Why are Americans incredibly stupid? Pic related.
Why are Americans incredibly stupid? Pic related
Why are people whom generalize whole populations incredibly stupid? OP related.
Don't be so hard on him I'm literally retarded
Well, Americans do have a much worse education than Europeans.
We overeducated after WWII so we figured we'd turn off the education system and conserve for a while. It's wasteful to just let that stuff run.
>yfw american's call portable radio transceivers "walkie-talkies"
Turns out privatizing schools and making universities into for-profit organizations isn't such a good idea when it comes to educating a whole populace.
There is also an innate selfishness which expresses itself in the way that an American with any degree will sabotage the accessibility of that degree in order to increase his value on the market.
Sad creatures, really.
This isn't the only example of Americans being stupid, you know.. I don't understand why they didn't write MMXV? I mean surely they were taught how the Roman numeric system worked right?
Fuck you and using an extra word to say walkie-talkie you autistic niggfarmer
Because they don't suffer any significant, immediate consequences for being stupid.
But American private universities are the world's best unis
American unis in general
>listening to rankings
>not adjusted for the size of the uni
>assess research rather than teaching, and that really has nothing to do with each other
>results not even reproducible
While they may have a lick of relevance for meme fields such as political science of business, they are absolutely meaningless in scientific fields.
found the European
He's right though
No he's not
As if that disproves anything I said. I even forgot to mention that all important research in Europe is usually done outside universities (CNRS, Max-Planck institutes, fraunhoffer institutes, etc), contrarily to the anglo world, where research is very centralised around unis. So even for assessing the research output, these rankings are totally BS.
If you want to compare things, do it globally. The EU is significantly ahead of the US in terms of scientific output (number of papers, numbers of citations, number of patents, etc), and that's not solely due to its larger population. For instance, Germany does better than the US on these metrics per capita as well. This isn't reflected in rankings because in Europe research is very spread out.
By the way, I did my year abroad in the US (Washington Uni of Seattle). Had a great time, and the campus was absolutely fantastic and much better than my own -- but academically, I basically lost a year there. The coursework was consistently 1 to 1.5 years behind what I had in France. And that's even though Washington uni does very good research.
US unis/research centres are very good obviously, but EU unis/research centres are just as good. They just do things very differently.
No he's not. A good proportion of the world's best cutting edge research comes from a handful of elite American unis, like Cornell or Harvard.
I've had the conversion with some people IRL. From my experience, that obviously wrong view that unis is country [X] are incredibly better than everyone else is usually held by people who never went to university at all...
(but no worries, some europeans hold these view too, it's not solely an american problem)
I went to an Ivy League Uni, though. The view that American research universities are top tier is not controversial at all among my colleagues in grad school. Why do you think so many more French people come to Harvard or MIT or whatever compared to Americans who go to French Grandes Ecoles.
>Why do you think so many more French people come to Harvard or MIT
Because the networking is fucking insane and the research opportunities too. It's not about taking a better class.
Oh yes what a very important system of modern mathematics ... It's obviously taught as part of the history of base 10 maths not because anyone will ever use it
Funny isn't it ? Europeans have terrible universities but they get all the top posts at the best US unis. What a terrible education they must have recieved; really makes you think...
>Why do you think so many more French people come to Harvard or MIT or whatever compared to Americans who go to French Grandes Ecoles.
That is moslty BS as well. When it comes to research (so, post-PhD), US-Europe mobility is nearly balanced. And it varies from field to field. Unis working closely with CERN, ESO, JET/ITER, etc really have their fair share of Americans (and Australians as well)
Canadians too, my friend. Pic related.
kek, Harvard is well ranked because of all the businessmen and US politicians that comes from there. For STEM, there's really not that much top projects done there.
>French science education
Not that guy, but I too think the Shanghai ranking is quite BS if you're thinking about your education. And it's actually hurtful.
I went from my alma mater (french B-tier Grande Ecole, not in the ranking) to a big Shanghai-ranked Japanese uni to do a master's degree there.
In class I found myself with a bunch of engineering students who apparently had trouble numerically diagonalizing matrices to solve simple solid mechanics problems. I was absolutely baffled.
Oh sure they did a lot more lab time, woopdee fucking doo. There is more to an education than being a good lab laborer.
Everything I actually learned while I was there was 100% self-studying. The classes were mostly abysmal. One of them was literally the prof showing us curves of material characteristics for different alloys for hours.
Ranking unis on publications was a mistake.
yup, most of the qualified migration america gets from europe is codeomenkeys working for the gafa companies