jacob barnett
what's he acheived since?
jacob barnett
what's he acheived since?
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I heard autists are making threads about him.
Is it desirable? I don't know, but it's more than you or I accomplished.
He published three papers since 2011, pretty bad tbqh.
wait is he actually smart then?
No not really, the average grad student puts out more papers than he does. Also, only one paper actually made it into a journal, one only made it to arxiv and the other made in in "Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research" whatever the fuck that even means.
Looks like his snowflake autism only gave him an initial advantage, which is useless now.
He's at Perimeter, he doesn't need to pander to the publish-or-perish mentality. Livin' the dream.
Are you his fucking mom or something?
No. I mean, his papers don't look terribly insightful (dare I say even a bit autistic) but if you think number of papers published says anything about intelligence you are a moron.
Well, he sure as fuck isn't accomplishing shit with his "intelligence"
I have a perfect quote for you OP
>Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
and empty minds shitpost on Veeky Forums
he's 18 tho, how many people in history have made some landmark contribution to their field at that age?
why do people even care to talk about this kid? this is basically a gorilla thread
This quote is trolling in its most pure form. Every single person using it admits to being of small mind.
>theoretical physics
obviously nothing. its a useless field where you stand at a chalkboard all day.
>landmark contribution
>27 citations in 5 years
I've seen third rate masters theses get more citations.
>Every single person
So does the person who describes the people that use it.
>what's he acheived since?
more windows waiting to be cleaned
Nope, it's not necessary to accept the truth of a proposition in order to see that it leads to this or that conclusion. What I meant is that these people are stupid by their definition, not that I personally agree with such definition.
Who cares...
>talking about a person
>using one of their quotes
they arent mutually inclusive, albert.
>what's he achieved since
An even higher level of autism before unbeknownst to man
He died the very moment he decided to choose physics over mathematics.
Mathematics is for people who want to answer questions.
Physics is for people who want to do popsci TV shows.
Having home? I dont have one...
Even as robot after he let you update so much browser updates id doesnt load my...
Someone ban this fucking schizoid.
Retard see
so you're a small mind then
i mean you're the one discussing people