Gemstones giving energy

>they give me energy and calm me down
Is there any actual proof or science to show that that gemstones or minerals give off energy and boosts peoples moods cause I'm sick of hearing that it does from my friends that do nothing but get high and think they know anything about the universe cause they take shrooms

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>Is there any actual proof or science to show that that gemstones or minerals give off energy
No. They are just ordered arrangements of atoms, ions or molecules. Kind of like if you stacked boxes nealty in rows and columns instead of just tossing them randomly and making a big fucking mess. If you take a salt crystal and grind it down into a powder, it's still just salt. Nothing special, but the orderly arrangement of atoms in a crystal often (though not always) allows light to pass through.
>and boosts peoples moods
No as well (although many of them are pretty and colorful, which I suppose is nice. But there is nothing magical, just pleasant to look at)
>I'm sick of hearing that it does from my friends that do nothing but get high and think they know anything about the universe cause they take shrooms
Ditch those retards.

You can even make your own crystals (well, some types at least). In school we made blue copper sulfate crystals. It's a slow process because the ions deposit slowly over time, but the slow rate of deposition is what allows them to deposit in an ordered arrangement instead of being a messy pile of atoms n shit. The shape of the crystal is determined by how the atoms arrange themselves, which in turn is determined by complicated shit to do with electron orbitals n stuff (a bit over my head).

I bought some bismuth online and holding it and looking at it has been helpful with my anxiety.

It's purely psychological though.

Define 'energy'

Motherfucking BISMUTH is a special case

I've seen a lot of people trying to to say magnets do the same thing as OP was asking about crystals. Do magnets really have mood altering properties? I have heard about strong magnetic fields causing anxiety but dunno if there's truth to that.

>Do magnets really have mood altering properties?
>I have heard about strong magnetic fields causing anxiety but dunno if there's truth to that
There's no truth to it

Geofag here, I'll monitor and answer any questions you have but basically has covered it pretty damn well.

Shits just cool man, but it does "give off" anything (unless it's radioactive, or we're talking cation exchange or something but that isn't related).

Doesn't give off*
God damn I hate it when I miss type that word. I do it every fucking time.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation exists, and has been shown to slightly affect brain activity in certain ways, but it uses incredibly powerful electromagnets focused on a small region of the brain - and other than that no, no magnet is going to affect your brain. I don't think you could even get a permanent magnet powerful enough to do so.

Geofag if you're still here.

I'm interested in specialising in planetary geophysics, mostly mars.

I'm thinking of taking courses on geodesy, magnetic anomalies and hydrology.

Any ideas or suggestion on what other type of courses are good?

Well jesus I'm a geofag not a geophys guy....
As far as geophys dudes go I see them all doing second and third year physics courses over a range of topics in conjunction with programming and their regular geophys courses. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you there, I went down the chemistry and rocks path instead of the maths and physics.

I like how these thread are somehow accepted in some ways on this board, while other threads that, while they still involve beliefs without evidence, like the possibility of other universes, get the standard replies even though they are infinitely less dumb than this thread.

I guess it's because popsci magazine aren't talking about those things.

It's a pretty solely question, sure, but he got an answer and is now far less silly than he was before.

That's all.

Mesas are tree stump

I know right? So I posted a NASA study on UFO propulsion that at least had real science in it even if it was fringe as fuck and just got an automatic whereas the idea of stones giving out cosmic chakras to cure your cancer gets no

Don't know. Magnetic fields (both static and oscillating) influence the function of ion channels, so it's quite possible.

Don't know enough about rock composition and physics to know how the interact with and alter magnetic fields.

before yall continue this pathetic discussion you should know some important facts

most of the built in clocks in computers use crystal oscillators, without them the CPU would not be able to compute.

laser beams are mostly made by sending light through a crystal (ruby for example) to emit polarized light

last but not least, otoliths are literally our only way to sense gravity

I would not be so hasty with dismissing the power of crystalline systems.

No, unless you got some really highly radioactive minerals

The same way "P implies Q" does not imply "Q implies P", if magnetic fields influence the function of ion channels, ion channels (in this situation, where we're talking about gemstones) hardly influence magnetic fields. And even if it did, it would still have nothing to do with healing or anything related.

I don't follow what you're trying to say.

Magnetic fields directionally influence the mechanics of ion channels, which are involved in the regulation of many cell types. In the CNS eg voltage dependent calcium channels regulate everything from neurotransmitter release to gene expression.