I'm a retard so sorry if my question is a bit too stupid, but how come we don't see explosions around black holes? When things enter event horizon shouldn't they literally be split in half on their way in? Wouldn't that cause some big nasty explosions?
I'm a retard so sorry if my question is a bit too stupid, but how come we don't see explosions around black holes...
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We do see something like an 'explosion', but an object getting pulled in would simple be pulled in. Gas and dust clouds can be mostly pulled in while allowing some material to be ejected.
tfw kurisu is a biofag
but still does GTR and shit
she's cute so it's alright
Woah a qt in biology, I'm so fucking shocked
Fucking /a/ ruins another perfectly good board with their weeb shit baka
>Veeky Forums
>perfectly good
pick one
I agree.
are u a fucking nim wit? u don't see shit the gravity is so strong around the black hole that time literally freezes to the 'fearless' observer of this phenomenon.
>posts wiki link
>quack quack
Veeky Forums's official waifu has and always will be Kurisu!!!
ka tonk ka tonk
times have changed
sorry but no
no you two
The force of gravity from a black hole increases by the inverse square of distance like any other object in space. It doesn't go from zero to infinity as you cross the event horizon.
You probably wouldn't even notice crossing the event horizon other than a flash from the photon sphere and from that point on not being able to reply to any radio messages. You've got to get a lot closer than that for specification to occur.
Orbits of the main visible stars around Sag A* (supermassive black hole at center of Milky Way) 1995-2010
>pic A. Ghez, Keck Observatory, et al