Pro-Abortion and Antinatalism

Arguments for Pro-Abortion and Antinatalism.
I´ll Start :
-The Technology Tree is more interesting and important than the Genetic Tree, human cloning will render sexual reproduction obsolete.
-Different number :
A Cat is not the same as another cat.
A Dog is not the same as another dog.
A Monkey is not the same as another monkey.
Because :
Cat 531 and Cat 532
Dog 531 and Dog 532
Monkey 531 and Monkey 532
Same as with all humans, primates, mammals and so on...

The argument in your picture is stupid. Abortion involves a diploid organism. Masturbation involves haploid cells

and both arent humans, so the term "murder" doesnt apply. thats the point


And ? How is that relevant to "murder" ?

So when is it a human?

hard to tell. maybe 3rd trimester?
What is a human? Hard to answer. I only know, that it takes more compexity than 1 or 2 cells

> I only know, that it takes more compexity than 1 or 2 cells

You're wrong

Also 3rd Trimester abortions are fucking barbaric. Do you know how they do 3rd trimester abortions? They induce birth and rip the baby out then snip its brain stem

Human consciousness doesn't mature until 4 years old. You can abort children until 4 years of age.

>You're wrong

>Also 3rd Trimester abortions are fucking barbaric
yes? I didnt advertise for them. My assumption implied that this is the point where you shouldnt abort

If you can't subject an infant to an IQ test then you have no reason to suspect sentience or ability to reason thus it's not a human and should be allowed to abort until it can successfully take an IQ test

A fetus is most certainly a human. Do you think its part of some species that isn't Homo sapiens sapiens?

Put an egg and a sperm in a Petri dish ,or artificial placenta and see actually how sexual reproduction becomes obsolete.

Nice question on that picture BTW :)

No. I also dont think that this question is about the genetical species at all.

Good point. Actually unless you can prove that a child has consciousness, I see no reason not go with abortion.

A fetus is also has more complexity than 1 or 2 cells

I don't think you can prove a child has consciousness until it's at least 6 or 7 years old. Kids are pretty fucking dumb.

Well the joke was that you can't prove anybody has consciousness coz it's not something measurable and completely subjective by nature.

Then clearly murder should be legal.



