When matrix like VR becomes a thing will I be legally allowed to rape and torture simulated humans in the matrix?
When matrix like VR becomes a thing will I be legally allowed to rape and torture simulated humans in the matrix?
Intuitively I jump to no but then I keep thinking.
Privacy will be dead in terms of "not being watched my the government" by the time this technology is available, eta around 10-40 years.
This is hard.
This is more a question for Veeky Forums, really.
We are already allowed to torture people in video games, it wouldn't be different in a matrix if the other people is only A I.
In the utilitarian society we live in, you'll be allowed to do anything as long it doesn't generates negative consequences.
Nice double dubs.
To answer your question. Maybe? If its all a simulation and its your private property once purchase and owned, then most likely.
I don't understand why you would waste your time doing torture/rape to normal 3d humans in a simulation instead of being a hero to 2d people in a VR simulation.
You also most likely won't get this heavy matrix VR simulation experience for another 60-100+ years. So by the time it comes out you'll be dead, unless you somehow survive that long or aging is no longer a problem 40-60 years.
>dat 12 year old footpussy
No, I have a 12 year old step sister.
This girl looks more like 8
Damn, just goes to show how long it's been since I've been allowed to be near children
If the thing you're torturing and raping isn't human and doesn't really exist, can you say you're truly torturing and raping anything?
>that beta kitten monarch programming reference.
That girl was most likely born into a multi-generational satanic family.
Effigy disrespect should be illegal.
When you create an effigy you have to treat it with the same respect you treat any other human being. If you don't. You will set up a cognitive dissonance that will bleed over into your interactions with real people. To some extent, you will start to treat people in the real world, like you treat effigies in the virtual world. If you are doing negative things to effigies then the results can vastly impact your real world social interaction.
This same phenomenon can also be used to help people. This can be done by having them treat effigies with better respect, they can train themselves to be better people among their peers and social group.
What if the thing your raping and torturing is 99% human but not a fully real organic human.
You're fucking the socket for your grandfathers fake leg again aren't you?
people have been doing this to lolis all the time, no one cares because they don't really exist. The same applies to VR, although ultra-SJWs might hop in and say virtual cartoons have human right
Damn, so THAT"S why I suddenly decided to steal a car and run over half a dozen people on my way to the strip club after playing GTA V
>muh psycho-analysis
In a virtual world I know my actions can't possible physically harm the interlocutor so I don't give a fuck famalam.
Are you retarded? See: , , , Better question to all this. When is VR going to be common and very interactive?
I know we are currently beginning with it, and now getting distributed (HTC, Playstation, Occulus, etc) and we also VR with sensors, but their expensive as fuck. Can I get an estimated timeline?
tbqh I don't see this getting developed by any companies, it will probably be mods of a game and for the 'physical experience' you are gonna have to mash up different parts by yourself and figure something out from there.
No, but that is why you are an edgy shit on Veeky Forums and disrespect your mother with misogynistic comments.
would that make me a pedophile or [spoiler]Peter File[/spoiler]?
thanks for fap material