>based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Mars
>based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Europa
based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Venus
Does anyone else think at this point NASA is just making shit up in a attempt to remain relevant in the public eye so that they can continue getting funding? Almost every few months they are talking about how all these planets in our solar system may or may not contain or be habitable. Its fucking pathetic. I don't want to get rid of the only bastion of space research and travel left, but if they aren't trying to do anything ground breaking like setting up bases on the moon then don't try to bullshit people. I think Mars is a huge waste of time to be honest. Its literally just a fucking rock with no liquid core.
Based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Mars
its a huge jump from discovering some remains of flowing water to claim its a sign of potantiel life when the radiation itself doesn't allow biological life to exist anywhere. I'm not even mentioning the other planets due to lack of habitable landscapes, temperatures, atmosphere, necessary elements for life, etc...
It wouldn't be so bad if NASA claims there might be life though. So what if they try to stay relevant. Atleast they are not doing cheap ass journalist shit like cliaming they found ayylmaos with zero evidence or data. You have to understand that these guys are desperate for the budget they deserve and can't have.
When did they say that?
>> bases on the moon
NASA doesn't have enough money to do that. That wouldn't be very ground breaking.
In terms of ground breaking science, probes with new scientific instruments do more.
Mars used to have a much thicker atmosphere and a magnetosphere to absorb/deflect radiation, and Europa has several kilometers of ice as a shield
Probes would be a better allocation of their funds but I don't just maybe do something else besides saying " there may be life on this planet even know we know better but the general population is too stupid to prove us otherwise"
Venus balloon colonies when?
>102 billion for education
Now that's fucking highway robbery. You don't need to spend that much money on education. I suspect administration bloat is the cause of the huge budget.
It's bullshit, but it's hard to see what alternative they have. Normies don't give a shit about Jupiter's magnetic field.
When did NASA say that?
We don't know better. We barely know shit about the planets in our own solar system.
Now, the thing is we have pretty good evidence that those places mentioned have/ have had liquid water. Life as we know it requires liquid water.
Even if we don't find life, understanding why the places that had/have water don't have life helps us understand our place in the universe.
That's the education budget for the whole USA, not some god awful european country
Check their twitter. They make claims like that all the time
>I suspect administration bloat is the cause of the huge budget.
It is. My high school's principle's salary was ~112k, brought in from Connecticut. Vice principle was around 75.
No excuse. They earned very little of it.
>based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Mars
>based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Europa
>based evidence we gathered, we suspect that there may have been life on Venus
These things have never been seriously claimed by NASA, you're the one making shit up.
They also have the nerve to tell teachers what to teach while the DOE in the US has no national curriculum. Its a disorganized mess that lead to the meme that Americans can't into college or science. Also standardized testing is costly from what I hear.
"Check their twitter" is not a source.
>based on evidence we gathered, we need to make outrageous statements in order to get more funding.
to hell with NASA, we need private services, we need a new ``travel to find a rout to india on space`` like colombo did
space will only become a thing again when we find somwthing to make money there.
>not posting the entitlements budget (aka welfare)
"The amount of rocket energy it takes to accelerate those kinds of payloads away from Earth doesn't exist anymore," said Jeff Hanley, NASA's Constellation program manager. "It exited in the Apollo era with the Saturn V. Since that time this nation has retired that capability."
>The amount of rocket energy doesn't exist anymore
"The technologies that we need to do the job are largely in hand," Hanley said. "In terms of the challenge, it's really a fiscal challenge - the amount of money that the nation can afford to spend."
>We need more money
"We understand the technologies that will be necessary, but it's going to take an investment to do that," said Roger Launius, space history curator at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. "That's the rub."
>We could do it in the 60s with less technology, but can't now
"There are not compelling publicly-held reasons for doing this," Launius said. "Without a rationale that everybody understands and can buy into, it's a very hard sell to get the resources to do it."
>There are not compelling publicly-held reasons for doing this (space exploration)
So, are you saying that having all humans literally ever being on one single rock, is good for the species survival?
>Does anyone else think at this point NASA is just making shit up in a attempt to remain relevant in the public eye so that they can continue getting funding?
No. However they do have to hype up their headlines in order to keep idiots like you interested. They're not lying but but they won't discover 1000000000 years old alien obelisks on Uranus anytime soon.
>posts a shittier version of a pie chart with no percentages or credible sources
good try m8
welfare slave detected
I literally say that I don't want to shut down the planet's last hope for space travel
They don't have to hype up their shit to keep me interested. Any significant news from Nasa is interesting, although Im getting kind of tired of of them claiming every fucking planet is potentially habitible when they know damn well they aren't.
While I agree with your general statement, Mars did have a rotating magnetic core and an atmosphere. Life is impossible now, however fossil evidence is well worth the investment to travel there.
Or doesn't your curiosity and risk taking element thinks its worth it??? Pussy.
Fuck you, some american politician wants to send a lander there because we have to find something for the SLS to do.
>My high school's principle's
>Vice principle
Clearly the English Department was a failure.
Not him, but that is definitely a shit graph dude. Not on welfare either, I'm an aerospace machinist.
where do they even get this much money from?