If you could generate the entire universe in a computer (uncropped) what would it look like?
If you could generate the entire universe in a computer (uncropped) what would it look like?
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like a perfect torus
my dik.
shit that's cool
What is it and why is it doing that
>using windows
There's your problem.
>being a faggot
There's yours.
constructing a perfectly symmetrical geometry which holds true even if dimensions are added or removed
it can be used to find the underlying patterns of mod 9 arithmetic
So was this machine built by something?
I can only respond with a question:
Did humans invent the decimal system or did they discover it?
It would look like the universe.
decimal sucks
pi doesn't even terminate
>thinking Windows and Mac are the only operating systems
There's your problem.
>associating mac with faggotry despite it not being mentioned
you're doing something right at least
But how after 7?
It would look like an anime
"If you could build a set that contains all of the sets, what would it look like?"
falsifiablyly false
Reddit says that this isn't real math
like this
how about researching for yourself instead of googling the first hit of vortex math
its mod 9 arithmetic, its complicated but not magic
reddit is full of esotheric faggots who think our decimal system is given to us by god
what is?
You're looking at it
Isn't the universe suppose to be a 4D sphere?
>Reddit says
You can't generate the universe in a computer. You can't generate anything but a story in a computer or anything else.
Tell me how you get from making an abstraction of your limited observations and condensing that abstraction into a physical law, into that law now being responsible for the universe you abstracted?
Where do you not get that all you are doing is telling a story?
Has your brain really fooled you into thinking that the picture in your head IS the world? Then why do you need to sense the world?
The only real difference between artists and scientists is that artists know its just an analogy, and can never be anything else.
>"x essentially a 4D y"
a clear indicator that you should stop reading or watching
>he thinks 4 dimensions are hard to comprehend
You don't belong on this board, brainlet.
>I pretend to comprehend 4D to fit in and sound smart
the fourth dimension way too often used by meme scientists with no explanation behind it
You have to go back.
>with no explanation behind it
what do you need explained?
they're sure working hard to disguise it as number theory and geometry
>therefore there is potential for resonance between all layers
i also noticed an error: 9 modulo 9 is 0, but they say it's 9
what the fuck does this even mean?
>perfectly symmetrical geometry which holds true even if dimensions are added or removed
firstly, what does perfectly symmetrical mean?
second, why is the torus a special case?
spheres are symmetrical under reflection and rotation about every axis, and unless you've embedded them strangely, those symmetries are retained no matter how many "extra" dimensions you have
>what are manifolds
>i also noticed an error: 9 modulo 9 is 0, but they say it's 9
little high school lesson just so you gtfo
numbers in decimal:
mod 9:
01234578 or 123456789
don't exist in reality, a vbm torus is a 2D mapping of a 3D sphere (because they are perfectly symmetrical) and the closest you will get to one in our universe
>what the fuck does this even mean?
why do you even try to evaluate if you can't even comprehend?
For some reason i'm seeing wojak in the thumbnail
ah i see that makes so much more sense now
>don't exist in reality
same with a perfect torus. whats your point
A computer
Its math, there's no difference
A perfect torus is computable in 2D, a perfect sphere is not. That's my point.
what? I was implying that some people think decimal is a natural number system
I'm sure you will make a great mathematician with this attitude /sarcasm
Stopped reading right there.
Veeky Forums is for 13-25 year olds.
Reddit is for 22-35 year olds.
Very rarely are there any top level graduates online in forums anymore.
They jump to conclusions, straw man and contradict well known consensus-based concepts, and in some areas, they even reject axioms.
They don't seem to understand the importance of coherency or source.
In this case, user straw mans and then refuses to point to a source, just dictating anons memory justifies anons emotional retort and denial.
Debate etiquette calls for references, which I posted, and logical arguments without presumptions, which I posted, but I doubt anyone will take LOGIC for what it's worth when people can try to rely on self-serving biases and interpretations.
>Reddit is for 22-35 year olds.
You've clearly never been to /r/all.
You have to go back.
>claiming to know the average age of anonymous communities
wtf dude, I think I'll stick to the only math I somewhat know (grade 10 math am dropout)
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