ITT things people say that make you rage
>It's not evolution, just adaptation
ITT things people say that make you rage
>ITT things people say the make you rage
God I hate these smug bastards
im a muslim.
evolution is literally adaptation though
What is the evolutionary benefit of using ten percent of your brain?
>there is an intelligent design to everything, you can see each science reflected in the other. Science is only a detailed way of looking at what was once intuitive, what was once seen as a means to an end
literally kill yourself.
I've... I've never been so violently agreed with.
> but evolution is just a theory
>only hard science matters
>philosophy is dead
Do you even know what a brain is?
Do you actually have something for this, or should I not answer? Because if you have something for this I'll totally go with it. I'm all about the greater good.
Just because conscious thought and pondering only uses 10% of the brain doesn't mean the other 90% is wasted.
>Do you even know what a brain is.
The brain has a multitude of functions, one of which is the activity of conscious thought which is primarily in the frontal cortex (making up roughly the 10% of the brain you're referring to). However, to say that just because our brain doesn't use the other 90% for the same thing that its not used at all is just a lack of understanding of the mechanics of the brain.
For example, the Parietal lobe is the region of the brain most associated with smell. That part of the brain cant be used for thought. Its not the way it was designed. In other words, you're saying a snorkel is useless because its not a car.
For how much you like to type, you sure didn't bother to read OP's two-sentence post...
Frontal lobe is only 10% of brain? You sure? Not saying you're wrong but isn't the frontal lobe the largest part of the human brain?
>I believe in micro-evolution, but not macro
>dark matter exists
>Environmental change is not real, and humans have little to no negative affects to the Earth.
>Overpopulation is a myth!
>Overpopulation is a myth!
to add on to this
>you could fit every human being in a place the size of texas! there is plety of room!
I hate this channel so much
Guise use green text for God's sake.
Evolution ain't true because the chance for a beneficial mutation is too low.
it's both
>Scientist in TV show says "Just a theory"
Well that's not the way we do it around here. Fucking traditions
>the earth revolves around the sun
>What is the point of space exploration when Donald Trump actually has a chance of winning the US election? We clearly have too many problems on earth to worry about!