Tell me something about life which most people find acceptable that you find unacceptable - and which can be changed by scientific and technological endeavour?
Tell me something about life which most people find acceptable that you find unacceptable - and which can be changed by...
The taboo against incest.
What scientific / technological endeavour do you propose would change that?
Probably designer babies that will take care of any genetic issues with an incest baby.
As for my suggestion, I'm hoping that any sort of accessible travel within the solar system along with colony technology will allow people to set up their own experimental societies far away from the overbearing forces of mainstream society. Something like all those weird christian charter townships in early america.
>something you find unacceptable that you find unacceptable
The fact that I haven no friends
>scientific and technological endeavor
A friend robot.
It's 'something which most people find acceptable that you find unacceptable' m8
Yeah I mistyped. Probably my brain is rotting because I have no social interaction outside work.
But yeah, that's something other people are cool with that I am not cool with.
Would a friend robot be a true friend?
Is it real friendship if it's programmed to be your friend?
If it's not programmed to be your friend and it has to choose to be your friend, what makes you think the robot will want to be your friend?
That most powerplants need so many steps of transforming energy before it gets usable.
no different than joining a fraternity
Does anyone actually do that, or is it just something from movies?
I'm from the UK and nothing even vaguely like them exists here.
developed nations still engage in destructive fishing practices while whingeing that catch rates are declining but failing to calculate a mass sustainable yield
Would it be possible for us to massively increase the supply of fish?
Most people find it acceptable that a social pariah has no friends.
Yeah through open ocean fish farming.
American here. Frats are a huge part of college life here and it's exactly like it is in the movies. Maybe that's why you don't have to pay for colleges over there, because they aren't any fun.
How the fuck do we fix this shit?
Wish for fuck your own mother is bad, user
because ?
become captain america
Genetic altercations? Cryogenics? Radical Life Extension? or all three?
Because we are technically working on all three right now.