Artificial Intelligence Research

What are hot topics in artificial intelligence

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Overfitting hyperparametric function approximators to large and costly datasets is all the rage these days.

what the fuck does hyperparametric mean

b-but muh regularisation


Sometimes optimization techniques involve things called "hyperparameters" which are kind of like normal parameters except they can't be optimized in the usual way that parameters are optimized. They define some structural element of the method that usually stays constant throughout the optimization process. They must be hand-picked or subjected to some other kind of meta-optimization technique.

honestly, this sounds like usual hillclimbing/evolutionary algorithm stuff

He's describing neural nets, dumbass.

As if this would be more interesting

>"hyperparameters" which are kind of like normal parameters except they can't be optimized in the usual way that parameters are optimized.
>meta-optimization technique
Pretty much descrbes what one of my Global Optimization algorithms are doing. Can I publish in a CS/soft-AI journal? What are some good "AI" benchmarks?

Ask your adviser.

Combining neural nets and deep reinforcement learning

That's a hot topic from the perspective of the media, but not from the perspective of researchers.

>combining neural nets and deep learning

if you do anything other than neural nets or an abstraction of it you are retarded

Some guy created a cell that evolved into an entire fully aware world

sex robots

Seems legit.

>Some guy
just say you got it off reddit you faggot

But I saw it on /g/

I read programmer, video game and spore then I stopped reading.


Huh, why? It's a fun read.

He's almost certainly lying.

Absolutely certain he is lying, it's a fictional story...

Why the fuck you need that much digits of that number, if you need it you obviously suck at mathematics.

you are retarded :-)

your system think post is a spam because i am describing your algorythm and even using of that much computational power in base of primals lesser than 5 is rea

>What are hot topics in artificial intelligence

Taking your old paper, tweaking it, and republishing it.

where is the crossover between computational complexity and AI research ?

I've googled but can't find much

Sounds like it is not a hot topic, faggot

Greg Egan said it first, and better:

Anywhere in AI where algorithms are used e.g. everywhere.