Would there be less droughts in the world (like California) if we weren't bottling water and letting it sit in factories and on store shelves? It seems like more and more water is being packaged and less fresh water can be found in the wild. Faucet water is hit-or-miss. It seems to me as if we're walking into our own doomsday scenario by making all of the fresh water disappear, and what's worse is as most of our own fresh water we drink percepitates into the ocean and becomes salt water we are perpetually losing out on water that actually is drinkable. Does anybody else see this as a very frightening situation? Should bottled water be outlawed... and what do we do with those bottles in storage? Where do we dump the water?
Bottled Water is Inhumane
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Fuck off
>water disappears when you drink it
desalination is already cost effective, israel has the most effective disalination plant in the world I still dont know if they have a net gain from it tho its very hard to find it out if they broken even imo
also i dont think they share their construction plans any time soon which could also lead to a water crisis or tho technology is there already
Fuck you
Just to play devil's advocate:
Consider the alternative to bottled water. We transport it through rivers or aqueducts like (1). These methods lose water through evaporation readily, and is a fraction of the amount from where they began.
But yeah, bottled water is cancer. L.A. is mostly desert, so there aren't enough natural water resources, and desalination is exorbitantly expensive. So, with an established metropolitan area which is not sustainable, how best do we mediate the negatives?
>desalination is exorbitantly expensive
Clarifying, I should say compared to the status quo already in California specifically.
i was NOT talking about fucking california
u fkn muricans think you are top of scientific progress in every matter dont you? well youre not
It is a practical analogy to how we process and deliver water to human beings on a large scale.
Not to mention OP used it himself to provide context. Stop bitching and give me some clash.
>what is water cycle
>american education
XD I know Europe best at everything and will but XD HA XD!!
Bottled water is a huge sham and a waste of resources.
Relative to bottled water, my concerns are:
1) Lack of real knowledge about the source purity;
2) The potential migration of chemicals from the container (e.g. bisphenol);
3) The environmental damage from carelessly discarded bottles
licensed P.E. btw
>Would there be less droughts in the world (like California) if we weren't bottling water and letting it sit in factories and on store shelves?
No. In California's case especially, the Drought exists due to a confluence of factors:
1. the original WPA water projects were never completed as the feds were sick of paying for it and there was plenty of rain anyway
2. neither Democrats nor Republicans in Sacramento wanted to build the rest of the system themselves because it cost money
3. despite the Drought in the late 70s, nobody wanted to pay for desalination because it was expensive
4. Prop 20 (1972), which created the Coastal Commission (defacto banning all coastal development)
5. both ConEd and PG&E shut down all their CA nuclear plants, because they're expensive to run. Each of these facilities have desalination plants which were mostly dismantled instead of expanded
6. the farmers are all cash croppers that produce water-intensive foods like almonds
7. the Drought doesn't really matter to individual Californians, as water rates are simply raised
Bottling has nothing to do with it, it's a public policy problem. Specifically, nobody wanted to pay for infrastructure. And ultimately the victims are rich farmers who will turn their farmland into tract housing anyway.
>Would there be less droughts in the world (like California) if we weren't bottling water and letting it sit in factories and on store shelves?
nah very little water goes to that.
the drought comes from the fact that they use thousands of gallons for 1 peanut plant in the california farms.
the nut farms are already trying to run their bullshit advertisements to prevent anyone from taking away their water.
>not drinking mineral water
At least where I live it's held to higher standards than so-called spring water or tap water.
Stop lawn care.
Suddenly everyone's water issues are solved.
Capitalism makes it possible.
Now you can fuck off
This. Grass lawns are a meme.
desalinization doesn't work on large scales because it will leave the ocean too salty(they dump the extracted salt back in)
urbanization is inhumane
so dont dump the salt back in you retard.
bury it in salt mines.
What about not living on a fucking desert while pretending you don't live on a fucking desert?
only a minute proportion of fresh water is packaged, the biggest user is agriculture
no economic sensitive to do it, the more they dump the salter things get and the more demand for their product given the current limit of desalination plants.
I would question your wording, but yes bottling plants have been shown to export enough water to destabilize water sheds. However the water shed can eventually heal over time, assuming the lack of vegetation and other things haven't complete altered the local climate system.
Also California has bigger issues with global warming and land miss management, the bottle issue there is relatively small compared to those.
Droughts are becoming chronic because of climate change.
More energy expands the climate's Hadley cells, causing the arid desert zone to expand towards north.
The rivers in California fill up during the summer not from rain, but from the melting of the Sierra Nevada glacier. The glacier then rebuilds itself next winter again from snowfall. Except now they don't, and thanks to climate change they keep shrinking. This is the new normal, get used to it.
There's other better forms of landscaping than a shitty grass lawn that has to be mowed and watered on a regular basis.
>mowing your lawn
This horseshit really pisses me off. Especially when it's all you hear all summer long. Weedwhackers and mowers. And for what.
Stop shitposting Pierre
>water reappears when you piss it out or sweat
atheists:0 (zero)
Almonds and marijuana grow ops are also depleting a great deal of water in california.
Evidently marijuana plants need a great deal of water each day.
>Evidently marijuana plants need a great deal of water each day.
They don't. They just need a degree of shade and the proper soil. They aren't fragile plants.
Growing on a large scale, as a crop, out in the open, will naturally have problems.
You know that the ocean is fucking huge right? The amount of water consumed by humans is miniscule in comparison to that which exists on the Earth. I don't think that desalination has any measurable effect on ocean salinity.
Yes I know. But the effects of it could have been mitigated with proper planning and investments in infrastructure. This did not happen as nobody wanted to pay for it.
But ultimately it doesn't matter, as the only people who get fucked over are farmers. People whom the state wants to replace with homeowners who pay more taxes.
You fucking idiots, it's astounding how stupid you all are. No wonder CA is so fucking backwards. Lawns and other landscape plus homes (showers faucets etc.) uses less than 2% of all water in CA. The largest part goes to agriculture.
God fucking damn wipe these ignorant bastards off the face of the earth please.
Also fuck off with your little global warming hoax.
Just because lawns use a negligible amount of water doesn't mean that grass lawns aren't the most shit tier of shit tier forms of landscaping.
>Global warming is a hoax.
Never mind. I didn't realize I was arguing with a literal retard.
You can't bottle water from the Great Lakes watershed.
We take our water (and our algae and Asain Carp) very seriously
>Would there be less droughts in the world (like California) if Trump were President?