>its 2060 You weren't a brainlet and saved your whole life. Now you have 50.000$ to spend absolute freely.
What are you going to buy?
Me A 50.000$ multi purpose home robot, capable of autonomous surgery, construction building, cooking, cleaning and shopping
Matthew Williams
Back rub would also be appreciated
Henry Barnes
Reverse Aging (If it exists at this point) Anime loli robots Comfy place to live.
Gavin Cox
>A 50.000$ multi purpose home robot, Are you retarded? You can't even get an analog house for that much money
Angel Martinez
>50.000$ >2060
m8, that won't even buy lunch in 2060
Jonathan Hughes
hentai game VR+life support machine so I can live blissfully in hentai VR world.
Nathaniel Moore
If I only have $50 grand to spend by 2060 I'm probably going to kill myself. I mean, there's no way to extend my lifespan with that kind of money, and being almost 70 I doubt I can make money fast enough.
Jaxson Baker
$50,000 or $50? Use a fucking comma you nig nog
Jose Butler
>2060 >home robot
Enjoy your sleeper cell robot with unsecured NSA back doors that can be infiltrated by any hacker anywhere in the world and used to assassinate you in your sleep, commit crimes that you take legal responsibility for, or just general mischief and then watch you while you sleep.
Connor Wood
american education
Eli Baker
Filthy frenchman
Jaxson Carter
>you weren't a brainlet and saved your whole life >you only managed to save 50k
What the fuck?
I'm sorry OP but I think you actually are a brainlet.
Carson Jackson
im not even french
Jackson Hughes
a pistol that i can shoot myself with
Alexander Anderson
A vr headset and a machine to pump up and down on my erect penis
Aaron Cox
I have more than 50 dollars today, OP.
I hope you're impressed.
Asher Russell
I'm not
Carter Sanchez
lots of it
Juan Carter
Wat didn't you understand about Spend freely? You saved 300,000$ to pay nice rent of 1800$ a month and on top of that you can freely spend 50,000$
Benjamin Perez
I'm going to buy a ticket to mars since Nasa plans to have 3D printed bases on Mars by 2028
Caleb Wood
fifty bucks? fuck i spent the rest on weed and hookers
Cooper Watson
>weren't a brainlet >didn't take into account inflation
Cameron Gonzalez
Jace White
Nice pic OP, also a fan of KL's stuff.
Brayden Allen
>$50,000 in 2060 >73 years old
Not only is it unlikely that 50k will be worth very much by then but what the fuck am I supposed spend it on at 73? It's likely my body and mind will be shit compared to now so most things worth spending money on simply won't be worth it anymore. I'll probably just give it to my kids and hope they figure out something useful to do with it.
>50k for an autonomous multi-purpose robot capable of surgery and construction. Is there a rule somewhere dictating that the OP of every thread has to be a fucking dipshit?
Jason Murphy
I'll pay for a head tranpslant to a younger body. Of course it will cost a fuckton more money, but who's life savings are only 50k anyway.
Kevin Murphy
probably a couple mcdonalds value menu items, if its even worth that much in 2060
Samuel Reyes
>saved your whole life. >whole life. >$50,000 wew lad. that's not very much money at all
Cooper Jackson
I'd hack your home robot to make it set your house on fire and pour salt on all your meals.
Easton Kelly
Get yourself an Oculus or Vive and get an Autoblow 2 aswell, don't need to wait till 2060 for that mate.
Carson Walker
You're on an English language image-based, created by an American, in America?
Kevin Davis
>2060 >$50,000 Enjoy your burger and fries
Jack Gray
>2060 >you have 50.000$ >another 44 years of devaluation maybe buy a Happy Meal at McD
Cooper Sanchez
>Anime loli robots This but I want to put my brain in the robot