Given a strong enough magnet, mounted perhaps elsewhere on the body, could this theoretically work?
Would it be more effective if the magnet were to repel the bullet instead by reversing its polarity?
Given a strong enough magnet, mounted perhaps elsewhere on the body, could this theoretically work?
Would it be more effective if the magnet were to repel the bullet instead by reversing its polarity?
The bullet is moving about 4 million miles per hour when it hits a target 200 yards away.
Even for a small 30 grain bullet, the forces needed to deflect that would fry your brain and prevent you from having a gun yourself.
Plus bullets are lead, which isn't very magnetic.
Bullets travel really fuckin' fast.
Magnets are really fuckin' heavy.
Guns are really fuckin' metal.
If you had an alternating magnetic field that was too incredibly strong to comprehend on our scale, it would be possible. Lead does interact with strong, magnetic fields.
>4 million miles per hour
It would have to be so powerful, it would pull any Iron solids. Rebar would fly at projectile speeds from at lease 300 feet or fartherat it. Cars would stick to it.
Sure. But if he tried to shoot his own gun he'd be pretty fucked. Thing would probably explode in his hands or the whole gun would get attracted to his magnet.
>4 million miles per hour
>Be me
>Never been to Veeky Forums before
>See this post
Where has this board and its wisdom been all my life?
Metallurgy gives feel, ceramic titanium iridi bullents, can maintain something like ... going trought the scull by the fact it is the object trying to dodge bullets...
Or I go for silicate carbon for having strictli penerability not afecting the magnetics
>Given a strong enough magnet, mounted perhaps elsewhere on the body, could this theoretically work?
Of course, but it would be really impractical for various obvious reasons.
Mainly that you cant carry a weapon or anything metallic.
>Would it be more effective if the magnet were to repel the bullet instead by reversing its polarity?
ive got even better idea
>use giant magnet
>steal the weapons of your enemies
ive got an even even better idea
>use a more gianter magnet
>steal the iron from the blood of your enemies
No because then people would start using paper bullets instead of guns
>use giant magnet on your head
>headshot yourself when fire from your own gun
>The bullet is moving about 4 million miles per hour
Sheeeit that's faster than the speed of light. Given how fast this bullet travels it should go back in time and kill your grandpa.
>4million miles
but your own bullets would boomerang around and hit yourself
Speed of light is 670,616,629mph
The bullets are the opposite polarity and the magnet will push them faster away.
i laughed so hard at this post
>Tested by Mythmemers
where do you buy your ammo?