>Anecdotal evidence
It is funny because I was using my anecdotal evidence as proof of how women are just as functional in modern society as men.
>what kind of testing you use
If you want this shit to be 100% reliable then make it a fight to the death.
For strength make it a fist fight. Last gender standing wins. No rules but no weapons. Anything goes as long as you can do it with your fists or legs.
No professional fighters allowed, obviously. Just bring your average people.
I won't tell you the answer, but you know which gender would fucking beat the shit out of the other.
To test intelligence then something similar but involving strategy. Maybe set up a puzzle where both genders are trapped in a different location and you give them just enough information so that they can deduce where the coordinates of the other gender is.
They have to solve this puzzle, find the location of the other gender and succesfully send a misile to that location that will kill them.
If it takes them more than 3 days then deadly poison gas will be poured into both rooms and all of them will die, so that they are under pressure.
You better believe me that women won't bitch about 'environmental conditioning' when it is a life or death situation.
Obviously no professional RTS players or mathematicians allowed.
Here who would win is harder to tell because the intelligence gap is not as big as the strength gap but I still am very confident about who I think would win.
Tell me, who do you think will win?
Anyways, these are extremes so actual tests would be
2020 olympics will be mixed gender and lets count medals by gender.
For intelligence get 5 people from each gender who know shit about videogames and force them to learn a highly competitive multiplayer game for 3 months and then make them have a match against each other to see who wins.