>tfw you only graduate with a B.A. from your elite undergrad physics program
Tfw you only graduate with a B.A. from your elite undergrad physics program
if you are so elite, then you should be able to solve this:
if displacement is 100 meters, and the maximum height was 100 meters, tell me the initial velocity and the angle at which the projectile was ejected
It'll still score you some points for the admissions committee for grad school. Combined with a good GRE score you're in good shape.
100 meters
>tfw sheet where everyone marks their grades for a particular physics lab
>by far the lowest is 8/20
>check my grade for that lab
I don't even know how I got that low a grade.
Ayyyyyy lmao
My GPA got trashed this last year (like dropped from a 3.6 to a 3.0) and I failed two different labs because I was to anxious to actually show up to class, which is why I'm not finishing with a B.S.
I passed GR with a 12% on the final.
What's a good GRE score? How high does it need to be to overcome a shitty GPA?
>undergrad physics
This is top kek, m8. Thanks.
>be harvard
>graduate with B.A. in CS
>everyone over at MIT laughs at you cuz not EECS/Course 18C and not hard enuff
It's the kind of program that scouts people, it ain't no joke. A third of my graduating class is moving on to Stanford and at least one is going to Caltech.
>tfw you have a B.S. in Psychology
How does this make you feel, OP?
Not really any different? I worked my ass off to get into and go through this program and it's kind of disheartening that I won't get the B.S. I worked towards for years because of like one class.
Which class?
Seriously sucks for you, bro. We were given an option to get a B.A. in Psych but you had to take more classes for it.
Circuits lab. I've taken and dropped it multiple times at this point and I do think understand what it is about the subject that just causes me to shut down.
if it was one time, I understand
but multiple times? you just did not wish to pull your shit together.
I also have a crippling anxiety disorder and having to actually be present in lab makes me intensely uncomfortable. It's nothing about the material itself I don't think but I hate going to class.
jesus man, get help. psychologists can do good. get help so you learn how to be in control of yourself
You majored in physics and never had to go to a lab? Seriously?
I see someone weekly and take hella pills.
No, I finished every other required lab. It's just this one specifically that's really bad.
cant u talk to administration and get some help? sounds kinda harsh to hold back someone's masters degree for one lab class
It's still a bachelor's degree, and I'm still graduating, my adviser is using the (ill-defined) B.A. requirements to help me sidestep this lab and finish my degree but the downside is it won't be a B.S.
pretty pathetic mate, you're the kind of person who is destroying the educational system with your special snowflake circumstances. The just one class excuse is the oldest and most lame excuse and the saddest part is you bitch and moan about it like you're the first person who is trying to skirt the system to get what they want without working for it. congratulations, you don't deserve it.
I don't know what your deal is, I'm getting a slightly inferior degree for not having finished one out of twenty to thirty courses on my B.S. grad requirements. But you're not the first person to have ever been shitty to me for talking about my anxiety issues, so whatever.
Is there actually a difference between a BA and a BSC in America? In Canada, the designation is mostly just a formality and entirely up to the school. For example, some schools offer a BMath instead if a BA in math or a BSc in math, but theres no difference.
Some schools offer a BEng and a BASc for engineering but there's no difference.
An English degree would typically be a bachelor of arts but that's just because English is not part of a science faculty.
What's the difference between a BA and a BSC in math?
he isn't being shitty because of your anxiety issues
he's being shitty because you're gaming the system to get something out of your classwork
he's kind of an ass, but playing the victim card is going to get you no sympathy here. you fucked up big time, and it's your own fault. take responsibility.
He didn't fuck up, asshole. He has anxiety issues. Do you even know what that's like? It's not "I don't feel like taking this class today". It's a big issue.
At least at my uni a B.A. in a field like math or physics has less upper division required classes (especially labs for physics) and broader GE requirements. I transferred into this program and I explored another program after so I have like half of two different minors done.
I don't plan on doing graduate school in physics at this point so for getting a job it probably won't matter all that much but it does sting a little.
Which uni? Did you write the GRE?
>he didn't fuck up
>he flunked a course so bad he couldn't graduate with a BSc
he fucked up big time. everyone has issues. being an irresponsible pansy is one of them, even more dangerous than crippling anxiety imo. take some fucking responsibility. it's really easy nowadays to shield yourself behind some issue and play the victim card everywhere to avoid growing up, and retards who enable this like you only make it worse
I'd rather not say because it's a pretty small program so it's pretty likely someone else in the program would know who I am and I'd prefer not out myself as a Veeky Forums user because I'm deeply ashamed of it. Also I never took to GRE because I got depressed about my grad school prospects and gave up.
Just throwing this out there but I actually entirely earned a B.A. so why are you saying I don't deserve my degree? I finished all the requirements for a B.A.
>my adviser is using the (ill-defined) B.A. requirements to help me sidestep this lab and finish my degree
this made it sound like you were gaming the system, which is why the first user got mad at you
i don't really care about that, again, I'm just pissed at you playing the victim card like so:
>But you're not the first person to have ever been shitty to me for talking about my anxiety issues, so whatever.
just don't. take responsibility of yourself.
Yes, the B.A. is ill-defined but my adviser and the grad panel all agree that I satisfied the degree requirements. It would be gaming the system if I got to skip the lab and still got the B.Sc.
>tfw graduating with a BA, with a free MA two years later, with no further study or testing
Tradition has its advantages
I'd like a Master's or doctorate eventually but I think I'm just gonna try to get a techy job for now and pay off my student loans. Dunno if I'll look to do it in physics though, my heart isn't into it anymore and I don't like the environment.
Did you ever, you know... get help from anyone? I've tutored math for 6 years (due to my own issues) and many math tutors would have an engineering background.
It's not my (lack of) understanding of the material that was the issue, it was showing up to class and interacting with people during an intense period of agoraphobia. I'm actually really smart and good at physics, which is probably how I got in this program in the first place!
You'd be surprised what good tutors can get you to do. I did tutoring at CC for 3.5 years and there were a lot of "special" people.
Yeah, the worst part of this experience for me was that I used to love going in the study lounge and being able to see friends and be a little loud and spastic and work through the homework sets, but I stopped feeling welcome in that kind of environment and my grades really suffered for it because I don't study very well on my own when I can't bounce ideas off of someone. Circuit lab isn't exactly the same environment but it's certainly a lot of the same people in a twice too small room for hours and hours on end. A lot of the anxiety is in my head because that's how anxiety works but even knowing that it can be hard to get out of he house some days.
>tfw graduating with a bachelors of MATHEMATICS
I will soon be a living Veeky Forums meme!!!
A while back, I spent the better part of two years virtually unable to leave the house and interact with the world due to anxiety, fear, panic, and paranoia. Get help.
100 m/s at 90 degrees
I struggle with anxiety too user. See a psychiatrist. They're gonna want to put you on antidepressants, but they don't really help for anxiety. Ask if you can take Ativan. Then if those work for you ask for Klonopin. It's been a lifesaver and I can actually make it through a whole class without having to leave.
You aren't on my pill level. I take eight pills daily plus prns.
What are prns? I used to take some antipsychotics and antidepressants but who knows what long term effects ill have when im 80
Rx shorthand for 'as needed'.