>this was once a boy
>science is building better girls than God ever could
Tick-tock roasties your time is coming
Thanks science!
Traps are better
Just please find an alternative to real women. They're insanely overvalued and ruining civilization.
Wow. Molymeme was right. Science has been hijacked by cultural marxist faggots and being manipulated for degenerate purposes. This is disgusting. You leftist betas are so desperate for sex you'd go out of your way to go against nature and create dickgirls. Absolutely PATHETIC. Just you wait. It will turn against you and an AIDS epidemic will spread that even you won't be able to fix and only the non queer alphas with real women will survive.
Penises are more aesthetically appealing than vaginas and children are a pain.
Your tears are delicious, you filthy barbarian.
> It will turn against you and an AIDS epidemic will spread that even you won't be able to fix
>What are condoms?
I would fug her
anything over modern women
soon the world will be ruled by a company that makes automaton sexbots
no one will even have sex anymore, they'll just harvest the cum from the female sexbots and put them into the male ones
Can gene therapy turn a Y chromosome into another X?
If so it will be complete.
> ahh le cultural marxism!
Shut the fuck up, this shit is weird but you paranoid nuts are annoying.
>paranoid nuts
Have a stroll around a university sometime. If you think leftist indoctrination isn't real, then you're probably too far gone.
leftist indoctrination isn't real
I dorm at a uni, I'm a humanities major btw
Lmao ok kid
I would just watch TV, but then they control the media too!
RIP in peace breh
your sister was paranoid when i came inside her rank ass pussy
Turned on an episode of The Simpsons the other day. Lisa was transitioning a Ken into a Stacy.
how well do traps age?
i must know
I know I saw this too and cried manly tears.
I'm just saying there's more evidence than ever. I understand that it makes people uncomfortable to think about though. Anyway, this post doesn't belong here and neither does this thread.
>this was once a boy
he doesn't have male chromosomes anymore ?
>how well do traps age?
Google: the Watchowskis
Don't bitch to me about it, you asked.
ew wtf
Clearly male.
If not for the puffed out cheeks, that could also look like a man, hard to tell.
Science can't seem to stop this disgusting freaks from committing suicide at a massive rate thank God
Idk my cuddle/fuck buddy had a pretty nice vagina, I left here because of her face/personality though.
More fun: strol around a Bible college
Universities should be secular and these classes that teach "ethics" and such should be openly mocked.
She was never a boy. She was born with male genitals but she always had a mind of a female since birth. It´s actually makes a great difference. I still approve and seriously love the fact that we can fix the bodies of the people that are suffering in their own bodies. Way to go science !
>identities and free will does indeed exist!!!! he was pretending to be a girl, therefore he is a girl!!!!!
so you are all for creating more mentally ill people? I say we fire all psychologists, and hire neurologists instead, mind is nothing but a computer in sense.
>get input from the senses
>process input by corelating it to the previous experiences and memories
>output emotion
>Existing as a civilization perchance on an infinitesimal rotating ball of bacteria in a unfathomably sized universe that was spawned from nothingness who sends 1's and 0's to one another over wireless matrices
>Complaining about aberrations in society
I will never understand this.
Years ago I heard a man talk about the abundance of pornography in modern society damaging the youth, his reasoning was that with so much availability and variety that people growing up with it would quickly become bored with general sex and would seek out more and more depraved fetishes. I always thought it was an over reaction but then Veeky Forums became full of furfags, then footfags, and now trap lovers.
People were always freaky, you just haven't read enough history.
They've never had the access to the scale of depravity that we do today
Implying it's anything more than just wanting to be a different gender because of bad experiences, not being perceived as a good variation of your gender, hopping on a trend, or just because why the fuck not, etc. There is no "female" and "male" mind, that's retarded. There is just different genitals and different hormone levels. If the social concept of gender was somehow removed there would be very little difference between genders in society. i.e same clothes, same makeup (probably none actually), even dispersion of gender across all fields, no discernible mental correlation with gender and much more.
I'd fuck her 10/10, damn
Wrong board mate.
>this was once an anime circlejerk site
>autism is building better sites than moot ever could
Tick-tock Redditors your time is coming
the only correct response to this is to not care
getting legitimately triggered cus you don't like what people do to their own selves for their enjoyment or mental health or whatever is pathetically hilarious
fuck off satan
I would definitely hit. Boi pussy or girl pussy, it's gonna get destroyed
>redirecting to pol
Wrong webste m8
>transforming your entire body
>on a fucking whim
T. Never met a trans person
>this was once a boy
he doesn't have male chromosomes anymore ?
I don't see the problem with liking feet. What the fuck difference does it make? Jesus Christ man.
He means he grew up and he isn't a boy anymore.
Back then they literally just did those things to people by force. Pillage and rape man, pillage and rape.
>he can't change his chromosomes
>he can change his chromosomes
You have to understand.
they look like the same person with/without makeup
The resemblence is uncanny :-)
Come back when science can turn me into my fursona