Is Mathematics a good field to major in? What kind of jobs can I land?
>I don't know shit about fishing. I wonder if I can get a job in fishing. Can you catch fish by fishing?
How about trying something you like doing and already know a bit about?
ok can i major in quantum physics
No and this board shouldn't be visited by under18s.
So its a meme degree then
Depends on what you do at college.
If you're interested in math you're gonna learn math - if you want to apply it in a specific way you have projects at school, or firms will show up to fish good students for what they need.
if you're IMO-level/attend top 5-10 math school, you can get any job on wall street if you're above average in your math program..otherwise, good luck in software dev or lecturer positions
Don't even bother. Veeky Forums never gives a concrete answer to anything.
I graduated with a math degree in May. Still looking for a job here. Be warned OP.
then go work at the math factory you stupid piece of shit
what if i want to be a software dev?
I'm trying to be a software dev
Also unemployed
I did really well on my CS projects and outperformed all the CS kids too
how havn't you found a job yet
Yes but you need to have a minor in something else as well.
be an actuary and then kill yourself because you're a boring person
>300k starting
>any job i want
>what if I want to suck 20 cocks a day?
Fine for you, but don't complain.
My friend works a job as an administrator. I'm kinda thinking I chose the wrong major
Math major -> jobs LOL
>What kind of jobs can I land
Coding jobs and finance jobs are the most popular
Do some stats and you'll be fine for work.
If you bother more about job than science, its wrong... There are different things than money to get money.
Make projects on your own that are impressive; making a shitty board game isnt impressive, even if its on mobile/other..a good project for your resume can be something like placing highly in a kaggle competition or winning a hackathon or an academic project (i.e. writing your own toy compiler, or interpreter if freshman/sophomore)..with 0 software experience you want a few decent projects to show you're not a dummy
have a >3.0 gpa and then try to get an internship if you're still in undergrad by applying to everything you can find or hope that your school has a good reputation then go from there
this is all assuming you have the algorithmic fundamentals of your average 2nd-3rd year CS student (i.e. MIT ocw 6.006 as a start) since your interviews wont be complete bs unless its a shit company
I study Psy ad Math.
Jobs lined up? nope
internships or experience? nope
just going to go to graduate school? yep
I practice programming in my free time incase I drop out or dont make it. I'll probably start in marketing or community shit, and work my way up some software company
dont care really, in the end I want to be a professor anyway
tenured or not
assistant or not
I like the idea of research and teaching