Other than moral reasons, why is cannibalism bad?
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Other than moral reasons, why is cannibalism bad?
Pic unrelated
Other than being autistic, why are you posting here?
>lol xd reddit we did it again!
Prions are a very low priority danger.
Literally all possible diseases can be transmitted by eating undercooked humans.
Not to mention a lot of toxins.
How does it feel to be so retarded as to not see the evolutionary reason behind not killing and eating your own kind? Do you suck dick or something?
are you saying mad cow disease is a good thing?
continuing this to reply to op
get the fuck off sci with your ignorant shit you complete retard
I'm saying you won't care while your neighbor is trying to kill and eat you, you faggot.
you are one stupid fuck
the reason mad cow disease exists is because they fed cows themselves and the prions fucked them up completely
ok you're either underage or mentally ill, in any case fuck off.
he insulted me first
not my fault he's retarded
shut the fuck up
Nothing is wrong with it. As long as that person was already dead, it's okay.
"faggot" isn't an insult on Veeky Forums, kid.
This is the kind of arguments needed on a Veeky Forums board
i never said it was
probably hard to chew
and expensive to produce human meat, you can't raise humans on farms like you can do with cattle
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Kuru nature's built in self defense mechanism.
You don't want to eat a potential mate or your children
Autists need to be put in their place from time to time so they won't forget how dumb they are.
>Other than moral reasons, why is cannibalism bad?
What kind of non-moral reason do you expect for why something is "bad"?
Health, practicality.
>behind not killing and eating your own kind
He said eating, not killing you insufferable faggot.