Genuine question here, please someone help me or ill spend the rest of my life just contemplating it
Why arnt we using gravity to power stuff? We have infinite amount of gravity yet we dont use it, why cant we build a machine which drops on object down a tube which somehow generates electricity and take that object back to the top
That's your answer pal. Taking that object back to the top will require more energy than is produced by dropping it.
Benjamin Hill
You can.
Kevin Hughes
What if we use magnets for bringing it up
Brody Cook
a magnet on a rope which catapults it back up
Christopher Miller
As someone who is not an expert on physics, I believe I can offer this simplified view:
All objects have potential energy based on their mass and height/distance from earth. When things drop, this potential is turned into kinetic energy (velocity). You could harness this energy on their descent, but you can only do it once. Once the object has dropped down by a certain distance, you cannot bring it back without inevitably expending at least as much energy as you got out of its fall in the first place. Gravity is not an unlimited source of energy.
Henry Jones
Ok what about width ways with a tiny decline and at the end the ball would only need a small amout of energy to put it back at the start
that way you could have lots of (track in this theory) going width ways for the object to travel across
actully, would that work? how steep does somthing need to be for gravity to take effect
Angel James
As I said: >All objects have potential energy based on their mass and height/distance from earth. You can fuck around with slopes and tricks all you want, the energy released by an object due to gravity is only dependent on the height difference between it's start and end location.
Jaxson Lee
you would have the same exact problem. You would need at the least the same amount of energy you could gain, to put it back at start
Samuel Cook
So if you had a track what went around the length of Britain with a small decline for graivty to take effect, with stuff along to track all the way to generat power(flippers or some shit) that wouldnt generate enough power to lift that ball back up to the start of the rail, even if that lift was only somthing stupid like 10cm
Joshua Reyes
Is this the moron who was talking about drilling a hole through the earth? Fuck off and learn energy conservation.
Anthony Fisher
Have a webm
Oliver Smith
If the decline was that small then the ball wouldn't pick up enough speed to generate power in the first place
Isaiah Nguyen
Because gravity is weak as shit lmao
Ryder Rivera
We do use gravity, look up hydroelectric power.
>why cant we build a machine which drops on object down a tube which somehow generates electricity and take that object back to the top That wouldn't work
Hydroelectric power plants are a good example for this. You can use gravity to power stuff, when you dont actively have to put energy into putting mass in a higher position first.
Jose Evans
Dayum nigga, that shit sounds tight.
Parker Nelson
>You can use gravity to power stuff, when you dont actively have to put energy into putting mass in a higher position first. That's kind of the basic ethos behind all power production. You find something that's already in a high energy state then lower it's energy while catching the runoff.
Nolan Price
Do you guys think if we improved science education we'd prevent people from wasting their time trying to create perpetual energy machines via methods that have been proven wrong repeatedly for hundreds of years?
Robert Mitchell
Set up wheels on the beach hooked up to motors for hydroelectricity. The kinetic energy (movement) of the water is caused from the gravitational forces of the moon and sun that pull it in different directions.
The reason it isn't used (often) is because other methods are more efficient. Dams are similar but you also get some potential energy from light, just let the sun evaporate the water back to the top of your "tube". Right now that's our best source of renewable energy.
What we really need is to recreate photosynthesis. Those plant fuckers really know how to use light and our sun is throwing out tons of it.
Thomas Moore
Takes energy to get it under the barrier
Brayden Richardson
Well water towers are based off of gravity and fluid physics.