>spend 3 years in uni >do great >do lots of research, prepare future papers to finish/publish at the 4rth/5th year of my studies >various personal and health issues occur >become a NEET >FOR 2 (TWO) FUCKING YEARS do nothing but browse Veeky Forums and watch stupid tv series/movies >reach literally the verge of suicide >start recovering
>23 years old >no degree for me before 25/26 >forgot how to add integers >lost all intuition >highly reduced learning abilities
Is there hope for me? What am I supposed to do? Is this how it feels like for normalfags?
Cameron Sullivan
Easton Baker
>forgot how to add integers
almost had me
Cameron Powell
It was self-sarcasm via over-exaggeration, I actually forgot a lot of crap but obviously not addition.
Jordan Lopez
u smoke weed dont u?
Isaac Thompson
Gavin Watson
I did a similar thing except for 3 years.
Now that im back im ballin cause i wasnt a trucking retard and kept my brain active.
Samuel Murphy
ok good news u dont need to quit weed
bad news is u have to quit Veeky Forums
Michael James
Sounds like you're better off than me but that's not saying much considering I had what is roughly the equivalent of a 4th grade comprehension of mathematics until late last year at the age of 25. I'm now up to the 12th grade level. Pretty much just getting ready to kill myself when my parents are no longer around to support me. Does that make you feel any better?
Gavin Nguyen
Have you tried drugs?
I tried SSRI for a few months before quitting. The effect was like hearing someone whisper next to heavy traffic. It maybe did something but it was impossible to feel that anything happened.
Half a year later I tried a single dose of MDMA. Sure the main effect only lasted a few hours but it blew my fucking mind. I experienced more happiness and feelings of being comfortable with myself in those 4 hours than in the 10 previous years combined. It gave me the insight that yes, I can be happy in this body, I can be happy with myself and that there is a state of feeling in which everything feels so right and so perfect. I could speak my mind freely with no feelings of anxiety or mental blocks. You feel a bit depleted for a few hours afterwards(which sleeping will solve) but it leaves a long lasting afterglow of energy and an amazing memory.
I also tried some LSD, it's much more sensitive to setting, but it will amplify good music to a divine orchestra. A good view to an image of the divine and a good feeling to a burning river of positive energy. The intensity of living is increased.
Where the SSRI failed these succeeded. I felt like I suddenly had remembered how to be happy and how to do things instead of shying away from everything. Like some long dormant brain circuitry suddenly was jumpstarted again.
It's a great shame they're illegal and not availible for psychotherapy sessions and formal psychiatry because they are way more effective than any prescription drug and quite safe too.
I hope you don't simply discard this as "hurr drug junkie ranting", because for me this not only gave my life a lasting change for the better, it also was two of the best experiences I have ever had.
Nathaniel Ross
This happens, don't worry OP. Standard fare for the second year of a doctorate too. Keep on working, get over it - you'll start to get moments when you figure things out again, and suddenly you'll notice that you've figured them out differently to how you would've in the past. It's a barrier phase, and beyond it lies a much deeper intuition, and the ability to harness a far greater variety of solution methods.
It's awful whilst you're in it though. The reason why profs etc. are always so nice about these things is because everyone works through it.
Elijah Butler
better than:
>do great in highschool >don't make it a month in college because existentialism hits you >live in your car as a NEET for a few years until you see a doctor
Solution: go see a doctor and get medicated . You'll be back on your feet in 2-6 months.
William Wright
Sam Harris had a similar experience with MDMA to the point where he dropped out of stanford and went to practice meditation for ten years. I'm pretty interested in this drug given the impacts it has on people. Apparently there is research being done with PTSD sufferers with some good results.
Gabriel King
#wow #whoa
And you are already 23? Truly the worst case I have ever read about here.
Seriously you need to relax and stop comparing yourself to high achievers.
Hunter Ross
This, I dicked around changing majors and am on my senior year at 23, who the fuck cares
Colton Johnson
Same here Plus I have hip joint athrosis with 22 years, have pain every day and my doctor won't give me something against the pain that actually helps, and not making me want to shit every 5 minutes
Kevin Adams
Some people don't do well in life. Not saying is fine or anything. But it's really nothing special.
Perhaps watch Tatami Galaxy?
Caleb Garcia
maybe you should listen to viper
Ryan Nelson
I know so many people who didn't even graduate highschool and are currently parents who barely scrape together money to pay for their daily joints and booze. You're doing just fine user, relax. You can get back into it fairly easily and go from where you left off.
Caleb Cruz
>FOR 2 (TWO) FUCKING YEARS do nothing but browse Veeky Forums and watch stupid tv series/movies
replace 2 with 1.2 and dropping out with graduating and that is me.
Jacob Parker
>let's go fucking shoot up heroin and hopefully my life will turn around
Lincoln Bell
Get over it bruh that's life. Accept the fact that you might end up living in the garbage
Benjamin Young
Apparently you have also a reading comprehension problem as you're talking about your unimportant personal shit in a forum for science and math discussion
Ryan Scott
>all illegal drugs are I.V heroin, even those that have well documented success in psychotherapy from before they were banned. >this is true because a politician being hard on drugs is the most reliably source of facts.
John Anderson
>Sam Harris had a similar experience with MDMA to the point where he dropped out of stanford and went to practice meditation for ten years. That's pretty cool, even though I don't think much of Sam Harris. MDMA on the other hand is amazing.
Brandon Morris
MDMA did the exact same thing to me. It gave me hope that I can get out of that shitty state of mind. I'm never trying it again, though, and I don't feel comfortable with recommending drugs to someone else, even of Veeky Forums.
Dominic Hall
If the guy is on the verge of suicide then something that revitalizes his mind and give him perspective and hope is needed.
It might be possible to get there through regular psychiatric treatments, but it will be expensive, the progress will be slow, and chances are it will eventually boil down to "treatment resistant" anyway because the contemporary approach is so fucking bad that it's indistinguishable from placebo and just gives a false hope of improvement. It also is degrading and humiliating, you're crawling to the cross and beg a snake oil salesman to "oh great one please give me your probably inefficient help!" I've been there and fuck that so very fucking much.
Just because it's a regulated and "formal" profession doesn't mean anything to it's actual competence and efficiency in solving your problems.
Adam Wilson
Don't worry about it, I graduated and became a NEET for about 14 months because a BS in chemistry won't get you hired to any chemistry job unless you got it in about 2005 before entry level jobs required 5 years of job experience.
Tyler Myers
I'll be 30 when I finish my undergrad in Biochem. I'll be ancient when I'm done with grad school. And it doesn't matter.
You or I can't get those years back. If you've decided life is worth living, live it to the fullest and never lose sense of what you're striving for. Believe in what you're doing and remain true to yourself. If you truly desire something, there can be no alternative.