Why is it that the overwhelming majority of contributions to science have been done by men? Women outnumber men globally.
Why is it that the overwhelming majority of contributions to science have been done by men...
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Is this graph suggesting females have a more narrowed Intelligence quotient across the board while males are extremist by comparison?
Ok, so this graph would imply that men would contribute more to science, maybe 20-50% more, but why have men contributed 2000% more than women?
a hundred years ago women were not allowed to study
The vast majority of scientific discovery occurred over the last century.
>Women outnumber men globally.
What mate? Males are 51% of the human race.
Anti-woman discrimination didn't disappear overnight. Fuck, less than a century ago women couldn't even vote in the US. I'm not a feminist by any stretch of the imagination but you must be on crack if you think anti-woman sentiment hasn't had an effect on them.
Maybe they wouldn't be discriminated against if they weren't dumb whores.
Males are born more, but die earlier. What he's talking about forgets that most of these women are elderly and therefore out of breeding age, so demographically speaking they are parasites.
>Why is it that the overwhelming majority of contributions to science have been done by humans? Insects outnumber humans globally.
Historic sexism:
>barring publication by women
>or making it get taken less seriously by publications
>that means otherwise publishable material would've been rejected and thus never recognized as a contribution later.
Funnels and pipelines away from the sciences for girls.
>You know how it's "weird" to be a male adult teaching a kindergarten class and some of your social network is gonna think you're weird and treat you differently if you do
>Same for girls in the sciences as a kid and later.
>This compounds due to each year compounding, boys pushed into it do slightly better next year and get praised on improvement.
>a girl starting late won't have their experience at the same age and if thwy want to start they will be treated as strange and dull by comparison, even if they started equally. This is the pipeline.
>Repeat for a lifetime and you don't get as many good women scientists as you could; they were funneled away too young.
Women have babies and this is a problem for an academic career.
>Have child
>childcare is not free,
>women have the expectation to handle it for the first few years, usually,
>and child rearing happens in your prime research years:
>you either have to quit your job to raise the child,
>or give up a lot of money to have someone else raise your kid
>Because researchers are often patrician and can't imagine the idea of letting someone raise their child for them and funneling them, they end up funneling themself and stop their research work, sometimes permanently.
>This time gap gives time for contributions to be made by others that can't be matched because they're too busy doing a good job parenting
Like NEETs.
What kind of person has the luxury to spend their life studying? White and Jewish boys
Being a great scientist has nothing to do with studying
systematic discrimination throughout history
Wrong board mate.
Oh no I'm sure it's going to happen for you all of a sudden one day given your life's circumstances
Oh you sweet summer child...
Men have larger brains, more neurons, higher connection density and as result a higher iq
Men also have different behavior such as bigger curiosity, more rational thinking and greater willingness to work in nonservice areas
The result is that in spite of modern discrimination of men in law, treatment and education system men still account for about 97% of all scientific contribution and invention
I think Asians have the same propensity they just haven't had western values for as long.
Because Most of the women have their life goals built on patriarchy, whether they aknowledge that or not,women provide men that will contribute and man take care of providers and contribute themselves.I think this will change when most of the women stop dreaming about the perfect wedding.
>muh discrimination
countries measured to be more equal (e.g. sweden) see less women going into STEM, because they just don't want to
you would do well to stop babbling claims with absolutely zero evidence
The "don't want to" is a symptom of discrimination.
When women were liberated?
show evidence or fuck off
>discrimination exists because things aren't equal
Loving every laugh
You're losing the culture war.
Lift some weights and stop acting like a faggot,.
>Were not allowed to study
>Literally the first scientists were a bunch of jobless goodfornothings that just layed in the grass all day and stared at the night sky
Also why is it like that in any culture?
so the only answer it's become a trap so you'll be a beautiful and intelligent woman?
Nope, same intellectual capabilities, proven long ago
True but the majority of the fundamental knowledge that led to said discoveries becoming a reality have spanned within the last 3000 years.
A century or two of allowing women to into science can't make up for such a gap.
>implying /pol/ is a bad place.
How does it feel that everyone you talk to can physically overpower you?
Lol, are you sure you're not talking about greek philosophers?
Because before the 20th century a lot of famous scientists i know of either were wealthy enough or had a sponsor and that allowed them to spend their time doing research.
Perhaps tomorrow
Women and men aren't the same, but why should they be ?
Because men have larger brains, more gray matter and more neurons.
But being more clever doesn't mean that, you'll end up pursuing scientific knowledge.
I think the real reason is because men are on average more curious about their environment.
Maybe a contributor to the pursuit of knowledge is the innate competitive nature of men. Trying to look like each of them knows a bit more than the others, helps them gain understanding about the universe.
Maybe women have evolved to rely on men for safety and that's why they are less curious and don't have to learn about the environment to know what's safe.
This would also explain why they are bad at navigating.
Maybe for the majority of human evolution, they were more like house pets or pregnant.
>That feel when you know you'll never have a girlfriend smarter than you.
Without making any moral judgments, just from a quality perspective, /pol/ is a bad place. There's a reason they have IDs like /b/, and that's because the shitposting/meming/trolling rates are similar.
Why is it the majority of shitposters who just want to hate other people and take credit for other people's work always try to take credit for people that have actually contributed to science.
Because shitposting provides such a petty kind of enjoyment that to have fun you need to be a pretty pathetic person to begin with?
But /b/ doesn't have IDs
Surr, honey, whatever you say
For your sake I hope you are a woman because you type like a fag that shops at Spencers
I think he was talking about the first scientists
Oh, well it did last time I was there. That was like 4 years ago though. My point is still the same though. /pol/ has low post quality.
Sweet child, go do your summer assignments
Women cannot into academic rigour. They find it "boring". Working long hours, testing, and honing your craft isn't something they are apt for. It's why they make poor tradesman as well. Women want instant quick gratification and science and maths doesn't provide that. It's why they also love social media.
both of you are idiots
and children
> It's another libshit female comes to tell men why it's their fault she is too stupid to study STEM episode
Women are generally not interested in becoming scientists. That's as far as facts lead us.
The reasons for that fact are currently in dispute. Feminists claim it's because of cultural norms, other people say it's biological. It's probably a mix of both if you ask me.
As pointed out, men tend to occupy the extremes in terms of IQ. Most of the geniuses are men, but also most of the retarded monkeys that fill up our prisons are men too.
>because they just don't want to
I hate it how people just leave it at this without asking "why?" You don't think the decisions we make depend strongly on our upbringing? Laws can change overnight but cultures don't.
This is funny.
>It's probably a mix of both if you ask me.
Here by accepting the feminist claim of muh socialization you seem to be a SJW cuck but then when you say
>but also most of the retarded monkeys that fill up our prisons
, implying that the mostly black prison population are monkeys, you look like a KKK member.
Who are you. A SJWcuck or a KKKuck?
There is no difference in average IQ between men and women, where the fuck did you get that graph?
I thought that there was a variance difference but it looks like that's not the case either
Does anyone ever actually have any evidence to back this claim up? I've seen nothing but encouragement for women in STEM fields. Women get special scholarship incentives to go into STEM, for fuck's sake.
Despite the widely-believed "muh discrimination" I don't think women are discouraged from science at all. Never seen any reason to believe it.
Proven where and how? Never seen any such proof.
This greentext does not even make sense as a greentext.Tell me something, did you just come from tumblr to shit on this thread on what? I mean this. you don't look like you know how to greentext and that is basically Veeky Forums 101. You learn how to greentext after reading a single one.
Seriously, your greentext reads like a paragraph with the sentence structure of a 12 year old. You should have just made it a paragraph so you could write it properly.
In your second line you use 'or'. That does not go well in green text. You should have written it like a list, the 'or' is always implied because greentexting in that style would naturally look like a list for your supposed historic sexism.
Then your third line is an explanation. In proper greentext this would not have been greentexted and instead been just a normal sentence that explains the greentext before it.
You are making it too obvious that you don't know shit about Veeky Forums. Just like women make it too obvious that they don't know shit about math or science.
If Veeky Forums was a career path then I would already be throwing your resume into the thrash just by reading this shitty greentext. This is exactly what happens to women in science. Lower skill, lower knowledge.
Thanks for making female inferiority so easy to explain.
Hard science won't and can't concern itself with such questions. The question is impossible to answer because no society is devoid of culture, so literally any type of meaningful study is going to be dependent on that upbringing. There is no way to reduce to simple variables and no way to objectively control for other factors.
Either way, the fact that women do less science than men in literally everywhere on earth, and the fact that as far as we know, it has never been any different, is pretty compelling. The large sample size (all of humanity and human history) does what hard science can't do, and controls for varying cultures.
Why do women seem less interested in science? Because women and men are different. Ask psychology if you want a more concrete but probably ungrounded answer.
Demographically speaking I saw a tax break down and most woman consume more things provided by tax benefits than they provide back in the tax they pay, ie: men's taxes pay for their benefits, not surprising when women's health funding is 4x that of men's.
Source? I'm interested to see that
Here's the tax break down, I think some of it was on page 22. There's an article about it somewhere too if you can find it.
health funding
they name the source and its easy to look up.
Women are only capable of doing biology.
Something to do with being baby factories.
Honey, go get ready for your school, you've got less than 11 days remaining baby
>my opinions were proven long ago
>presents absolutely no source
>cherry on the cake, links to /pol/
you need to fucking kill yourself, go back to tumblr you stupid faggot
Leave and kill yourself
yeah, repeat half of my insults, very fucking smart for a SJW
what the fuck are you even doing on Veeky Forums stupid faggot? no one gives a fuck about your idiotic opinions unless you give us sources
>being this mad
Lol, leave & kill yourself
That was really out of line, guys, I'm sorry. I'm not even a republican, I just say these things because I'm angry that my dad abandoned us when I was little. I'm angry, and I'm hurt, and sometimes it gets to be too much to hold it all inside.
Please forgive me, user.
There is one super buttmad SJW cunt in this thread.
You know who you are.
Remember this: You are losing the culture war and the beliefs you hold mold you into a sexually unattractive person. The only people who want to be around you are also unattractive.
You want the sexually charged and critical thinkers of Veeky Forums + /pol/ ubermensch. Your barren womb is aching for superior sperm.
You will not get said sperm, you are not worth inseminating and many other men agree, even subconsciously.
You are a brainlet in denial.
You tell him, user. Lol I bet he gon be SO MAD when he reads about how much you don't like him. I can't wait! Let's see what he says, lol. Let's you and me keep refreshing this thread to see what he says. Lol, I bet he's just going to shit. Let's hope he posts a picture of his face when he reads it, I bet it'll look like pic related. Man you got him so good. I wish you were my dad.
what the fuck is this, are you 15?
Veeky Forums posters don't post like this, lurk more fucking shill
Yeah and desu I'd give her my sperm as long as I didn't have to pay a cent toward raising the bastard
Hey, leave him alone. We all crack sometimes. He's got the sack to own it, that makes him a far bigger person than anyone else on this board no matter what you say.
I'm a homeless queer who will be sucking on a strangers penis so they let me sleep in their garage for the night. Am I a big person now?
Go away, imposter.
Ur right I'm just sucking this man's penis cuz I like flirting with the possibility of getting AIDS.
SJWs seriously need to go back to tumblr. You don't belong here.
I wish the Holocaust wasn't a hoax. There are too many jews in the world. Ruining everything.
If you want to know why degeneracy is rising in the West, look up a man named George Soros. He's just one of the globalist kikes trying to poison the well of civilization for his own profit.
They won't win. Trump will send them to the gas chambers, for real this time.
Sorry, you seem to have made a mistake. The board you are posting on is Veeky Forums - Science & Math, but the content of your post is not at all related to science or math. It looks like you probably meant to post this on /pol/ - Politically Incorrect. An honest mistake, I'm sure. Just be more careful in the future.
Well i just know that in iran for example 64% of the student population is female. In the engineering field its even 70%.
>Le soros conspiracy
Is Soros the /pol/fag boogeyman version of the koch brothers?
>You want the sexually charged and critical thinkers of Veeky Forums + /pol/ ubermensch. Your barren womb is aching for superior sperm. You will not get said sperm, you are not worth inseminating and many other men agree, even subconsciously.
Top kek
here are the sources that were cited
and Why is it that little goth cristina ricci gives me a boner
How does it feel to live in a black and white world user? Ever considered thinking for yourself instead of putting everything into two categories?
Yes, studies have shown that even though men and women have the same average IQ, there is a greater distribution of men on both "ends" of the bell curve (for lack of better terminology). In other words, there are more men with exceptionally higher (3+ SD) and lower (-3 SD) IQs. To that point, as you'll see more male EE, physics and math PhDs, and moreover more men in the upper echelons of those fields, you'll also see more men in prison.
Take a look at the historical breakdowns of students by various demographics in PhD programs, for example. (Most, if not all programs have this information available.) At my university, Big State U. with a well-known reputation, the biology PhD program averages 60% women, 40% men; chemistry, 40% women, 60% men; applied physics, 25% women, 75% men; physics, 20% women, 80% men; and math, 15% women, 85% men.
/pol/ pls go