Reminder that if you unironically and immediately ridicule or think less of a person because of how they pronounce an...

reminder that if you unironically and immediately ridicule or think less of a person because of how they pronounce an author's name, you're a phony pseud

i will say prowst instead of proost until the day i die

i know french, i don't care, it's still wrong

mad monoglot american detected

>buttblasted american detected

Did someone snicker at your 'Camoo' references? Or was it Showpenhauer, Ni-Chii, Haygel or Flawbert?

>Showpenhauer, Ni-Chii, Haygel or Flawbert

those are all correct except for nietzsche

I love how pretentious fuckheads will go out of their way to pronounce French authors' names in the French style.

Another one is "Van Gogh".
Normal people say /gof/
Prenentious but uninformed say /go/
Pretentious and informed say it in the Dutch style which I can't even type but is a bit like /khuhk/

Yet nobody gets on their high horse about pronouncing "Chinua Achebe" in perfect Igbo


You mean nonironically?

No. I'm french and the way Americans pronounce Camus is inbearable

Al-ber Kamy?

Where are you from? Never in my life have I heard anyone call him van "Goff". Have always heard it pronounced go (like dough) and I don't feel it is pretentious at all.


In England the conversation goes like this:

Pleb1: What do you think of Van /gof/?
Pleb2: Actually it's pronounced Van /go/
Pleb1: Oh, sorry, I'm not v smrat lol
Pleb2: I just edercated you lol

I don't discuss literature, because I'm afraid I might have to pronounce French names.

So it's my private secret hobby. It's not like someone would ever go into my apartment and see the books.

I just use "hoch" when typing how to pronounce it, because it is rather like the Scottish hoch sound, and less people have a problem with that for some reason.
Hah, me too. I even double down with Alsace belongs to the Fatherland if I'm tipsy. I try to do Goethe wrong, but I never remember to.

did you say this ironically so i'd call you a phony pseud as well?

If your a english major loser spending 200k to discuss books at least look up the pronunciation of the author's name lazy degenerate

you're awfully presumptuous, dear user

no they're not

reminder that OP got his shit smacked by some postdocs for pronouncing Augustine "Aug-us-STEEN" today and is lashing out on Veeky Forums to avenge himself on them, and to ensure himself that he isn't an idiot and that they are idiots.

Goff is British
Go is American

Neither is 'pretensious'

Hacking up phlegm is the correct pronunciation

Reminder that beyond shitposting actually thinking about, caring, getting angry over "plebs" and "pseuds" makes you both

>therefore i'm a pseud for making this post
>therefore anyone not shitposting on this post is thinking about, caring, or getting angry over pseuds are pseuds
>you cared about this pseud-post made by a pseud
wanna feel free to finish off this categorical syllogism, user?

Did this happen to you recently OP? Did you pronounce Borges as Borggz? Are you sad?

I've never been shamed or anything like that I've just noticed how much emphasis gets put on things that have nothing to do with the actual literature and its complete bullshit.
is probably right though its best just to ignore it because it will always persist

As we increasingly become a world where people converse less and type more, is it a given that this will become more common?

Most people pronounce Chinua Achebe's name correctly enough. Nowhere close to how people fuck up Vincent van Gogh's name.

Maybe cause the Dutch G is a pain in the ass?
I get throat ache just thinking about it.

>not convincing normies its pronounced vAn G-og-He for laughs

>Most people pronounce Chinua Achebe's name correctly enough

It's not so much that, as the way (especially in the UK) people will switch to a French accent while saying a French name, or even the name of some French cities. I've seen the same for German and Russian words and I've even observed people do the same for Japanese names - go right into a Japanese accent when saying Tokyo "properly" while describing their last trip there, and switching back to their normal British upper middle class tosser accent without blinking.

Would be someone switch to a thick Igbo accent when saying Chinua Achebe, but it won't happen.

>mfw Yoruba, Japanese and names of most other origins sound completely fine in my language
i don't understand why you people insist on talking like there's something wrong with your mouths
seriously not pronouncing all your vowels as diphthongs and rolling your r's properly can't be that difficult

Owlbear Cowmoo