What is the greatest strategy game ever created?
What is the greatest strategy game ever created?
counter strike
CS was unironically a great real time strategy game.
Stratego was pretty fun too, but the best one is real life. Kinda sucks if you start with a bad roll though.
Explain the rules of Feudal as simply as possible please?
Online guides are usually very hard to understand without actually playing
brood war
Age of Empires II
No pieces can go on mountains. Mounted men can't pass rough terrain, and move like a queen in chess. Sergeants and Pikemen sort of move like promoted rooks bishops in Shogi respectively. That is, they can move like rooks and bishops in chess, in addition to being able to move like a king in chess. Although, unlike mounted men, they can only move up to 12 spaces.
A squire moves like a knight in chess. An archer can move or shoot up to 3 spaces, but cannot move when he shoots. Archers cannot shoot over mountains or castles.
The game plays a lot like chess. Although, where chess is the battle, Feudal is the war.
Just noticed the knight in the picture is placed on a mountain. This is against the rules.
Forgot to mention one last thing. You're supposed to put the screen with the instructions in the middle of the board while setting up the pieces.
To come to think of it, I'm not sure how the board can be set up for more than two people. The blinder only works for two people.
Forget to mention, the king can move up to two spaces. The objective of the game is to kill the enemy king(s).
Very subjective question, but GO is pretty sublime.
Monopoly: Mega Edition
I've had an idea for a strategy game in my head for a while now but I've never written it out in detail. The idea is to take a simplified/minimalist 4X type thing and give everyone random win conditions that are kept hidden from the other players on a modular/randomized map. Balancing it would be a nightmare but it would be cool if I could tweak it right I think, the core ruleset is simple enough that it wouldn't be overwhelming while allowing for lots of trickery.
I think I'll have to head over to BGG and do some research, Feudal looks really interesting.
Thanks, user.
I do love this comic.
Riskopoly. Be prepared for a long night.
When i played last it had been 13 hours and the dude who almost died had come back to second place.
I reckommend removing go to jail stuff.
>confusing tactics with strategy
>thinking there's a non-trivial difference
Should we turn this to a pedantic etymology competition?
chess. no game could defeat this
objectively this
Go is better
whats riskopoly the only thing i found online was a reddid post that sad it takes around 18 days to complete it
Dota 2, objectively
brood war
it's more about tactics
Dota 2 is tactical you mongoloid. The greatest strategy game ever is Gary Grigsby's WITE
Tactics are stragety artard
>thinking theres a difference between strategy and tactics
>knowing english
Pick one
Though it's pretty boring most of the time.
>divide board into quadrants
>use graph paper to mark your placement
>turn in graphs to board master
does playing strategy games regularly make you smarter?
The jews are terrible at it.
Riskopoly rules, first hit
Some guys seem to know
Why are you even arguing at this?
thats a beautiful thing
>thinking Starcraft is a good strategy game.
If you aren't in the top 10th percentile of SC, you lose because the enemy spent resources more efficiently than you.
If I wanted a dexterity contest, I'd play a fighting game. SC is a game for autists.
The only truly good Blizzard RTS was Warcraft 3. You actually had worthwhile decisions to make.
this sounds exhausting, but incredibly fun
There's the question which a person likes better. For me it's Go, for others it may be chess. Both are games with deep strategy and complexity.
But the question which is the better game has a definite, objective answer: Go is the better game because the rules are less arbitrary, first move advantage can be erased and it is infinitely scalable. These are facts.
This multiplayer right here
Total Annihilation
Best RTS at least, you can play a remake on the spring engine for free.
>chessfags are this dumb
Baduk is better dude get over it
If you play with some equal level (no stone handicap) then komi would never allow for a tie so you don't even know some basics about the game.
By understanding alone, computers can beat any pro-chess players easily
AlphaGo has only begun to evolve against pros as it still has achieved its full potential (i.e match against lee sedol)
this fucking comic
scary russia... In what year is it?
strategy implies long term planning, few games actually incorporate this (definitely not shooters)
One turn is about 30 min-1 hr, usually 8-9 turns in game, 7 players.
It's breddy balanced and diplomacy with other players is most important.
Funny as hell when people start fucking each other.
Top tier:
Good tier:
>Brood War
Don't even bother with single-player strategy games for more than 2 runs.
Did they bring back comdrops yet?
Of course the greatest strategy game ever created is Chess. You all are faggots for thinkling otherwise
Game of life obviously.
No win state.
This was actually such an incredible game, design wise. Replaying it there are some obvious flaws (like how you have to kill EVERY unit to win the mission and the slow unit speed), but it doesn't change the fact that it's pretty damn good.
Any similar games?
Choosing a major.
Politics and war in real life
Could you expand on the strategic depth?
>they can move like rooks and bishops in chess, in addition to being able to move like a king in chess
So they can move like a queen?
fucking autists
It's a game that is 20 years old, it's strategic depth is obviously not all that deep because the AI is pretty flawed and multiplayer pretty much does not exist. I do think that if someone took this game design and improved on it, it could become an incredible game.
You can comdrop and combomb, but comnapping enemy coms isn't possible. You can lift allied coms though, so you can troll your own team/save them.
In some ways, sure. You can pick up on certain patterns that present themselves in the game and then loosely apply those within the constraints of other situations in life. Mostly, not really.
Wish this guy got his art "style" together, it looks like shit but it's great stuff.
They make you better at strategy games, and if you measure smartness by how good you are at strategy games, yes.
You understand that literally the only reason you like chess it because le logical characters play it on TV?
Obviously chess. It's timeless.
Connect 4
>watching TV
Whoever put the dark wood on top of the white K/Q and vice versa should be shot.
The best ever strategy game is
Yeah I love the feel of that set, but if I were to change one thing it'd be that. It's not mine though. Pic related is mine.
>If I wanted a dexterity contest, I'd play a fighting game. SC is a game for autists.
hating on something just because you suck at it isn't nice user.
The original Sid Meier's colonization for DOS is one of my favorite games. I think the strategy and planning involved in the game make it one of the most difficult games I've played. Not for a single turn can you just stop thinking or do somethibg half assedly as you are racing to compete with natives, Europeans and eventually your mother nation. Trade routes have to be devised to maintain cities and expensive troops have to be constantly maintained to be ready for enemy invasion forces.
>you lose because the enemy spent resources more efficiently than you
Well yeah, half the game's strategy is choosing what units to build in response to what your enemy builds.
Like the other user said don't hate on something just because you don't understand it.
sounds like Civ (the board game)
which chess? there are so many to choose from.
Learning the history behind the modern game from Murray's tome shows that chess is a hacked together game. From the initial Chaturanga ("Four armies" for infantry, chariots, cavalry, and elephants) in India a thousand years ago, it accreted rules like the queen and bishop moves, double-pawn move and en-passant to counter it, "King's leap" and finally castling.
I'm good at chess, but lately I've become more interested in the other national variants, like shogi and makruk. Shogi mating problems are really intricate and interesting.
And then of course is completely right. Go is a far deeper and broader strategy game, with basic rules so simple and uniform, it feels more like it was discovered than invented.
Victoria II
>only been around with modern rules for a couple centuries.
Even Xiang-Qi, Shogi and Makruk have had their current rulesets for longer.
I think Go is best candidate for a timeless classic. It has had its basic form for two millennia.
That is the Russian standard, btw. Don't let Putin hear you.
The other Russian innovation that didn't catch on was "free castling", where you could choose either Kg1 or h1, and Re1 or f1 when castling.
Civilization 2
>Pro Chess has become a race on "who remembers the most moves"
Seriously, the standard for openings are 10-15 moves now and it goes up to 40 sometimes. It's really boring to play Chess at a high level.
my nigga
Anybody here get into Tak?
I wish casuals didn't take over, commnapping the entire team with an adv air trans was the highlight of springs existence.
I just watched a "How to Play" on this. It looks excellent.
Banking. Gotta be a jew to play though.