Ask me the questions and I shall respond
Ask me the questions and I shall respond
What is the airspeed velocity of an african swallow?
I am not into your jokes right now, kid.
I'm sorry but all posts must be in the form of a question.
Does Bruno Mars is gay?
about 24 miles per hour or 11 meters per second
IS this really the best Veeky Forums can come up with? I know its late but wtf...
Goddammit you bespectacled bitch, I wanna know!
Does Bruno Mars is gay, or does he not that?!
....Why NOT?
Only on the weekends
Who was skeleton?
can you do math without reals?
I don't know
I can do all the maths.
The real skeleton was inside YOU the whole time!
what do you think about common core standards?
They share many features with popular Japanese animation.
Namely, both are mistakes.
How do we solve the big data thing
is continuum hypothesis true?
how long until we find extra terrestrial life in space?
How do I get gf?
Why would I want to ask you a question?
What's the deal with quantum mechanics cucking relativity
does spider have puss puss?