What kind of scientists go on each board?

What kind of scientists go on each board?

/pol/ - political scientists
/r9k/ - social scientists
/g/ - computer scientists
/lgbt/ - biologists

Just because you post the word 'Veeky Forumsence' a couple of times doesn't make your post Veeky Forumsence related.

/b/ Memetics.

/pol/ - edgy neckbeards
/r9k/ - sad neckbeards
/g/ - neckbeards that maybe took a computer class once and spend mom's money on gaymen hardware
/lgbt/ - fags

Veeky Forums - machine learning

literally none of these are correct. Impressive

What else is new?

you are

You take that back.

Sodium chloride much. :^D

I was baiting your troll :^)

Na, I didn't fall for it. :^S

A few physicists are here on Veeky Forums. Few mathematicians. It is questionable if there are any genuine computer scientists here as some rather elementary questions on algorithms went unanswered.

Some officers have been seen on /k/ and might have a degree in political science though most posters are wannabe killers.

I have never seen a scientist on /g/, most seem like stone age plumbers wondering what "metal" might be. Most seem to be living in trees, complaining that moving into caves is just a fad that will pass.

Hi high school kid, most table salt is a mixture of sodium iodide with sodium chloride unless explicitly stated "non-iodised salt"

>Not noticing it is a troll.
t. autist

>I was pretending to be retarded X^D
t. autist

>I call out people for trolling, then try and troll them.
t. autist

>Everybody but me is a troll
t. autist

for you

>troll trolling a troll, wasting perfectly good trolling time.
t. autist

>muh mythical shit
t. autist

>I'm basically the Cicero of Veeky Forums, right?
>I'll just keep up with these 4chanoppics, until they witness my rhetorical skill!
t. autist

>I am the Cicero of Veeky Forums, witness my rhetorical skill!
t. autist

all me

>It puts the hypocrisy on its skin, otherwise it gets the retort again.
t. autist

here come dat boi
oh shit waddup


>writing paragraphs
t. autist

>not writing paragraphs
t. autist

why wouldnt you use at least use 2 different naming systems for the file names?

between /diy/ and /out/, they are easily the smartest boards I've been to. It seems like the people that go there don't go anywhere else.

Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums are pseudo-smart.


Only one of those things listed is an actual science. Get off our board.

/b/, /diy/, /n/, /out/ - construction/trade
Veeky Forums, /r9k/ - engineering
/a/, /v/, /g/ - computer science/tech
/adv/, /soc/ - biology/psychology

/r9k/, /g/, /a/ - computer scientists

Veeky Forums - mcdonalds

Top kek.

Why do you have Veeky Forums as engineering exactly

[spoiler]I don't get it

You misspelled

>political scientists
>computer scientists
>social scientists
My fucking sides!

not him but i browse Veeky Forums and im studying to be a computer engineer


Don't you fucking kek me you fucking little piece of shit. You little underage frogposter faggots and your fucking keks. You are one lonely fucker with no friends. Fuck you

Probably because they're all gay

Maybe because they're god is a literal jewish faggot with a degree in aerospace engineering

Lololol cause your gay I bet XDDD

Veeky Forums - crime scene investigators

>implying anybody on Veeky Forums is a true scientist.

>implying you need degrees and intelligence to do science

>implying people without a piece of paper with "science" written on are actually scientists

Can't really do the science without the piece of paper, buddy boy. You think someone's going to grant you thousands of dollars to do some backyard science?




You, my friend, are an idiot.

underrated post

I don't get this meme

probably because of some dumbass discussion about nature vs nurture and biological sex vs gender thing

psychology would fit more imo, but it's not like the list was supposed to be super accurate, it was just to stir up conversation

>/lgbt/ not engineers

you fucked up your joke

Ivan pls go

/r9k/ - pure mathematicians

Wow you too, the tension is fierce ;^)