Is child birth cloning or hybridization? Yes this is an actual question.
Is child birth cloning or hybridization? Yes this is an actual question
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Neither. The selection of gametes occurs before birth.
So which is it?
It's neither. Anyone capable of performing child birth is incapable of practicing science due to gender handicap. Therefore, childbirth is a scienceless act and shouldn't even be discussed here. Take it to /x/.
I don't know.
I presume you mena fertilization rather than birth, and in either case its neither
Are you saying that woman can't practice science? You are simply retarded.
Child birth isn't clonning because the new individual is genetically different from both father and mother and from every other individual (not including twin siblings).
Neither it is hybridization because the modern concept of hybrid is the result of two different species crossing over. The mendelian concept for hybrid cannot be used in this context so it has to be used when we talk about the inheritance of sècific mendelian traits.
To sum up, child birth is a process of sexual reproduction in diploid organisms.
I hope you understand, sorry for my bad english!
And I amb a geneticists!
Women aren't even capable of logic, how are they even supposed to pass calculus?
There is some evidence that women actually outperform men in calc 1
So cite it, female. That's what we men do with evidence in the science world.
Why you gotta be a cunt? Who does that help?
Worthless study, obvious liberal bias, and the site doesn't seem very credible. Let me show you what actual scientific evidence looks like, sweetheart:
I chuckled well done
Try again later
For sexual reproduction in Mammals (and probably most other stuff too, but I'm sure there's an exception)...
>It's cloning when twins form, or when science people use science to make a clone
>It's hybridization (aka cross breeding) when two different species, or at least different sub-species or breeds make a baby together.
>It's genetic recombination in all cases, including those mentioned above, except for the science people cloning case.
Made me lol
Can you repeat the question?
[math]X : X\subseteq (Cloning) \land X \subseteq (Hybridization)[/math]
Instancing on foreign gost, usually causing memetic transition the genes are responsible for in h.roos's education...
Better not tell you now