Dear mathematicians

Dear mathematicians,

please stay the fuck out of CS. Computer science is about video games. Nobody cares about your formal algorithms.

Sincerely yours
a CS student

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Bears are neat.

>field that has to have 'science' in its name

pick one

>bears > gorillas

At least we're getting somewhere. Also, agree.

>Studied CS
>interested in algorithms and combinatorics
>have lots of fun studying theoretical stuff in my classes
>have even more fun with low-level programming and electronics-level stuff
>graduate and get a job
>everything is monkey-tier "programming"
>make the same web/database shit over and over again with slight variations

This isn't what I wanted. I thought I could deal with cool algorithms in the real world, but this isn't what happened.

Should I go back to school and pursue a PhD in CS or pure math or something else? This web-java-database grind is killing me. I'm not complaining about the salary, but the work is mind-numbing.

yeah, if you want to research go for a PhD

You again trying to force your nonsense shit?. You lame faggot.

A lot of people who go into industry are unwilling to take the grad school pay cut and lack of set schedule for the next few years.


Dear CS kid

please wait until you get blown away out of your expensive degree for being lazy and happy. Computer science is about fucking your shit up. Nobody cares about your fun games.

Sincerely yours, a homeless mathematician

I know this is not the best solution, but try to get a job working with a language with a powerful type system, like haskell, scala or swift
At least that way you can implement mind-numbing stuff using some cool techniques

Yeah, try to make games like
Quake without mathematics.

Oh btw, they stole those codes containing mathematics, if you try to argue that ID software had no mathematicans.

CS is a worse meme than engineering. At least to get an engineering you need to take some math and physics courses, but for cs you take applied calc and "linear algebra". The rest of the courses are just nonsense.
> Here guys I just showed you how to write a little bit of java script now change three lines of it for homework
> C is too hard; you don't need pointers
> Java is the best; oop is so good
Unless you double major with the math and want tI study conpliers, ml or oses there isn't a point in going to college. Just watch khanacadeny and beg for a job.

the isnt a single DE in Quake 3 arena

>study conpliers

I love conpilers :3

>I'm not complaining about the salary, but the work is mind-numbing.

Indeed, but it seems the world needs more of this kind of work than other stuff. The only way out is to develop an algorithm that does the monkey-tier programming for us.

idk at my uni CS does all first year math courses that math majors take, while engineers take engineering variants

You sound like a shitty CS student, mate. Formal algorithms are pretty important even in games.

Sincerely mine,
a CS grad

Dear CS grads,

Please stay out the fuck out of machine learning.
Literally just being a code code monkey + some meme tier mathematics.

a regretful CS grad

>yfw da burrs win da superb owl

ML is a meme.
Also, at my university CS students take the same math classes math majors and engineering majors take (just not as many) and are taught with c++.

Another CS major here. I agree with OP. Mathfags need to fuck off.

Languages with powerful and systematic meta-systems are good in general and industry is really holding itself back by relying on those which lack this.

>"linear algebra"

Yeah, that part o our course was shit, they didn't even teach us about eigenvectors or what a vector space was.

Programming is math. Curry-Howard isomorphism, bitch.

hello computer-friends :^)
I once saw this funny video online. Here it is:


your uni is literally shitty

Op pic confirms cs is a gay degree

It became a Javaschool a decent while back, if I had known I wouldn't have gone.

Agda, Idris, or F* job offers fucking when, it's $YEAR already.