My microwave-oven's top is missing. Are microwaves leaking out and giving my family cancer?
My microwave-oven's top is missing. Are microwaves leaking out and giving my family cancer?
If the big white metal box the food goes into is still completely intact then no. (Ie if the "top" was decorative) Otherwise maybe cancer but certainly blinding and sterilising them.
no, the inside box is reflector shield. call us if the door falls off.
>(Ie if the "top" was decorative)
I can't really see anything from that.
Can you stick your hand in and reach the glass disk you put plates on?
>Can you stick your hand in and reach the glass disk you put plates on?
No, but I was able to put a bread tie through one of the holes, and see it come out the other end.
Thinly veiled "wi-fi and cell phones cause cancer" thread.
While carcinogenesis is a bit complex, microwave band radiation most certainly does interact with cellular machinery through non-thermal means, and most of it isn't looking too grand.
pretty sure that's just the power supply being exposed
the actual magnetron is housed deeper inside the microwave
>pretty sure that's just the power supply being exposed
see There are holes in the barrier between inside and outside at all times.
>Does unfiltered radiation cause cancer
Yes, you dumb shit.
I think microwaves might be too big to fit in those holes but what do I know I'm just a mathfag.
>but what do I know I'm just a mathfag.
Look, they're learning.
Good on you user.
>Look, they're learning.
What is who learning?
Mathematicians are learning better heuristics to assess the extent of their understanding, and probability of some degree of error.
You would not get cancer even if you removed the oven door permanently. Microwaves are non-ionizing (therefore they cannot cause DNA damage and thus cancer).
They would heat the water in your skin though but this effect would diminish very fast the further you moved away from the oven.
Microwaves interact with the mechanics of various aspects of cellular machinery, eg ion channels, in this case, most prominently voltage dependent calcium channels. They also potentiate protein misfolding, increase the permeability of the blood brain barrier, and cause elevated heat shock protein expression and double strand breaks in DNA.
Non-thermal basis.
Pretty sure you have to tamper with the magnetron to have any chance of getting fucked up
That or stick your head in the microwave while it's running and fry your eyeballs, but assuming you didn't fuck with the doors safety relay circuitry that should be impossibru
From Wikipedia;
At least one hazard in particular is well known and documented. As the lens of the eye has no cooling blood flow, it is particularly prone to overheating when exposed to microwave radiation. This heating can in turn lead to a higher incidence of cataracts in later life.[27] A microwave oven with a warped door or poor microwave sealing can be hazardous.
But no, the only way you can get cancer is by removing the core of the magnetron, crushing it and inhaling it.
>the only way you can get cancer is by removing the core of the magnetron, crushing it and inhaling it.
Why would that cause cancer? If it's crushed, then it's not being powered is it?
Go back to /b/
none of those effects have been shown to exist to a strong enough degree to be relevant to human health
>But no, the only way you can get cancer is by removing the core of the magnetron, crushing it and inhaling it.
it might contribute to COPD later in life but that won't give you cancer