Why should scientists be paid? I just finished watching Carl Sagans cosmos so I think I have a really good understanding of your field but it still doesn't make any sense to me... why is the government giving billions of dollars to people who just wear lab coats, smoke pot, and look at really bright lights thinking that the "lasers" are revolutionary technology (if they're even doing good science- if they're not, then they're just staring at the fucking sky while they're tripping and thinking about how the amount of light from each star can affect its composition like it even fucking matters to us)
Tell me sci, I don't want to hate all of you guys but it seems to me that you're a huge waste of the countries resources.
James Diaz
VERY good post.
Jace Taylor
Sage in all fields
Adam Kelly
I got a better idea.
Christopher Carter
typical scientist- redirecting the question and pretending it isn't there (black matter?!?) instead of actually answering the question. thank you friend.
Adam Sullivan
bump, justify your existence you fucking leeches
Dominic Parker
we give you uber cool desktops
Andrew Williams
Dude, I designed dual core in processors and i am smoking cigarete buds on psychiatri...
Mason Bailey
And psychiatrer here is pedofile, or some another ... idiot who do experiments on people
Nathan Murphy
and kill brave young people who think that they're doing something great "for science" and their country on those same rockets oh, so you're a scientist and a loser? no surprise.
Tyler Ward
Oh look guys! We have a wannabe troll desperate for some (you)s!
Carter Martinez
nah bro, posting this to show you my (yous)
Hudson Robinson
Aiden Diaz
Like, why should anyone get paid man?
Luke Taylor
it was explaining of dual channel memorys gittet trougt selves so much how the cores spin, now i get only few sugar and coffe static elektricity experiments so much, that if they put something in my room wrong it creates something between lighting bolt and water fireball that hits them :) its like HO- grounded, but the ground is fused, they replace a copper wire, if i dont do it order right :D and what is in the white paper cups is not known, like whats inside pharmacy pills, isnt it beautiful?
Ryder Stewart
because they contribute to society, like truck drivers, oil workers, entertainers, farmers, and factory workers. i can't think of a scientist that has improved my life in the last 50 years. this guys inanity is the average scientists ability to communicate. literally a leech on society.
Juan Ward
Well just to put something real here for a second. The computer you are so diligently shitposting from on this Mongolian rice paper making board was made by scientists researching computers and materials. The entirety of the internet was created in order to share data more efficiently between laboratories and the lotion you use to touch yourself while thinking about how bad you trolled this board was formulated by chemists so you don't get chafing.
Jonathan Thompson
>because they contribute to society, like truck drivers, oil workers, entertainers, farmers, and factory workers.
How do these people contribute to society? What is your definition of "contributing to society"? Be very specific because we will exploit your vagueness against you.
Asher Wright
falling for the bate m8s
Henry Walker
they deliver goods and produce goods increasing the standard of living of the people in their communities and in other peoples communities. other people who contribute are doctors, educators, and lawyers, who help maintain the structure of that society. So you think that the development of one product and one service justifies the rest of the billions of dollars being poured into the scientific industry? were you or anyone you know involved in the development of the computer or the internet? if so, congratulations, but if not, then you aren't really refuting my point- there is an exceptional amount of money being wasted on grants to scientists, considering the small number of things that you can name to support your point as compared to the funds given through the NSF. How is CERN, SLAC, or Fermilab contributing to society? And how much money has been spent on them?
Aiden Martin
Since when are we with you?
Asher Davis
>increasing the standard of living of the people in their communities and in other peoples communities
So you are saying that investing in next invention like Teslas or Edisons who made it possible to use electricity to illuminate vast spaces at evening/night which made it possible to work at evening/night thus increasing the working hours which means more production from every walk of life is not increasing increasing the standard of life?
Matthew Gray
i don't know, ask the folks at CERN thanks to whom you can now know even more than you'd ever like to know about the elementary structure of matter.
but in all seriousness, when the day comes that your computer (and everyone else's) isn't running off of electricity that was generated by burning dead plants, you should then ask the people responsible for that.
Tyler Stewart
Joseph Ramirez
Edison was an engineer, not a scientist, and the infrastructure which allowed for the spreading of electricity was also developed by engineers. Tesla is and was a meme. My houses electricity is generated by windmills. I would thank engineers for that, not scientists.
Nicholas Baker
Because it was engineers who developed the theory behind electromagnetic induction, right?
Cameron Cox
Tesla may be a meme. But Edison wasn't real, his myth was developed by the International engineering union to provide a single engineer that contributed to society. A the engineers you've heard of since then are all by the same creation.
Ryder Foster
I thought Veeky Forums was suppose to be smart but you niggas falling for this b8 not even a nigger would fall for baka
Ian Collins
OP here, also wanted to say that I don't know for what reason I would want to know about the elementary structure of matter since we already solved chemistry and understand the composition of the atom. Why do we need to delve any deeper? Is CERN finding out about the elementary structure worth 13.5 billion dollars? The principle of electrical induction isn't necessary for the infrastructure for transporting electricity. In fact, engineers still look at current in a way that is, physically, backwards, but the end result is the same, whether you view current as going from positive to negative or negative to positive. In addition, you are justifying the expenditure of money and resources on scientists today with a discovery made in 1831.
Cameron Cook
maybe an understanding of the elementary structure of matter could provide us with a way of producing energy that a) doesn't rely on burning dead plants b) doesn't lead to chernobyl part ii and c) doesn't fill my country's landscape with rows upon rows of those ugly-ass windmills
Jack Edwards
Your point was to do with windmills. The design of those generators requires knowledge of electromagnetic induction.
Back in 1831 you would have found it hard to justify spending money on scientists researching electromagnetism, yet here we are. Who are you to say that the discoveries of today won't be a trivial requirement for the technology 175 years ahead of us?
When it comes to astrophysics, at first glance it's hard to justify. However the universe can sometimes set up scenarios which can be used to test theories which would be impossible to perform on earth. Take supernovae, we cannot even get close to that amount of energy however by observing them we can learn about nuclear fusion.
Alexander Richardson
OP here. lol you guys fell for it. I expected better from Veeky Forums one of the "smart" boards.
Levi Turner
No, I don't think it was very hard to justify that research. At the time, there was a lot not known about things which affect people on a daily basis- electricity, magnets, gravity. this is not the case today. It should be clear this is not OP.
Jack Evans
everything in a hospital that requires electricity to diagnose a patient with illness/ injury was invented by a physicist trying to do something completely different. Xrays, Ultrasound, CAT scanners etc.
We discovered the potential of Global warming by studying Venus.
Science revolutionizes lives by taking discoveries and applying them to new areas. Unfortunately, we often can't see where these benefits can be used until well after the discovery. E.G Chemotherapy wouldn't be possible without examining the cellular metabolism of sugars in the human body. initially, close to no human application, but it birthed the Chemotherapy treatment system.
Tyler Thomas
>was made by scientists no it wasn't. it was made by engineers.
scientists are just worthless DUDE SCIENCE LMAO losers while engineers, doctors, and other related professions make all the real change in the world
Caleb Butler
>that entire post you have no fucking clue how technology and technological progress works, do you?
Aiden Collins
Jaxson Howard
>The principle of electrical induction isn't necessary for the infrastructure for transporting electricity >what are transformers
Jesus nigga.
>you are justifying the expenditure of money and resources on scientists today with a discovery made in 1831
Because no one has come up with a better way in the intervening years.
Blake Wright
>We already solved chemistry Hello bait my old friend, it's nice to deal with you again. Knowing about the structure of matter and how it interacts with other particles and forces can have an array of effects, in the past 50 years this understanding of structure has benefited humanity greatly.
Look at polymers for example, Carbon and Silicon based.
Gabriel Cox
Scientists develop new medicine and new medical procedures. Also scientists discover what chemicals are bad for you. Life expectancy is increasing by 2 months per year.
If you don't like this you could take the consequences and NOT rely on any recent tech and see how far that will get you.
Gabriel Bennett
>The principle of electrical induction isn't necessary for the infrastructure for transporting electricity. Quality bait, I've raged a little bit.
Hunter Reed
Tip - when you see dumb posts in catalog just hold shift + left click on them, automatically hides.
Gabriel Wright
people are most often dying for less.
Lincoln Walker
when you look at historical figures doing shit for society, they were engineers, doctors and lawyers at the same time. or they had some other combination of degrees. as we learn more, the more you have to specialize to be competetive in your respective field; thus came the time when the engineer and the scientist were not necessarily the same person.
Adam Rivera
>Norman Borlaug wasn't a scientist
Carter Torres
Because the government makes us buy our own weed.
Mason Scott
You are an idiot... Scientists aren't really paid enough for the service they do to humanity. The money you are talking about goes into the research, machines, materials, human time. Without science we would be living in mud huts planting crops in a 5mx5m space. science is what gave you the machines that worked with steam, with electricity, which transport goods. Humans are best at being creative and they excell in pattern recognition. They are one of the few jobs you can't actually replace with machines completely.
Blake Cook
What do you mean Tesla is a meme he's great
John Perry
its pasta
Liam Morgan
This is a fair question but you phrased it like bait.
Scientists should be paid for their work, but their research should not be govt. subsidized. Those who benefit most from scientific research are private institutions and they should be funding their own research.