Can Veeky Forums explain why gravity isn't affected by gravity?
Can Veeky Forums explain why gravity isn't affected by gravity?
Well you see, gravity works outside time
That's why light cannot escape a black hole, but its gravity can
Because gravitational fields don't couple to themselves.....maybe.
can one say gravity is instantaneous since it's not bound to a single moment in time but all of them at once?
What do you mean by "affect"?
It affect itself in the sense that the equations are non-linear.
Pic related is from
It does.
A linearized gravity, where stuff looks like Electrodynamics (which classically is not self-interacting at all), goes by
Time doesn't exist.
You don't exist.
It is.
It isnt instantaneous. If the sun completely vanished, the earth would keep orbiting it for ~8minutes
math friend here
tell me about gravitons and gravitinos
Triggered hard were you? lol
Why tho?
I think vanish is the wrong hypothetical to use. If it were to instantaneously become a black hole how long would it take for us to be drawn toward it? Is it still instantaneous or is it still 8 min
If this hypothetical black hole had the same mass of the sun, the orbit of earth wouldnt change at all. Any sudden change of the sun mass would effect earth at the speed of light (so after about 8min)
Science can explain everything. Just believe.
Gravity is a curvature in time and space.
>what are gravitational waves?
He wasn't wrong.
>look I know the lights travel distance from the sun to earth
So proud of you user! I'm glad you enrich us with your deep knowledge of the universe.
user asked, I answered. It is not like I randomly spouted it out. user didnt know about it, so I told him. You know, not every post is for (You)
You're right. I apologize. It's just that sometimes I find myself so full of faggotry and retardation that I can't hold it back anymore, and that's when I lash out and fag up the place.
It won't happen again, user. I'm sorry.
If the sun were a black hole we'd orbit it the same as we do now. The only difference would be for things going inside the current radius of the sun.