How would you improve the human design?
How would you improve the human design?
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Since it was made in God's image it's perfect the way it is.
Try saying that with trigeminal neuralgia and allergies to most common foods.
Since it was refined by millions of years of evolution, it's perfect the way it is.
Remove the body and upload to the cloud.
evolution is just local optimization.
By no means it leads to perfection
Nigga, you can't upload anything to the cloud without the [body] tag.
Define "local" in this context. When would we ever not be "local"?
Vacuum of space?
local is wherever but if you're perfect where you are you won't be perfect somewhere else
Evolution leads to local maxima but you cant guarantee to get the best possible result
not him, but it's a misunderstanding due to language, if you consider what is, to be perfect, then evolution is perfect, if you think the potential of the future to be 'subjectively better' means that the past isn't perfect then that would be another way to look at/phrase it.
Give me back my monkey like strength. Also crocodile tier immune system. Also the ability to live 20.000 feet deep underwater.
Almost forgot about this. Something that provides better protection than the skin we have now. Like armor or thick scales/fur, even though that's pretty gross.
I think I get what you're saying. Seems foolish to try ranking iterations, when our lifestyles and environmental conditions change perpetually. Would the ideal human have a shit ton of muscle mass, and the intellect to never need it? Just great big buff killing machines with laser eyes and knives for dicks sitting in office cubicles all day...
Actually, there is one thing I'd change on the current model: suppress sexuality/fertility, try to stem the population growth a bit.
I'd fix
>ingrown toenails
>eyelashes getting stuck in your eyes
>wisdom teeth
>lack of vitamin synthesizing (especially C an B3)
And maybe make crystal sugar taste like shit so people stop getting so fucking fat
>nerve regeneration
>make back strong enough that back injuries through regular movements are impossible (i.e. your muscles aren't strong enough to fuck up your back)
>either get rid of toes altogether and just joint the front of the foot, or make toes strong enough to support body weight
>get rid of toenails
>eliminate underarm stink
>eliminate body hair below the neck
>tie appetite to energy need
>eliminate fat accumulation after a certain point
>get rid of tits (not mammary glands or nipples) and the attraction to tits
just because tits are a pain in the ass. They get in the way and their only purpose is to attract a mate. No other mammals have tits.
Oh, and I forgot.
>eliminate mindless sheep syndrome. People should think before just agreeing with what some asshole with nice hair says.
Yeah.... right...
Oh look, the optimalist fallacy.
Archaic behavioural programming, including cognitive biases and certain heuristics.
>had ingrown toenail
>they removed the entire nail and used some chemicals to make sure it wouldn't grow back atleast anytime soon
Feels amazing. I wish every single one would've been pulled out.
>Move oesophagus from next to the trachea.
Other wise a solid list.
>get rid of tits (not mammary glands or nipples) and the attraction to tits
by that logic make vaginas huge gaping caverns so women don't feel pain during birth
because fuck attraction
>ingrown toenail
>lol, let's remove the whole nail forever
American """"healthcare""""
Actually I'm from a 1st world country.
Psychologically, remove the need for a God(s) or to make sense of life and Universe. Remove tribal instinct satisfaction through sports/war. Remove superstition believe.
Physically, makes us better in zero-g conditions, immune to addictions and deseases and multiply longevity by 10.
Assuming we can keep the current standards (of at least the first world), a lot of hairs on our bodies can be get rid of. If women manage to go without all that body hair, what's the advantage for men?
I don't know why humans get offspring so late.
People could always be smarter, I think.
Are those curves shopped?
Am I the only one who finds this unsettling. She has the exact same appeal as this Palvin girl, that's so popular e.g. on /tv/: A fully grown woman's body + a face that resembles that of a 3 year old as close a possible without getting into the uncanny valley.
Also, I imagine other animals don't need to sleep 8 hours to be fit
wtf its a tradeoff
you cant just cherrypick all the best abilities of all animals without having any drawbacks
Well genetically speaking:
>Make it so muscles stay at a generally fit level regardless of physical activity (also good for retaining body mass in 0 g)
>remove all stupid genetic diseases (Alzheimer's, Huntington's, allergies)
>improve brain chemistry to curb thing like depression and anxiety
>increase general radiation resistance
>Improve DNA repair mechanisms to decrease risk of cancer
>alter all surface proteins so that viruses no longer have any method of infecting us
>we could also just improve general efficiency of all cellular proteins
>improving "intelligence" isn't exactly easy but we could do something simpler like have neurons that transmit information faster than the ~300mph were currently at
>have scar tissue that is replaced by functional tissue over time
>limb regeneration (it might take 10 years to regrow an arm but fuck it)
>fix the whole eye thing (inverted, blind spot), maybe even improve range of vision into ultraviolet or infrared
Actually, yeah, vaginas do need to be expanded, not because of pain but because infant and mother mortality. I forgot about that one.
>because fuck attraction
Naw, we only like tits because we're wired to like them. Female robins like bright chests. We can replace attraction to tits with pretty much anything else.
Why do you want eyes improved?
Of course, we could also let humans fly if you start making us improved animals like that.
Not that user. Doctors here (in my experience) won't remove toenails unless regular surgery isn't working.
I've had surgery many times. It was after the doctor worked on the same side of the same fucking toenail that he decided to go for removal.
Now I'm minus a toenail and happier than ever about it. Seriously, fuck toenails.
>you cant just
yes I can, come stop me faggot
Our eyes have a literal blind spot. I'm not pushing for laser vision and built in jet packs. Most of the things I mentioned are just issues that have come from evolution
Not the guy you were talking to but:
The human eye has horrible resolution. Things look sharp because the brain has really good postprocessing capabilities.
Spend a little time on google looking it up - it's fascinating how well our brain makes us think we're seeing clearly when we're really not.
Conscious ejaculatory control.
I wasn't criticizing that this is something that could be improved when we compare it to other animals - I was asking for the point of requesting that change. It's a bit like asking for better smell. Yeah sure, you can ask for a lot of thing before you're superman, but eye sight doesn't strike me as a stumbling block, like having to sleep or getting sick easily.
Maybe it was implemented a thousand times, but the guys who could fuck for hours without cumming just didn't have kids for it.
Comfyness in itself sure isn't an evolutionary advantage for our genes.
give me a multipurpose organ, or some front brain feedback on my metabolism. If I wanna prduce some extra adrenaline or insuline into my extra-organ just let me do it. dont worry itlll be fine
I'd agree, except that even if I could hold it off, I'd still want to ejaculate eventually.
That's just one data point, but I imagine a lot of guys feel the same.
Besides, I doubt it would change the length of sex all that much. Most women don't mind 30 minutes or so, but after that it starts to get monotonous (not t mention it starts to chafe). My personal record is somewhere around two hours, and I'm very glad that sex doesn't usually take nearly that long.
that is what we are already. Im pretty sure you could pit most offices against a wolf-pack and they would come out on top even without giving them access to modern items.
We should build on the strengh that is our versatility
>get rid of tits
It is Ok to be gay, but dont spoil the fun for the rest of us
Why does everyone give sleeping so much shit? I fucking love sleeping and if we didn't have something to separate each day, life would suck.
They like to pretend they would be more productive if they didn't waste their time on sleep...even though they would just waste more time on shitposting on a Mongolian throat singing forum
More genetic variability, like what you see in the various dog breeds.
You mean like bulldogs and such?
Not to that extreme. More like each environment can produce more differences than larger lungs, like the Peruvians.
I just want the plasticity of canis lupus. The very fact that we could create such a creature is evidence of such.
but then you wouldn't be able to grope boobies
sounds boring
People would fuck it up and interbreed all the time, producing more weirdos
replace the flesh with something more stable and energy efficient.
we will never travel outside the solar system as organic beings.
>grope boobies
>implying you're allowed to do that now
Check your privileges white male cis scum
>Psychologically, remove the need for a God(s) or to make sense of life and Universe. Remove tribal instinct satisfaction through sports/war.
so let's stop being humans. teenage smug fucks annoy me so much
>so let's stop being humans
That's exactly what this thread is about m80
I do enjoy groping the boobies, don't get me wrong. But I'd also enjoy not having my girlfriend have back problems all the time.
If you think about it, though, there's nothing special about tits. They're bags of fat with a nipple on them that hang off women's chests. If men weren't wired to find tits attractive, they'd be about as much fun as playing with pillows that you can't throw around.
Given time and money, I'll improve waste cleanup for example cleaning dead cells that causes cancer, and building a better and effective immune system.
My other impossible answer is making it immortal and able to heal any kind of disease.
Good idea user, lets crowd the planet even more and render the job market nonexistent.
you do realize there is something called breast feeding that is done by mamals right? How do you expect a flat chest to squeez out milk?
AI and robots will do the jobs for us.
are you retarded? pigs have even bigger tits than we do. if you had tits like a pig you'd have en enourmous blob of flesh covering your entire torso.
+1 for cephalopod eyes. Tapetum lucidum would be nice too, if that could be pulled off without losing clarity.
How does the removal of fundamental beliefs and motivational drive for understanding constitute an improvement on your part? Think about the distinction between pure causal mechanism responding only to the present and the ability to assimilate experiences and project them botg backward and forwards in time and space. You are essentially suggesting the former being as a better state of being. Do you know really understand what that entails?
stop making me so fucking horny all the time. im trying to concentrate on important shit.
evolution is not "goal oriented", it is an ongoing process of adaptation
Put dicks on all the women.
Men will also receive an additional dick.
God works in mysterious ways :)
you're just too stupid faggot
there is only a causal mechanism. Its only a cruel accident that lets us assume we had a choice, when its a forgone conclusion.
like a boss
A causal underpining does not remove the existance of phenomenons of a higher order. Yes we are manifested on the foundation of the of events taking place at a lower order but those are neither relevant to our experiences, interests or physical faculties. The value of human being does not lie at the quantum level, but rather the over arching collective effekts of those phenomenons, i.e. Abstractions as pointed out by douglas hofstadter. We should be talking about values central to the human experience, because that is the scale from which values were born in the first place.
Also what I originally was talking about was the distinction between two states of being conscious, one that has fundamental beliefs, or you could say a universal goal towards enlightenment. And one that is merely reactionary on a moment to moment basis. So which one sounds more appealing if u were given a choice?
Eat all the things but the body only absorbs the calories you need. The rest is shitted out.
Mostly because it takes up hours of our lives. If we had a way to sleep that didn't significantly shorten the amount of healthy, young, and waking hours we had, I'd sleep the fuck out of my time.
more advance defense system again viruses etc.
like special antivirus again this type of virus would apear in system.
>Also what I originally was talking about was the distinction between two states of being conscious, one that has fundamental beliefs, or you could say a universal goal towards enlightenment.
this is not a good distincion to make. How do you know a dog or an ant doesnt feel its on its way to enlightenment at any point? Some people kill to get to enlightenment, others refrain from killing for that same goal.
Completely rework our lower limbs to make land movement more efficient similar to theropod dinosaurs rather than these improvised shit primate legs.
Rework the entire respiratory system to give us a more efficient oxygen absorption mechanism in our body.
Remove useless mutations like most disabilites and genetic diseases.
Those are your own associated projection on the term itself. What enlightenment is, how it is defined or experienced by different kinds of conscious states is not the point here. The point is that there is a universal direction, or recursive thought pattern or whatever it may be that can all point towards a universal direction, which we can use to navigate our way through time and space giving us the ultimate incentive towards expanding whatever consciousness that is handed to us by chance.
So, you're under the impression that tits are big because they're full of milk?
>Psychologically, remove the need for a God(s) or to make sense of life and Universe
which we humans have done with the computer, now we should become more like it ourselves. I could also live with being replaced by the AI in a nuclear apocalypse, but this thread is about genetic improvements, so wth.
>fixed a bug where the motivational module would randomly fail to load
I guess I never even received mine.
Anyone ever notice how shitty the inner workings of our bodies are? I mean the circulatory system is a complete clusterfuck.
- collect uploads
- since uploads have no rights, torture them for subjective eternity, use them as rape slaves, basically live out my AM fantasies to my heart's content
- get busted by the cops
- the ensuing trial/media disaster teaches people about how the "cloud" is just someone else's computer and why 'uploading'/making an imitation of yourself on intrinsically insecure silicon and aluminum is a terrible idea
now, you may argue that this doesn't improve the human design per se, but I think of it like security testing
Honestly fuck cells, as long as have them we cant be immortal.
Second law, my droog. No escape.
All life needs sleep though. All animals, plants, and even bacteria have been shown to have their metabolic rate slow during certain periods of the day. You really can't get rid of it.
Make everyone a Futanari
I would make us less stupid. If we were all einstein, we would be traveling the multiverse right now.
All we need is for the defense budget to go to NASA
Elf ears. probably not deserving of a Darwin award; it'll probably make out hearing worse
>Elf ears
Kill yourself.
>we would be traveling the multiverse right now.
plot twist: everyone gets into pure maths, each into their own field, and goes full Mochizuki refusing to explain it to anyone.
Elf... noses?
Testicle shielding.
You mean just putting them inside the body?