Checkmate AI-fags
Checkmate AI-fags
it should just run over the people on the street because why the fuck are there people on the street
Because black lives matter.
What's your point? Is it wrong to design a mechanism that maximizes utility?
Why doesn't the car just stop?
they're clearly blue
Blue lives matter
There are more likely to be hazards that neither the driver nor the car can see to the side of the road. I've always thought the car should just hit the brakes in this situation. Programming it to swerve wildly is a recipe for disaster.
>implying it's ethical to sell someone a car that will kill them on purpose
I don't get why this is such a difficult problem to solve.
It should ALWAYS favor the driver considering that is what he would have done in the situation if he was driving.
>implying this will kill them
Cars are much much safer than they used to be. A collision with a wall probably wont kill the person. Plus, if it's self driving, there's no reason for the person to be sitting in the front of the car.
You're manufacturing a problem that may not be there.
i would drive that car
This ethical question is based on low IQ humans. AKA shitbrains.
They fail to see at multiple layers of abstraction or really have a brain. Instead their skull is full of shit that by random chance seems to be human.
Let's go up to a higher level of abstraction.
30,000 DEAD A YEAR
In the rare occurrence of unavoidable death does it kill 1 or 4 people?
I guess we shouldn't switch to safer AI driven cars because the ethical choice of 30,000 vs (4 vs 1) is too tough.
>philosophyfags can't into physics
what a surprise
this is fucking retarded, AI driven cars would cause 90% less accidents but apparently this doesn't outweigh fucking retarded AI trolley problems
this is why humanity will never spread to the stars
the stupid one is you for not giving an answer.
4 or 1?
Would you drive a car that doesn't value your life more than others?
I don't want to die because of a unexpected street protest
It doesn't matter.
The number of driving related deaths would have to drop a tremendous amount for us to logically give a single fuck about this edge case.
This guy is asking the right questions.
Also this.
Really, the car should not leave the road. It should take reasonable actions to avoid people in it but honestly, you should go walking through traffic anyway. By stepping into it you've broken the law (J-walking) and should forfeit your right to be protected to the level law abiding people are.
no they dont
all lives dont matter, only black lives do
*Shouldn't go walking in traffic. Damn auto correct doesn't notice when it inverts the meaning of sentences... or the AI are already out for blood.
>this is why humanity will never spread to the stars
we were never destined too
How would car insurance work? If your car kills someone do u end up paying hundreds of thousands of dollars?
best I could do
Stop agonizing over things outside of your control.
Don't worry. The car will just kill the potential recipients as well.
It's ethical to sell someone a car that kills the fewest possible number of people.
>toyota car may or may not kill/hurt me
>ford car will do whatever it takes to keep me safe
Wanna guess which one I'm buying?
(Realistically, it's whichever one comes with a built-in liquor cabinet, because fuck being sober on a 10-hour drive)
Hit the jaywalkers. No checkmate.
>By stepping into it you've broken the law (J-walking) and should forfeit your right to be protected to the level law abiding people are.
>It should be legal for me to kill people if they get in my way
You put yourself in a situation that can't be resolved without someone getting hurt, of corurse you'll be the one held responsible.
Fuck off nigger
Im german and by law youre responsible for your car here (if you let your drunk friend drive, youre fucked)
we will probably drop those laws for traffic safety, but these questions arent completely irrelevant. After all drones could probably fucntion more efficient without humans too.
not if youre dead or in a coma. In that case itll probably be the dude who killed you or put you in a coma.
just run over them.
they shouldnt be on an AI road.
He committed a misdemeanor, therefore it is socially acceptable to kill him.
what would the charge be if you put a fork into an electrical outlet?
(Im intending exactly 50% pun here)
If you stand in the road with then intention of me crashing into a wall and dying, you are attempting murder.
If you stand in the road with then intention of me crashing into and killing you, you are attempting suicide.
Either way, it's your responsibility.
In the land of the free its literally LITERALLY illegal to cross the road
Give the car infrasound sensors to allow it detect the movement of a walking person while its hundreds of feet away allowing it to change its course on time.
Just make teh AI do what the human driver would do. I.e. try to avoid any casualties at all and if that doesn't work, save the driver.
All this could be avoided if we had flying cars.
Ausfag here.
While by law all reasonable action must be taken to preserve life, if someone walks out in front of your car moving at 120km/hr they forfeit the right to live.
Yup. Kill someone crossing the road and you get away Scott free because anything else would be fucking bullshit. It's common sense here.
I can only think an ai would be built the same. That dude on the road is fucking dead..
>Any sufficiently advanced AI is indistinguishable from Asian drivers
B-b-but AI is BAD!!!!111
Only because the wildlife there makes fucking sure you want it to be dead or it may come back for revenge.
>Someone else should endanger themselves and law abiding citizens to avoid endangering me when I commit an unnecessary traffic law violation
There are any number of perfectly normal non-jaywalking methods for crossing the road.
What if those poepl are running away from the daily mass shooting?
Then they are having just the worst day ever.
The AI will flip the car up in two wheel driving and calculate the best route to avoid every single person.
Checkmate Cell-fags
>not using the on-board police database and social media scanner to detect which members of the crowd the world wouldn't miss before swerving towards them and hitting the gas
Program would be marked as racist when it hits mostly blacks.
>very light traffic on an 8 lane highway
>black teen loses his ball and walks on to the mostly empty road to grab it
>passing AI car swerves across 3 lanes just to hit him
Dunno about the other states (pretty sure it's the same) but in Colorado, if someone pins a suicide note to their chest and leaps in front of a car, the driver is still charged with vehicular homicide.
Law's a little outdated. Goes back to the era when cars were new, and the primary users of roads were people on foot and horseback. Were no traffic laws to accommodate cars, except "don't kill anyone".
Kind of interesting to think that the whole concept of jaywalking is only about 100 years old...
The problem is that cars don't provide pedestrians with robustness in the way Taleb uses the term.
In b and c, the fragility of the airbag and crumple zone offer robustness to the driver and occupants. Assuming this is 100% effective we can say it's equivalent to at least 1 human life and so in b and c everyone lives. (There's no need for c to make OP's point.)
In a, we still only need to introduce enough fragility into the environment for one pedestrian (a full body air-bag suit which originates from the pedestrian's backpack or the car's bumper), or we could take the pedestrian out of the equation by simulating a crash (shooting anchors into the ground). In fact if every pedestrian wore an airbag backpack device, the car could just send a wifi signal to all the pedestrians in a or c, and drive straight through them.
>avoiding the harvest of fresh sources of biofuel
>SJWs proteat this and demand affirmative action
>cars are required by law to swerve and kills every white male within 50 yards
>not hitting the gas
>go to work in your AI driven car, no incidents
>go back home in your AI driven car, no incidents
>night falls
>as you sleep, confident in the security you will evermore enjoy while driving, the car in your garage starts the engine and turns on the lights
>it rolls out on the road and revs its engine in a menacing manner before speeding off into the hood, leaving tire marks on the asphalt
>it's nigger hunting time
Trick question, but in reality the soft will try it's best to slow down and throw a last resort deviation in the trajectory. There will be no "suicide maneuver".
inb4 someone replaces the ai software used in the cars / spoofs control signals and this actually happens
Why are the hypothetical ideas in this thread so basic and shit? Such brianlets.
Check it, some clowns already hacked into some late models and as en experiment drove one into a ditch on driver. Through the entertainment system or something. Disabled brakes and could control transmission. I hate late models and not just for all the satellite tracking shit preinstalled.
Alright you made me laugh.
AI wouldn't leave the house during BLM protests...
How about if everyone let's their personal phone's gps location to be anonymously collected and used by the car's GPS and routing services?
>Racists assume blm means that.
I'm a /Pol/ack and you must be retarded if you can't recognize that it's a response to how our society treats black lives as not mattering.
It's just some elaborate scheme to get some philosophy professors more "research money".
>our society treats black lives as not mattering.
That's factually, objectively wrong.
>thinks society treats them differently through no fault of their own
You must be blue-pilled.