how can the suns gravity be strong enough to move earth but not strong enough to pull an apple towards it
why would an apple pay any attention to the earths gravity when the suns is much stronger
how can the suns gravity be strong enough to move earth but not strong enough to pull an apple towards it
why would an apple pay any attention to the earths gravity when the suns is much stronger
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The apple is orbiting the sun, is it not?
Look at the equation for the force of gravity more closely. Notice how radius is squared, so the distance quite literally plays an exponentially larger role in force than mass.
Say you can fuck a 10/10 if you travel to the opposite side of the world, or you can fuck a 7/10 next door, which one would you go for?
>it doesnt pull the apple towards it
it doesnt?
when an apple falls off a tree it doesnt fall towards the sun
science cant explain that
Apples are made out of living matter, which is able to observe and therefore collapse the wave function. Therefore, gravity doesn't work on them.
An apple falls toward the earth, but the tree falls toward the sun.
Because an apple is heavier than air so obviously it sinks to the bottom
Wait, so the equation for gravitation is based in the inverse square law? Neato
Go figure, right?
in all seriousness, the gravitational acceleration of a body in Earth's orbit towards the sun is approximately 0.005954 m/s^2, which is 0.06% the value of acceleration of objects at or near the surface of earth towards earth itself.
So yeah things fall down faster at night than during the day, but only by a difference of less than 0.1%
and that's not even counting the moon
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Yeah, light and optics is my thing, never fucked with gravitation. Is there a lot of overlap in the physics involved between optics and gravitation? Or is there not much more to gravity other than distance and mass?
The apple is cursed for tempting Eve.
Read any god books lately?
It's a really fine line dude.
We're circling the drain, extremely slowly.
>science can explain everything, even morality
dumb ass
5 star post
wow way too objectify women there shitlord.
Gravity pushes.
The surface density of the sun is about nine orders of magnitude less dense than air on earth at sea level.
>how can the suns gravity be strong enough to move earth but not strong enough to pull an apple towards it
It is, and it does. You will notice that the apple in my lunchbox is in fact in orbit around the sun. Along with the rest of the earth.
Wait the Sun's matter is that damn hot and expanded?
At the surface layers yes. Of course density also gets crazy in the other direction at the core.
>science can explain everything,
>even O'Reilly
dumb ass
>quite literally plays an exponentially larger role in force than mass
No it doesn't it plays a linearly larger role
>Notice how radius is squared, so the distance quite literally plays an exponentially larger role
>literally exponential
Come on now, you're better than this.
I don't believe that you know a single thing about physics if you have never seen the equation for the force of gravity.
The normal gravitational force falls off with 1/r^2. Tidal forces are related to the derivative of the gravitational force and fall off with 1/r^3.
i learn a lot from vsauce
in his defense, he said optics was his thing, not phsyics
a lot of optics you don't need a big physics background for, but rather geometry and goniometry
I get the question though; if the force is based on proximity, isn't the centre of Earth's gravity a lot further from the Sun than the Apple? Not to mention more difficult to move in space?
Unless the apple is so close to the center of Earth's gravity but Earth itself ignores its own?
I'm a complete noob here, but genuinely wanting an answer.
I genuinely dont even know what you are asking.
>Unless the apple is so close to the center of Earth's gravity but Earth itself ignores its own?
How does the earth "ignore" its own gravity?
>isn't the centre of Earth's gravity a lot further from the Sun than the Apple?
yeah. the apple is very close to earth. Thats why earths gravity acts stronger despite the sun having much more mass
My research is in optoelectronics; it's all physics.
Okay, so you don't actually know anything?
Where did this meme come from that university's don't teach you anything but you can learn everything from youtube?
>provides no science to prove him wrong
Gotcha, but if the Sun's mass is so great it can take a hold of huge objects in our system, including the Earth itself, how come it's weaker than the Earth's own pull even if the apple is closer
Yeah, next time I will hold his hand
It isnt weaker in the scale of the whole solar system and technically the apple totally "falls" to the sun as it is in orbit around it
Easiest answer : The sun pulls just as hard on the apple as it does on the Earth, so the sun's gravity doesn't cause the apple to move relative to the Earth. Both the apple and the Earth orbit the sun together.
It's all explained by the math pretty straightforwardly.
The force of gravity from Earth ought be roughly 1697x times stronger than the force of gravity of the sun for any small object on Earth's surface.
Now as for Earth itself, keep in mind that the force of gravity really is about the product of the masses of BOTH objects:
[eqn] F = G \frac{ M_1 M_2 }{ R^2 } [/eqn]
Often when we do physics on common objects like an apple, we're looking at the force of gravity between one very large mass (Earth) and one relatively very small mass (the apple). However, when talking about the force of gravity between the Earth and the sun, we're talking about a very large mass and a very, very large mass. This is why the force of gravity between celestial bodies is much larger than the force of gravity we experience standing on Earth.
Everything on the earth and the earth itself is constantly falling towards the sun you faggot.
I can't stop laughing
because technically the apple is part of the earth. any matter around the earth that can't stick around gets thrown into space
Go back to highschool
>less than 0.1
^^the small, minute shit most plebs dont think of but are in flux with every moment.
Thank you gents.
>fall towards the sun
so science is basicly what hollywood says it is we have bright future ahead of us
That's literally wrong
And I thought it was figuratively wrong
You don't actually learn shit from vsauce. What you do is "hear about" things there, which may be true, false, or grossly oversimplified.
Hey, Vsauce! Michael here! What if Jupiter were made entirely out of pudding?!?!?!?1?!1?1
On a certain level, you do. Of course it going to be very entry-level and shallow