Wake up

>Wake up
>Free will still nonexistent

Other urls found in this thread:


>wake up
>tell myself that this is my final day of eating junk food and being lazy before I work hard tomorrow

>didn't wake up because i never fell asleep
>feeling slightly more insane each passing day


>Wake up
>use my free will to deny my free will on the imageboard of my choice

>wake up
>wonder why humankind is a thinking species if Divine Will exists

>wake up

Kendrick's arrived

>Wake up
>Browse my favorite Vietnamese cross country skiing image board
>Notice the poster above me is using capital letters on words when he's not supposed to.
>Ignore him and browse for new asmr videos to watch while I read some more novellas

you're fuckin' Weird

>wake up
>deny free will on an imageboard as the result of my combined experiences up until my moment of waking

>I wake up when my body decides to, not when I will it
>some cunt tells me I have free will


>wake up
>read for a few hours in bed while hearing the normies rush off to work outside

people in this thread might laugh it off but with my family history and the general lack of availability of quality professional help and/or medicine where I live, it really is becoming a problem

Free will exists.


Wake up, wasn't at a bonfire in Lordran where I can't return to reality until I kindle the first flame....

>wake up
>do Gurdjieffian exercises to attain freewill since the majority of humanity does not have freewill without putting any effort into attaining a soul, thus making the plight of the majority of mankind like that of Pinocchio (unsouled, not real people) without knowing so until they know so and search for a soul and freewill with the aid of those divine helpers who already have information on how to acquire a soul and freewill through the grace of God and the messengers He has sent to mankind such as the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, etc., to wake us up to the state of our plight, etc.


I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.

We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Of those so close beside me, which are you?
God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
And learn by going where I have to go.

Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

Great Nature has another thing to do
To you and me; so take the lively air,
And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
What falls away is always. And is near.
I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I learn by going where I have to go.

Sometimes I wonder how people can fool themselves into thinking free will doesn't exist, but then I remember plenty of people also think conscious experience doesn't exist, which is even more bizarre.

>wake up
>realize I don't have free will but the skeleton inside me does

>wake up
>free will still restricted to the power of the spirit as anti-ego to liberate itself from the Will and return to the pleroma, in a progress of agonizingly miniscule increments over successive reincarnations



you have a free will to set your alarm senpai :^)

Harrisfags btfo

>wake up
>grab a brush and put a little make up


>setting my alarm will somehow prevent my body from waking up against my will sometime before the alarm goes off

Is there any other "will" but the "free will"? After all, any will implies there are choices taken, and choices imply a type of freedom to choose.

Free choice does not equal free will if you make the choice under the influence of factors you are unable to control as you will.

>wake up
>choose to have cereal instead of toast

what does this mean?

>wake up
>decide ((freely)) to read a Scarruffi review on Sam Harris
>realize my mistakes
>though enlightened, never decide freely again


it was determined you would post this

But then how is it "free" at all?

The choice? I'd say in the sense that there are more of them out there.

Two dogs might make two different choices in the same situation, and so would two men; but men are aware of the fact that multiple choices exist, unlike dogs. That's the only difference in it.

Once you've made the choice you rationalize it, you can say why it was made, that's how you trick yourself into believing only your pure will had a hand in it and often forget that there might have been a reason behind it beyond your conscious choice.

Then free=optional? Does that make freedom=not subject to a singular thing?

It all comes down to how you define free will to begin with.

To me it seems that those who argue for free will seem to separate the will from the rest of the human apparatus, so to say.

If your will were free, that would mean that your will would exist on a different plane than the rest of you, thus enabling it to allow you to have full control over your thought, action, and choice, unhindered by your genes, environment, context, language etc. and that is impossible.

>wake up
>notice my free will has returned
>fuck yeah
>do as I will whole day
>will myself to sleep by 10pm
>wake up
>free will gone once more
>doesn't come back for several weeks
>deterministically slog through the days
>it returns
>cycle continues

WTF is wrong with my body? Should I see a doctor?

>Wake up
>Flip a coin to decide if I should kill an Arab
>It's tails, so I go on Veeky Forums instead


that you dont understand your own actions

>Wake up
>Maman is still dead

>Wake up
>thousands of rats dying in street
>neighbor has high fever
>few others through town also ill
>go to work anyway
>it's probably nothing

Uppercase letters emphasize the subject better than an exclamation point.


>but muh science


>wake up
>and thus this day is ruined

>wake up
>and thus this day has just begun


I agree free will doesn't exist, but it's not nearly as depressing a notion as it sounds. We just gave an appealing name to an impossible concept.

OK guys, stand back, I'm gonna drop some shit.

What if, guys, what if the neurological arrangement of cells and chemicals that makes up your brain, that stuff you guys keep saying determines your thoughts and action deterministically, IS your will? What if YOU are the blind giant AND the cripple? Makes a helluva lot more sense than random quantum states somehow making you free because non-determined.

god damn it

>wake up
>maman est morte

How kafkaesque

If free will is non existent, who would let you realize it?

>tfw we were always going to realise it

Okay, assuming that there is no free will, then we can assume there is a higher power, otherwise what is the purpose of no free will
If that higher power limited choices, why wouldnt they limit thought to the idea that free will is not allowed?

>what is the purpose of no free will

This question doesn't make sense.

>What if, guys, what if the neurological arrangement of cells and chemicals that makes up your brain, that stuff you guys keep saying determines your thoughts and action deterministically, IS your will?

It's pretty much the consensus among those who don't believe in magic.

>wake up
Feels bad.

The problem of free will doesn't seem so black and white to me...almost as if it exists on more of a relative spectrum.

>Vietnamese cross country skiing
Is such a thing even possible?

Can degrees of free will even exist or is this totally nonsensical?

underrated toast

Hey you wanted to make this thread didn't you? And you can choose whether or not to reply to me :3




well spook'd, mein property

>that filename


You need a boost nigga

Free will does not exist if the decisions we make are based on a complex series of synapses, which are always triggered by something else. Our brain just puts together information and computes output. Nigger.

>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put a little make-up

>browsing asmr
>reading novellas

jesus fucking christ i hope you're joking

>let's define will in a way that supports our claim!

If those synapses in our brain make up our consciousness, and our consciousness is our identity, then our identity is making those decisions, so we have free will.

>wake up
>still don't understand the concepts "free" nor "will"
>ask myself about free will anyway

>Wake up
>Have chronic depression and existential nihilistic views
>Not enough to kill myself yet
>Just enough to post dank maymays

No wonder you're still here on Veeky Forums.
The banners don't lie, do they?
How to fix:Stop waking up.