wat is black holes
Wat is black holes
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A lot of mass in a tiny space.
Slutty niggers
They create universes.
we do not know too much about them
The only thing that we know is that they fit in our thermodynamics system.
like a belly button in space
black holes are fake, pure science fiction. any black hole that has been seen by humans is just an optical illusion. it's IMPOSSIBLE.
black holes is dimensional portal
Impossible ? Why ?
black holes do not exist. there cannot be a hole in space. there's nothing out there, it's just static empty space.
You can't prove this guy wrong.
Black holes aren't literally holes in space
They are more like a lot of space in a single place
What black holes really are are a huge field of gravity that's created as a result of a sun imploding. They are so dense that they actually blot out light and to see them we typically have to look at light backgrounds. They're so powerful that anything sucked into one gets broken down into atoms.
It's estimated that there are octillions of these things just floating around in our galaxy alone.
yeah, I bet you're going to give me some bullshit explanation involving a piece of paper rolled into a cylinder that that is how the universe works and that a black hole somehow loops around to the opposite side of the universe. That is such bullshit. That shit was written by Trekkies, I bet.
There are more black holes in our galaxy than atoms in the universe - Black Science Man
If there are so many of these that exist and instantly destroy anything, why aren't I dead yet then, Poindexter?
Because most of them are so small they instantly disappear due to Hawking radiation.
No, i just think that you don't have any idea what are you talking
At present, nobody took a photo of a black hole, the "photos" on internet are just fakes or artistic views. But black holes are very interesting phenomenons :)
How big can one get?
Depends, is your mother still gaining weight?
In theory, if the Big Bounce is how we go out, the size of the universe.
They disappear due to hawking radiation and you need to be near one for it to have any effect.
The nearest blackhole is lightyears away.
Can we build up a black hole fat enough to fuck up universe's expansion?
You do realize that at the center of every Galaxy there's a supermassive blackhole, right?
We are only able to create mini black holes that disappear instantly.
Really? Damn, that's actually impressive.
If we could generate enough power to do so, then yes. We probably could.
Sgr A* in the Milky Way's center
Well, only if the expansion somehow starts to turn into compression. The Big Bounce states that the Universe's expansion is only temporary, and it will compress. This will cause all galaxies, stars, planets, moons, etc to get closer to each other. eventually, the whole universe will combine in one solid mass, creating the ultimate supermassive black hole. This in turn, will collapse in on itself, creating a new universe. I find this cycle quite nice compared to the heat death theory.
imagine if you plotted 1/x in space-time
when x = 0 you get black hole
I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Alright, so what's your explanation for these black spheres so heavy they bend light around them and tear stars apart, all while creating accretion disks of unimaginable energy, and the occasional quasar, that we keep spotting all over the damned place?
Not to mention what pulls all these galaxies together so neatly...