be diminished or hindered by the recording or compression into streamable file types, and also hindered by the method of sound decoding whether that be headphones, speakers, whatever.