How do i kill my intelligence?
How do i kill my intelligence?
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Keep posting on Veeky Forums.
its not working
Eat lead.
Just fire them. They can go work for NSA and stop bothering you.
Kill my intellingence, not whole me
join SJW
vote Trump.
Don't kill your intelligence, you don't have it, since you are not even intelligent enough to find the answer how to kill your intelligence.
There are plenty of legal ways to damage your brain. Drinking DXM-based cough syrup (without acetaminophen) has been consistently linked to brain damage.
But I would advise against it, since stupid people are actually more prone to unhappiness.
>But I would advise against it, since stupid people are actually more prone to unhappiness.
Don't say that on here m8. People will jump your throat how they're these super awesome geniuses yet are depressed all the time.
Do what that 170 IQ guy on House M.D. did, drink the shit out of some cough syrup and become retarded, then find a low intelligence qt to raise your mediocre family with
You play video games, you're already retarded
> applying correlations to a population of one.
There's this potion called bleach you can drink. Alternatively, smash your head against a wall.
Use Benadryl every night
Abuse dxm
can confirm
feels good man
Dude i did the drug abuse/dxm thing. I can confirm im slower mentally. My thinking feels cloudy. I know damn well i wasnt always this way. Depression is no reason to permanently damage yourself. Im not happier now im just dumber
How much would bleach damage you mentally?
Can you find any studies to confirm?
Just sniff glue, gasoline, or some solvent.
Become an alcoholic
Just pretend, behave like a non intelligent.
That way you can always return if being non intelligent is not your thing.
consume heavy metals, think depressing thoughts, smoke marijuana, learn bad mental habits (i.e., run shitty bug-ridden software on your mental wetware), subsistence diet, fap at least a couple of times a week, become an atheist/nihilist, chronic sleep deprivation, avoid physical exercise, spend 100% of your time reading and 0% thinking...
Try falling in love. Worked for me!
Or maybe that was the alcoholism. Not sure.
You do realize he was quoting whoever he was replying to, right?
>fap at least a couple of times a week
Can confirm. Years of party drugs leading to a heroin addiction, 3 years on suboxone, on methadone now. IQ was 139 at 15 and now is 123 at age 26
all do better than you = you do not have such
I am swedish btw has it tough with the english language
Well i tested this theory.
This procedure don't damaged my inteligence or improve it but my health status is improved for sure.
+ my penis is bigger not that much but there is diffrence.
Marihuana fucked my shit up
try with facebook
Hammer to the forehead, once your prefrontal cortex is messed up your an imbecile for life.
Kill yourself. You'll lose all of your intelligence.
Become a liberal.
IQ as a test doesn't work after your teen years.
High doses of GABA A agonists over a long period of time.
High dose of cacao over a long period of time. You'll retain your faculties but unwittingly become so myopic and overfixated, you won't realize how limited you really are. If you manage possible crippling anxiety that goes along with this, as well as feeling like shit physically.
Low level self engineering not worth going into.
You've got it backwards. Don't kill your intelligence, work on your emotional intelligence and your spiritual life.
you use the word intelligence, but i don't think you mean what it means.
if you're refering to "stop overthinking" or something like that, maybe try meditating, sports, other forms of stress relieve.
anything else probably gonna kill you as well. more or less, atleast.
>become an atheist
>spiritual life
It seems like there are a lot of religious folk on Veeky Forums, is that correct?
get vaccinated
get taxxinated
it is already dead
>if you're refering to "stop overthinking" or something like that, maybe try meditating, sports, other forms of stress relieve.
The only sensible post in this thread, in my humble opinion, to be quite honest.
Why the hell would you want that? It's literally always better to be smart.