Hello Veeky Forums. I'm an amature chemist that's good with inorganic chemistry, but suck at organic chemistry. Could you please educate me in the field a bit more? Thanks. Also general chemistry thread.
Hello Veeky Forums. I'm an amature chemist that's good with inorganic chemistry, but suck at organic chemistry...
no chemistry is boring lol
Just get an intro orgo text like clayden or something
bumps all around
You really can't miss in terms of a good intro text.
>Unless it's Smith's....
I am an amateur """chemist""", to be completely honest I just want to make weapons and other useful substances in case that I can't just buy them in the store.
I am extracting b-carotene and, more important, Capsaicin from habanero peppers with acetone. It just sounded like something fun to do while learning how to handle basic equipment without burning myself.
It makes me wonder, is there any gas that can act as a carrier for the Capsaicin?
>I just want to make weapons
I'm so sorry, user. But you are not a chemist.
In order to be any kind of scientist, you have to be a moralfag and refuse to make weapons.
>Could you please educate me in the field a bit more.
It'll take more than a few lectures to understand organic chemistry.
My advice is to read an Intro to Organic Chemistry textbook (Dont skip the parts you think are boring). Repeat until you get it.
pretty much this
after you've been drilled lab safety for 8+ years and you get your PhD you dont want to make something that will intentionally blow up. not only is that immoral, but its dangerous work on your end as well. Do you really want to be an edgelord and go to school for all those years to make something to harm people? jesus christ my man.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((I was mocking faggots like you))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
But you can buy both of those in a store...
This. Or use Solomon's orgo, that's what I used in my intro courses
I am interested in a lot of things, but this is a hobby for me, weapons just seen interesting for me the most. I like the planning that comes from creating something dangerous, protocols and all that /k/ stuff. I also like to create in a very unorthodox way, by having a product and then creating a necessity and use for it.
>I found how to make X, it may be useful for W, Y and Z
instead of
>I need Z, I now have to look for how to make X
I believe the it helps me to learn to take advantage of everything as soon as I get the opportunity to get it, instead of waiting for me to have a necessity and then having to look for what I need.
I am very peaceful, but I like being prepared for everything, if I wanted to really create weapons I would buy them, instead of learning how to make every element of it.
And finally, I am studying medicine, I know how stupid using weapons to damage someone else is, but it does not mean that I can't enjoy making them and them using them in a way may help me one day or at least be fun while not putting anyone at risk except for me.
>Or you could say that morality is just a spook and I should be able to make recreational nukes legally because this is my property
Get out. We don't need people like you here.
Here come the moralfags...
Okay place your bets Veeky Forums how is this brainlet going to meet his end?
My guess would be...well if he wants to make "weapons" I'm assuming he's dealing with energetics. Might try and make TNT or Nitroglycerin. Improper temperature control will lead to runaway nitration. He'll probably forget proper safety protocols and die from either breathing in fumes or create a runaway nitration that blows up in his stupid face.
the point of science is to benefit man. not to blow up shit "for the lulz."
I think you would benefit humanity by developing weapons to blow up the desert-dwellers, to be quite very honest.
what are the 'don't do it' ones? makes me want to do it.
>toothpaste + chlorine bleach
>don't do it
I know what I'm doing tonight!
Which fucking male chemists did not get into chemistry because of explosives or drugs?
Almost every male chemists I've ever met got their inspiration to study chemistry by one or both of those 2 things
Unlike these other faggots, I'm going to cheer you on in your terrorist pursuits.
Use nitric acid and any number of organic systems over a hot plate. They should be stable enough where you don't need to worry too much about safety beyond your goggles. Just do it faggot, you can remove the resulting product by raising pH to above neutral, then use acetone or toluene to separate out the product. Let that dry, then you can ignite the powder to disperse your tear gas safely.
Also make sure to use a lot of your nitro compound.