December 21st solstice daylight flat earth map is hilarious
Why are flat earthers so retarded?
>the earth is euclidean
Do you actually believe those guys believe this? Its pure bait. Low bait quality.
does that have to do with heavy snowstorms and shitty visibility over Antarctica? I'm only guessing, I don't know anything about its climate
>he thinks earth isn't a torus
It's 2016 and I'll believe whatever bullshit I want as long as yields reproducible results
That's not true. I went from Australia to Brazil using that route
alaska has a rougher climate
then what's the deal apart from it being a lie?()
The thing is, to fly below 72° you need special equipment
So most commercial flights don't do it
But scientific flights do it all the time
this is interesting. what kind of equipment?
ETOPS protocol
Warm mittens to put on the tips of each wing and a nice winter jacket for the plane as well.
the earth isn't flat, but its concave
Sad thing is, you could put someone like B.O.B in the co-pilots chair and fly that route, and they would still be convinced that they were drugged/tricked/Never A Straight Answer and whatnot.
Yeah no shit. You can't represent transversal across a sphere, in 2-dimensions, with a straight line. It has to be curved.
From what I've understood, that's because the ozone layer over the pole is thinner, so you are exposed to more radiation coming from space. They used to follow these routes, but now it's rarer.
Daily reminder that her vote counts just as much as that of a sane persons
The one saving grace of the electoral college system...
Lmao people in the 16th century were smarter than this
ETOPS rules mainly.
"What is the atmosphere?"
O m g laughing right now.